Beauty, Skin care
Atraumatic ultrasonic face cleaning
The face is the first stopping point, on which most people detain the attention. Acne, oily shine, black dots and other defects, do not adorn it at all. To cope with the problem, you have to go to the beauty salons, where the face is cleaned. The basic classification of cleansing divides them into mechanical and hardware.
One of the hardware types is ultrasonic face cleaning. Its main advantage is painlessness, which can not be prevented in the case of mechanical (manual extrusion), vacuum and other cleaning options.
Ultrasonic face cleaning involves the impact of special sound waves on the cells of the upper layer of the skin. This allows you to gently remove dead cells, get rid of gums, acne, narrow pores and reduce greasy luster. The special importance of each of the described deficiencies of the skin in creating an ugly and unhealthy face is evident. It is possible and necessary to fight them.
For the procedure, use a special device for ultrasonic face cleaning, called an ultrasonic scrubber. The process proceeds as follows:
1) the skin is freed from cosmetics and dirt, using the means appropriate to its specific type,
2) the cleansed skin is covered with a special gel, which in the future will provide a more complete effect from the effects of ultrasound,
3) the device for ultrasonic cleaning of the face is used (the cosmetologist leads it with a specially selected tip over the skin area)
4) as the ultrasound removes various slags from the pores, due to the vibration that arises in them, the specialist immediately removes them,
5) the means are applied, soothing the skin and leading to a narrowing of the pores.
As a rule, the irritation after the procedure is very fast. Together with this, the fat content of the skin drops sharply, it becomes much cleaner and smoother.
Ultrasonic face cleaning is suitable for any type of skin. However, in the case of dry skin, more intensive moisturizing will be required after the procedure, which is caused by a sharp decrease in sebaceous secretions. Do not consider ultrasonic cleaning a panacea. This is especially noticeable in complex cases, when a large number of black dots, a strong acne and other problems appear on the face. In this case, ultrasound alone can not do - will also have to use mechanical cleaning.
Like any method of skin treatment, ultrasonic cleaning has a number of contraindications. Among them, diabetes mellitus, problems with cardiovascular and circulatory systems, eczema, herpes, infectious diseases are especially prominent. Also this method is not like some after carrying out plastic and maxillofacial operations. It is worth noting that ultrasonic face cleaning during pregnancy is also not recommended to avoid getting any harmful substances into the baby's body. Herpes is a contraindication, you need to know about the presence of cortex. It's easy to do by passing tests for the detection of a virus in the blood in the nearest hospital.
Nevertheless, the advantages of the procedure are considerable. First of all, it is painless and atraumatic for the skin, as it is not subjected to stretching, pressure and other manipulations. In addition, in such a method, pre-steaming cleansing and other procedures for opening the pores will not be required. Atraumatism promotes rapid recovery, which is very important in the presence of a large number of business meetings or negotiations, appointed for the near future.
Despite the fact that ultrasonic face cleaning during pregnancy is contraindicated, there are many reasons why women prefer this procedure. It is very important to find not only a good salon, but also a competent specialist who will illuminate all the necessary questions and remind you of the contraindications, and also help, if necessary, to choose the type of cleaning that will suit you more.
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