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Bird with a red head: the name. Description of forest birds

и степях России и мира птицы имеют покровительственную окраску. In most cases, birds that live in the forests and steppes of Russia and the world have a patronizing coloring. либо травы. Brown or greenish plumage allows these representatives of the world fauna to become invisible among the branches of trees or grass. природе можно видеть и яркоокрашенных пернатых . But sometimes in nature you can see brightly colored birds . птицы с красной головой. Very spectacular look, for example, birds with a red head. ернатым защитой. Such bright spots also usually serve as an ordinary shield. Appearing suddenly before the eyes of a predator, they confuse him. As a result, a potential victim can gain time and hide.

List of birds with red feathers on their heads

ей подобных ярких украшений встречается, к сожалению, не так уж и много. In our country, there are, unfortunately, not many such bright decorations. : In general, red spots on the head can be seen only in such birds as :

  • Green woodpecker;

  • Black woodpecker;

  • Tap-box ordinary.

птица с полностью красной головой . Also in Russia there is a bird with a completely red head . она к группе водоплавающих. It refers to a group of waterfowl. эта уточка красноголовым нырком. This ducker is called the red dive duck .

Most often brightly colored birds are found in nature in the tropics. For example, the red-capped pipra, which lives in the countries of South America, looks very impressive. Some representatives of such bright ornaments in the tropics are widespread. Others have only a limited number of individuals. The last group of birds is, for example, discovered recently zoologists manakin Bockermann, who lives exclusively in the Ararip Highlands in Brazil. This bird has a snow-white body color and flaunts scarlet helmet.

Green woodpecker: description and distribution area

In Russia, this representative of birds lives only in the European part. In the east, the range of its distribution is limited by the Volga valley, in the north by the Gulf of Finland. зеленых дятлов отмечены в Германии, Франции и Испании. The largest populations of green woodpeckers are found in Germany, France and Spain. Most often this bird is found in broad-leaved forests, parks and gardens.

The main distinguishing features of these birds are the olive-green plumage of the trunk and wings, as well as a narrow bright red cap on the head. темная полоска, напоминающая усы. Under the beak of the woodpeckers of this species there is a dark strip resembling a mustache. The front part of the head of these birds is black and against the background of green cheeks and a red cap looks like a spectacular mask.

Scream these birds all year round. зеленого дятла резкий и достаточно пронзительный. The voice, both in females and in males of a green woodpecker, is sharp and quite piercing. Many people who have heard the singing of these birds compare it with laughter or screaming. этот дятел долбит редко. Trees this woodpecker seldom. Trilay same as ordinary representatives of the species, when searching for food in wood, he almost never displays.

Description of a black woodpecker

распространена на всей территории России. This bird with a red head is common throughout Russia. There is a black woodpecker in many other countries of Europe and Asia. From the rest of the family, it is distinguished by the carbon coloration of the feathers of the body and wings, as well as the bright red cap on the head. The size of this feathered inhabitant of the forests is quite large.

In comparison with other woodpeckers, this is one of the largest varieties. большая птица с красной головой около 500 г. Размах же крыльев черного дятла составляет 70-80 см. It weighs this big bird with a red head about 500 g. The breadth of the wings of a black woodpecker is 70-80 cm.

The beak of this representative of the birds is very strong. If desired, the bird can easily break even hard wood of pine, fir or cedar. Therefore, a black woodpecker inhabits, unlike the green one, not only in broad-leaved forests, but also in coniferous forests.

One of the features of this interesting and beautiful bird is that it is practically not afraid of man. шедшим в лес людям некоторые особи часто, наоборот, проявляют огромное любопытство. To people coming to the forest, some individuals, on the contrary, show great curiosity. Such woodpeckers can watch for hours mushroom pickers and hunters, following them and flying from branch to branch.

Despite the presence of a bright hat, it is quite difficult to see a black woodpecker among foliage. To detect this bird can basically only by the loud trills it produces when harvesting worms from wood.

Common tapestry

также отличается наличием красного пятна на голове. This forest motley bird is also distinguished by the presence of a red patch on the head. True dimensions of the latter is not too big. Inhabitant tapestry in the tundra and forest belt of Russia, America and Europe. Occurs this representative of birds sometimes in Asia.

This little bird weighs only about 15 grams. It feeds on plant seeds - mainly alder, pine and birch. The top of the tapeworm body is grayish-brown with pestrinami coloring. The bottom of these birds is white. Like the back, it is covered with large pestriny. In females, red color is only the cap itself. The males also flaunt the crimson breast. On the tail of tapping ordinary there are several black feathers.

The voice of this little bird with a red head, resembling a sparrow in size, is very sonorous. And its "pi-piu" and "even-chet" can be heard almost continuously. These birds are not only noisy, but also very bright. In this regard, they easily compete with their usual neighbors - tits and chizhi - leaping from branch to branch, and sometimes hanging upside down in order to reach forage.

The red-headed duck - what kind of bird?

основном в умеренных широтах Центральной части России и Сибири. This representative of the feathered family lives mainly in temperate latitudes of the Central part of Russia and Siberia. эта водоплавающая птица с красной головой несколько уступает крякве. In size, this waterfowl with a red head is somewhat inferior to mallard. An adult weighs about 700-1000 grams. красноголовый нырок к группе водоплавающих перелетных. The red-headed dive refers to the group of waterfowl migratory. The wings and body of this duck are light gray, the tail and breast are black, the head is red-brown.

It feeds on this representative of the birds mainly in plant foods. красноголовая утка строит как в умеренно увлажненных, так и в сухих местах. Nests of red duck builds both in moderately moistened and dry places. птицей. In Russia, this dive is considered a valuable commercial bird.

Red-capped pipra

These spectacular little birds in South America can be found mainly in the tropical forests of Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Colombia. It feeds on red-capped pimenta, mostly fruit. Sometimes this bird eats and seeds of plants. An interesting feature of piprose is that any food is digested in her stomach in just 15-20 minutes.

The color of this representative of tropical birds is black. Against the background of the body, tail and wings, their red head therefore looks very bright and spectacular. In the way of life these birds quite strongly resemble domestic tits. They live in small families and adore fluttering between branches of trees and shrubs.

й лесной птицы с красной головой довольно-таки звонкий. The voice of this forest bird with a red head is rather sonorous. Singing often. The male of this bird, for example, periodically makes short sounds resembling "psitt", thus marking the tree chosen as its own territory. Female pipra is also quite "noisy".

Bird waxing

This representative of birds, common throughout Russia, has a very attractive appearance. The red color on the head of the waxworm is localized mainly in the cheek area, spreading slightly to the forehead, and sometimes even to the tuft. The body of this bird has a gray-pink hue. Around the eyes of the waxwoman, black glasses are clearly visible. Dark feathers also grow under it under the beak, on the wings and on the tail.

The size of this bird, which is well known to many, is small - about 20 cm. Some of the length is in the tail. They do not often sing waxen. And they do it, according to the nature lovers, not too good. These small birds live mostly in mixed, birch or coniferous forests. In winter, these birds sometimes fly to cities. Eats berries and fruits.

Rare Bokermann Manakin

эффектной необычной птичке с красными перьями на голове орнитологи узнали только в 1996 году. Ornithologists learned about this spectacular unusual bird with red feathers on the head only in 1996. It was discovered quite accidentally on the Ararip Highlands in the Brazilian state of Ceará. The habitat of Manakin Bokermann is only about 1 km 2 . This bird looks very impressive. Her plumage is snow-white. Only on the tail and along the edge of the wings are black feathers. On the head of this rare manakin, not a hat, as in many other representatives of the feathered family, is noticeable, but a bright red crest of unusual shape, reminiscent of a military helmet. The Bokerman Manakin inhabits mostly near the ocean, in the coastal forests.

Red-headed parrots

описанных выше, из вестны в основном только орнитологам и большим любителям семейства пернатых. Exact names of birds with a red head, described above, are known mainly only to ornithologists and large fans of the feathered family. About the parrots, surely heard all the people. These birds, except for peacocks, differ in nature by the brightest coloration. Of course, there are birds and spectacular red-headed varieties in this group. ожереловые попугаи. This addition to the color is, for example, necklace parrots. In another way, they are also called plum-headed.

й попугай отличается не слишком большими размерами. The parasite is not too big. The total length of such a bird is 33-35 cm along with the tail. Only the males of this species have a red head. The body of this parrot is yellow, and its wings are green. In the tail there are several black spots. Male can also be distinguished by a dark thin necklace on the neck. In nature, these birds are common in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. In Europe and Russia, they are often kept at home - in cages.


меется красное пятно на голове и у одного из самых популярных у отечественных любителей птиц попугая - кореллы. And there is a red spot on the head and one of the most popular among the parrot lovers is the Corellian. These feathery scarlet feathers grow near the cheeks. The size of the Corellian parrot is small - about 30 cm with the tail. Body color of this bird is usually snow-white. Only next to the red cheeks around the beak grow yellowish feathers. Has this color and a long crest of a cockle. Males of this variety are sometimes light gray or olive. There are other colors of the corella in nature. But the cheeks of this parrot are almost always red.

In the wild, collines live mainly in coastal tropical moist forests. Also, they can often be seen in eucalyptus groves or even simply in savannahs.

Birds of the Amadin

These birds also look very impressive. Some fans consider them to be representatives of the parrot family. However, the view is erroneous. Amadins belong to the genus of finch weaver. Red spots in these nimble little birds are located on the head, not on the vertex, but in the cheek area. Weigh Amadins of the order of 80-110 grams. Their back is mottled gray-white-black. The bottom of the body is painted white. In addition to the cheeks, the red color of the amadin has paws, beak and sides under the wings. The females and males do not seem to differ in appearance.

In the wild, amadins are common in Africa, Asia and Australia. They dwell mainly in dense thickets on the outskirts of forests. The Amadins live in large packs. In Europe and Russia, they are kept in cages.

The American Cardinal

The head of this bird has almost the same structure as the Manakin Bockermann. Its dense low crest also differs in a helmet-like shape and differs in bright red color. лядит он при этом более острым и высоким, что придает голове птицы немного комичную форму. However, it looks more acute and high, which gives the bird's head a slightly comical form. The body color of these birds can be different. In the wild, you can see gray, yellowish, olive cardinals. But often in the forests there are representatives of the family with a completely red color.

These birds live in many parts of the world. красный кардинал. But the most common variety is the American Red Cardinal. The habitat of this bird is in the eastern part of the USA. In this country the red cardinal is very fond of and considered a symbol of the New Year. Often, US residents keep these birds in their cages. а птица с красным хохолком на голове пред почитает жить в густых лесах различного типа. In nature, while a bird with a red tuft on its head prefers to live in dense forests of various types. It is also often found in gardens and parks.

The singing of the cardinal reminds a little of the nightingale's trills. And females have a voice almost as good as males. Eat red cardinals mainly fruits and plant seeds. Sometimes they eat grasshoppers or cicadas.

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