News and Society, Nature
Brazilian wandering spider - representative of the Guinness Book of Records
In 2007, in the Guinness Book of Records, there was another poisonous record holder - the Brazilian wandering spider. As already clear from its name, the habitat of this aggressive and rather dangerous for human arachnid are tropical forests of South America. But often this agile arthropod can be found in human housing, where his favorite places are boxes, shoes, hats, etc.
Brazilian wandering spider: appearance
These spiders are quite large - about 10 cm long. They have a spindle-shaped body and eight eyes, two of which are large. The voluminous abdomen and long, thick, spiked legs, covered with dense hairs, distinguish this arachnid from the brethren. Its color may vary from dark brown to brown.
Becoming in a protective pose, the Brazilian wandering spider, whose photo you can consider in this article, rests on your hind legs and, raising two pairs of forelegs, menacingly rocking from side to side. One of the main features of this spider is large, red-bristled chelicera.
Brazilian wandering spider: lifestyle
Wandering spiders are so called because they do not build nests and do not weave cobwebs, but roam in search of food: insects, other spiders or even frogs, small birds and mammals. A special place in the spider's diet is occupied by bananas, for which in the homeland of an arthropod gourmand is also called a "banana" spider.
Moved these arachnids quickly enough, developing a particularly high speed in the pursuit of prey. And some species are also able to jump far away. In its victim, a wandering spider is stabbed by chelicera, through which a poison is carried. He paralyzes small animals in a few seconds.
Wandering spiders are night creatures who prefer to sit out under the rocks in the daytime, in dense grass or people's houses.
Brazilian wandering spider: a danger to humans
The cause of particular concern when a person collides with a Brazilian wandering spider is that this venomous arthropod does not rush to escape, but, on the contrary, takes a defensive position and, once bitten, seeks to do it again and again.
The poison of these spiders causes a strong allergic reaction in people. And if the victim is a child, an elderly or weakened person, then the bite of a "Brazilian" can be extremely dangerous, up to a lethal outcome. However, in medicine there are means that can help with the bite of a poisonous arthropod, but it is necessary to seek help at the latest 20 minutes after the incident.
The first symptoms of poisoning with spider venom are quite severe pain from the bite itself, and then a strong increase in pressure, nausea, dizziness and difficulty breathing.
But we must remember that this spider does not attack the first person. The bite in this case can only be for self-defense purposes. True, because of the strong love of this species to live in boxes and dark rooms, South Americans have to be especially careful and attentive.
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