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Olive oil and its benefits

Some argue that olive oil is useful, others say that you should not succumb to the Western fashion. Who is right and on whose side to stand? Let's understand.

Olive oil and its basic properties

In most European countries, such as Greece or Italy, the benefits of this type of oil are absolutely indisputable. As for Russia, there are still people who are skeptical about this product. Olive oil, the price of which usually exceeds the price of sunflower, has a number of amazing properties. It is not just preventive, it is curative. In what way do these properties manifest themselves? Olive oil lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, eliminates ear pain, helps fight the unpleasant problem of constipation, with a permanent disorder of the stomach, moisturizes the skin and removes stretch marks on it.

Olive oil and everything about it

The olive tree first grew in Asia. In Mediterranean countries, this culture has been cultivated for three thousand years. It was there that the first technically equipped olive oil production was opened, which exists and is being developed to this day. What is the direct processing of olives? First, the bones are removed. The cellulose base (thick) is also removed. The resulting pulp is pressed by special apparatuses and mechanisms to squeeze out the juice from it . Juices enter a special centrifuge in which water separates from the oil component.

Do you know how many calories there are only one spoon of this kind of butter? 120! Olive oil contains and fats. In one spoon - about fourteen grams. However, do not be afraid of such an impressive figure. All fats of this oil are monounsaturated. In other words, these fats have a beneficial effect on our body. Another undeniable advantage is easy and quick digestibility.

A few words about the benefits of olive oil

If you look at the statistics, it becomes clear that in Greece, where this type of oil is widely used, people practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. In addition, special mucus oils envelop and protect the stomach. What about the ancient civilizations? Even they realized the benefits of olives and oil made from them, actively using it to heal wounds of different depths.

To date, dermatologists find olive oil a real value, because it also fights against skin diseases. If you do not have those, then you can turn the oil into a moisturizer that is able to replace any cream. In other words, the advantages of olive oil simply can not be counted. Yes, they seem very banal. But what is the effect! In addition, the oil stimulates metabolism. One teaspoon in the morning will save you from the delicate problem of constipation. It should be taken with lemon juice on an empty stomach. And one more practical advice: for pain in the ear, moisten the cotton disc in oil and add a couple of drops of ethereal lavender oil. The disk is placed in the ear until the pain completely subsides.

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