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Fried crucian. Caloric content and use of fish after processing

Any real fisherman has an idea of what a roasted crucian carp. The caloric content of this fish in fresh form is so small that it is possible to apply different types of treatment to it.

Consequences of roasting

For a long time in Russia even wealthy people preferred rare river specimens to many rare marine specimens . Especially popular were carp and carp. They cooked, stewed, smoked, fried and dried. With the years, this choice was substantiated by scientists. They explained, for example, the difference between boiled and roasted crucian carp. Caloric content of fish after temperature treatment in boiling fat varies. It increases exactly as many calories as they are contained in the oil itself. Here you can even use simple arithmetic calculations. For example, the energy value of 100 grams of fresh fish is only 87 kilocalories, and for an oil this figure is 899. According to the recipe, about 50 milliliters of vegetable oil is used for roasting 1 kilogram of carrots. Accordingly, for a hundred grams of product it will take ten times less. After a short calculation, you can see what the fried crucian turns into. Caloric content of the finished product rises to 132 units.

Features of processing

But the simple folding of the quantities is only applicable if only two ingredients are involved during the preparation process: the main product and the fat used for its processing. In practice, this method is used rarely. In general, it is used by men in fishing. A woman in the kitchen tries to turn every dish into a real masterpiece and uses additional products for this. For example, small crucian carps can be very delicious to cook in sour cream. For this you need:

  1. Prepared carcass sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. At this time, fry the onions in a frying pan, and then add it to the pre-whipped eggs.
  3. Salted already fish first dip into cooked dumplings, then roll in breadcrumbs, and after that fry for 5 minutes on each side.
  4. Carcase folded into the brazier, pour the sour cream and simmer under the lid on low heat for 20-25 minutes.

It turns out very appetizing fried crucian, the calorie content of which will be much higher. Due to additional products this dish can already have about 190 kilocalories.

Fish by-products

But not only the fish itself is worthy of attention. Not less tasty and useful are considered also available in her by-products. Take, for example, caviar. At a certain time of the year, it is found in every female. It also contains a huge amount of proteins and fats. But, unlike fish meat, it also has carbohydrates in its composition. This is important for the overall nutritional value of the product. If we consider the river fish, it can be noted that one of the most delicious is the caviar of roasted crucian carp. Caloric content of the product is a little more than 204 kilocalories. This is a fairly significant figure. It is clear that such a dish is not intended for dietary nutrition. But it is worth noting that initially in caviar contains a huge amount of different minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, which when frying do not disappear anywhere. They, like fresh, strengthen bone tissue, improve vision and brain function, normalize heart activity, have a positive effect on the skin and enhance immunity. And the amount of calories can be easily controlled by the volume of the consumed product.

Crispy carassi

You can fry fish in different ways. Everything depends on the availability of food and taste preferences. If we talk about river fish, then because of the large number of small bones, it is better to cook it in the simplest breadcrumbs. Flours in this case will be quite enough. This method is known since ancient times. Roasted carrots in Russia have always been very fond of. All you need to do consistently:

  1. Each fish thoroughly rinse, gut and do not forget to remove the black film inside. Small carcasses can be cooked entirely, and large ones are better cut into pieces or applied several symmetrical cuts on the ribs along the bones outside.
  2. Add salt to fish, roll well in flour and put it in a pan. Oils should preferably be poured more, so that the carcass is well fried, and the fire is better to make the medium.
  3. Ready-made carp should first lie on a napkin, so that excess fat will go away. After that, they can be laid out on a dish and served on a table.

Caloric content of roasted crucian in flour is in the range from 125 to 136 units. In this case, the product of grain processing affects the final result only slightly.

The use of river gifts

There are many useful properties that are much more important than the calorie content of fried fish. Carp is a family of carp and is found mainly in river water and low-lying swampy lakes. A huge number of fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements make this product ideal for human life. It normalizes the work of almost all organs and is the main secret of longevity. It's no surprise that people who often use seafood in their diet are less sick and live longer. Children - even at the youngest age - pediatricians are advised to eat fish at least once a week. However, there is also a negative side. After frying, the product gets more carcinogens from the oil along with additional calories. In addition, some vitamins do not withstand high temperatures and, decomposing, lose their properties. In this case, everyone should decide for himself whether to eat a delicious fried fish or choose another method of treatment.

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