
How to make a patronymic in "VC": fill in personal data

So, today we will see with you how to make a patronymic in the "VC". In fact, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to know where to press and in what order. In addition, let's see with you what kind of graph this is and for which it answers.


Before you put the patronymic in the "VC" in your application, we need to clearly understand what it is and why it was invented. Plus, it would not be superfluous to know about how this inscription will be displayed in our profile. Maybe our efforts do not make any sense?

The thing is that not so long ago the questionnaire of the social network Vkontakte included one very interesting line. It was called "nickname". It was she who helped us to answer how to make a patronymic in the "VC". Why? Yes, because this inscription was inserted on the page between the name and surname of the user. Only now there is no given line. Let's see what can be done to improve the situation.

We are preparing

We will begin with the fact that before we get into the "VC" patronymic, we need to prepare a little. The first thing you need is to set yourself up to work with the html code. If you do not have programming skills, then do not despair. At you all the same all will turn out. The second step is to prepare the computer and the browser. Best of all, if you close all unnecessary applications, and also close all the tabs in the program for accessing the World Wide Web.

These steps will help you avoid failures and failures, and also provide you with fast and high-quality work. Remember, the faster the operating system is running, the less time you will have to figure out how to add a patronymic in the "VC". When you decide that everything is ready, you can proceed to more decisive action. The main thing is do not be frightened when you see what you will have in the process of working on the question posed. So, let's begin.

Return loss

Well, getting down to business, it is worth noting that if you are thinking how to write a patronymic in the "VC", then you can be happy - this function is carried out legally. For it you will not need to use third-party programs. So it will happen within the social network.

To get started, log in and go to your profile. Without this action, you will not succeed. Now that you are on your page, just go to edit the questionnaire. To do this, click on "red." Near the inscription "My page". You will go to a special editor. If you think how to make a patronymic in the "VC", then go to the "general" section. In it we will work with you.

In order to understand how to put a patronymic in the "VC", go to the line with your name. Right-click there, and then select "View Item Code" from the menu that appears. Now we will work with you with what we have opened. Namely - with the so-called code. Locate the row Right-click on the line, and then select "edit as HTML".

Before you open a whole block with a lot of information. We do not need to delve into everything that is written there. So we select all the information (this will help ctrl + A), and then right-click and select "copy as HTML". Honestly, you can just press ctrl + V. Go to the new line using the "Enter" button. Insert the copied block in our "working window", and then proceed to more decisive actions. They will help to understand how to put a patronymic in the "VC".


So we practically reached you to the very end of our today's topic. Look closely at the code you inserted. Find there "surname" and change it to "patronymic". And the inscription "pedit_last_name" on "pedit_middle_name". Now click on the cross in the upper right corner of the "working field" (debugger), then click on "save" in your profile.

Our editor will automatically update, and a separate line will appear between the name and surname. Since we did not change its meaning, now it's time to do it. Write the desired nickname, and then save the changes. You can go to the main page and see what you have. That's all. Now you know how to make a patronymic in the "VC".

It should be noted that users who do not know how to return the desired line in the profile, often become victims of scammers. Many people offer services for the recovery of nickname and ask for your login and password from the questionnaire. After receiving the data, the person evaporates, and your page is hacked. So try to avoid such proposals.

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