BeautySkin care

Oily scalp: causes, care and treatment

If your hair shines, despite the fact that you regularly wash it, then the problem is in the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands that are located at their base. They produce skin fat in excessive amounts. This can happen for several reasons:

  • Bowel diseases;
  • A change in the hormonal background;
  • Malfunctions of the nervous system.

Oily scalp without diseases of the body indicates bad habits, for example, excessive head massage, frequent hair washing - they can help increase sebum. The constant high humidity and air temperature can become predisposing factors to the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. If you have oily scalp, eat healthy food, give time to physical exertion, take more out of the open air, perhaps the problem will disappear by itself.


Oily scalp needs proper care. Hair should be washed as it is contaminated with a special shampoo. If the skin itself is dry with oily skin, then the shampoo should be applied only to the roots of the hair. This will prevent the withered hair.

After washing, rinse your head with a decoction of oak bark (1 tablespoon of oak per 1 liter of water). It prevents hair salting. Instead, you can use lemon juice, mustard powder, nettle infusion.

Oily scalp: treatment

To begin with, you need to visit a trichologist, who will conduct the necessary examination. After all, very oily scalp can signal about seborrheic dermatitis. This disease is characterized by increased secretion of secretion of sebaceous glands. The composition of fat changes due to oversaturation with free fatty acids. Such an environment leads to the multiplication of bacteria and blockage of the sebaceous ducts. If the expert has not found anything serious, treatment can be carried out at home with the help of masks.

Their periodic use will only benefit the hair. Oily scalp is perfectly cleaned with a mask of egg yolk. To make it, you need to make a mixture of one egg yolk, half a tablespoon of medical alcohol. In the resulting mass, add a little water, apply on clean hair, cover with a plastic bag and stand for ten minutes. Then rinse with water, you can with the addition of shampoo.

Another egg mask is a mass of yolk, water and one spoon of cognac. The mixture is rubbed into the skin, washed off after thirty minutes.

For oily scalp, it is recommended to use a clay mask that absorbs excess fat. To do this, prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of clay, one tablespoon of dry cream, two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mass. This mixture covers the scalp, left for half an hour, then washed off with water.

Care for oily scalp should be comprehensive. Use suitable means for washing, rinse with herbs, make masks, walk in the air, exercise and eat right. All these recommendations will solve the problem.

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