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Mushroom flour, or white mold: features of the structure, reproduction and nutrition

From the lessons of biology, everyone knows about the kingdom of mushrooms. On earth, there is an incredibly large number of representatives of this huge family, which includes more than one hundred thousand species. Mushrooms are very different from each other: in appearance, habitat, there are mushrooms poisonous and edible, dangerous and useful. But they are united by the fact that all mushrooms have a mycelium and mycelium. And, as you know, mold is also a fungus. In this article we will talk about a fungus such as mukor. We know it better known as white mold. And each of us probably met her more than once, perhaps even in his own kitchen. Mushroom flour is found in the upper layers of the soil, as well as on organic products. He also likes dark, wet and warm places. If you leave a small piece of bread in the kitchen, then after a while a fluffy white coating forms on it, which eventually becomes gray - this is the same mushroom mushroom. If you look closely, you can see its structure. But it's good to consider parts of the mushroom fungus only under a microscope.

Mushroom flour: building

It belongs to the genus of the lower mold fungi, the Zygomycete class. It is an aerobic fungus, that is, it needs oxygen for life and reproduction. Its mycelium is not divided into cells, but has many nuclei. This class includes more than sixty species. All species of fungi of this species, as mentioned above, live in the upper layers of the soil, food, horse manure, organic remains. Moldy mushroom mushroom is a parasite. His body resembles thin, colorless hairs or spiders - this is mycelium. Despite the fact that the body of the mycelium is greatly expanded, in fact, it is one cell that contains many nuclei. On thin processes of mycelium (hyphae) black heads (sporangia) are formed. They are in dispute.

Reproduction and nutrition

The mushroom flour multiplies in two ways: asexual and sexual. The first method is more complex, since the process of ripening of the mycelium in sporangia is longer. The shell of sporangia is called callosa. It is very resistant to external aggressive environment. But under the influence of atmospheric moisture is destroyed, releasing billions of spores. The latter are so small that they can penetrate anywhere. They are always present in the air. Therefore, under favorable conditions, mold appears everywhere. During sexual reproduction, the filaments of the mycelium unite, forming a zygote. So there is a new mushroom. Mukor is a fungus-saprophyte, that is, it feeds on ready organic substances. It is also called a scavenger mushroom, since after it no organic waste remains. Sometimes such fungi appear on a still living, but already diseased organism, after the death of which the remains will be completely recycled.

Danger of mushroom mushroom

This fungus can be dangerous for both humans and animals. In humans, some species of this mold can trigger the occurrence of such a disease as mukoromycosis. Small fungus spores pose a danger to people prone to allergies. Not firsthand, beekeepers are familiar with mukor. Because the hives are an ideal environment for the life and intensive reproduction of this parasite. If you do not process the hives in time, you can lose a large number of bees, as the mushroom mucor causes a variety of diseases. Still, because of the infection of this parasite of grain, vegetables and fruits, mankind annually loses a large amount of food.

Application in medicine and food industry

Certain species of this fungus, on the contrary, are very useful for humans. So, some antibiotics (ramicin) are prepared from it. Still this fungus is used in the food industry as a starter (Chinese yeast). With the help of it make "tempe", "soy cheese", produce potato alcohol.

How to prevent contamination of mold products

Of course, it is necessary to ensure that food is not contaminated with mold fungi. In addition to the fact that it is dangerous, it is also economically costly. To do this, do not leave food remnants near good foods. Observe the humidity level in the room. Leaving for a long time, do not leave food. And if the product, at first glance still fit for consumption, appeared mold, it can no longer be eaten.

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