Homeliness, Gardening
Horse manure as the most harmless fertilizer
Horse manure has long been used in agriculture. Firstly, since this is an excellent fertilizer used to be always at hand. Secondly, the use of manure today is the most environmentally friendly and effective way to increase yields.
Horse manure as a fertilizer
Ground - an excellent biofuel for greenhouses and greenhouses, and in this case it can be used fresh. From the bed, it is necessary to remove the top soil, in place of a loose layer pour 30 cm of thawed Coprolite, spill very abundantly heated water with potassium permanganate and cover horse manure with ash (or lime-pushenka), and on top - fertile soil. The soil is made from excavated soil mixed with ash. Again poured warm pink manganese. The resulting "feather bed" is tightly wrapped with a film. Two days later, you can plant prepared seeds. In the same way, you can organize a garden out in the open air. For some crops, manure is used.
Horse manure: degrees of sweetness
In total there are four degrees of decomposition of the named. Horse manure, the application of which significantly improves the fertility of the soil, can be:
- Fresh. It can be visually determined by the remains of straw and sawdust: in fresh manure they retain their structure and color.
- Semi-pre-emptive. It dries up: in comparison with fresh, the same volume will weigh a third less. Organic residues in it are dark brown, easily losing their structure.
- Overthrown. This manure is a homogeneous black mass, in which there are no visible residues of straw and sawdust. It is half the lighter than fresh "waste", and therefore costs a little more.
- With humus. This is finally overbred dung. It is earthy in color, loose, homogeneous, but weighs only a quarter of the same volume of fresh mass.
How to use manure
For each type of soil, for each crop grown it is necessary to select its own fraction of equine "apples". However, there are general recommendations that need to be considered. They are developed on the basis of long experience by knowledgeable truck farmers and gardeners. So, fresh manure should not be introduced into the soil in the spring: there are many weeds in the stomach that are not processed in the stomach (or there may be pest eggs). In the overgrazed manure, nitrogen is very little, and this can reduce the effectiveness of fertilizer. Left in piles, not covered with film, the ground very quickly loses its properties, so it is best to fertilize and plant the plants in one day. Large areas are divided into areas that can be processed at one time. On light soils, manure should be used once every three to four years, on heavy soils it can be sprinkled once in seven years.
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