HealthAlternative Medicine

Mountain mummy in tablets: application, indications and harm

Nature itself gives to mankind for many centuries surprising means that help in the treatment of various diseases. In this article we will talk about a unique miracle substance that has been used since ancient times by different civilizations and folk healers. The natural medicine is called mummy (in tablets). The use of the drug, according to experts, will help prolong life and improve health. In the people it is also called the mountain balsam and the blood of the mountains.

The deposit of the substance was found in the Caucasus and Altai, in calcareous caves, on elevations and rocky terrains. The first to mention the healing properties of the mummy was the great Greek naturalist and philosopher Aristotle. Now do you understand the value of mountain balsam? In the 21st century, the substance continues to be studied, constantly discovering new useful components.

What is a mummy (in tablets)?

The use of resin has found wide popularity in folk medicine. Scientists involved in its study, prove that it is an organic product and has medicinal qualities. It's not just a resin, it's a rock with a characteristic balsamic flavor and a bitter taste. It is a kind of biostimulator for a person, helping to recover after a long illness. What is most surprising, the medicine can be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

Healing properties

It has been repeatedly proven and scientifically confirmed that the mumiye (in tablets) possesses antitumor activity. Its application in a number of cases with malignant formations gives the effect of conservation or partial freezing. The hemo- and immunostimulating action of the drug is also known. The ancient doctors of Naples have always considered him the elixir of life. The same opinion was shared and still shared by traditional medicine.

Use and as a tonic mummy in tablets. The instruction states that the drug can replace multivitamin complexes. Prescribe it to the elderly, because it relieves weakness, gives strength and stops the aging process. Doctors of alternative medicine argue that the drug promotes the rejuvenation of the epidermis, activates the brain activity and normalizes blood circulation.

It is used to treat ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis, fractures, purulent otitis. It is recommended mummies with hemorrhoids, periodontitis, colitis, thrombophlebitis, radiculitis, neuralgia, mastopathy. Helps to cleanse the body of chemical toxins and radicals, and also helps to lose weight, we'll talk about this a little later.


However, it should be remembered that excessive or prolonged use may cause damage to our body mummy (in tablets). The use of the drug is better restricted to people prone to allergic reactions. Contraindications include pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. Abstain from its use should be in the treatment of children under the age of 12 years. In the presence of high blood pressure, tumors and bleeding should be used with extreme caution. The biochemical composition of it has not been fully studied yet, so no one can foresee the reaction of the body.

For slenderness

Improve the quality of the skin in cellulite, smooth stretch marks and reduce weight will help Mummy Altaic (in tablets). The use of this tool will also have a great impact on well-being. Mountain mummy is not a fat-burning drug, but it helps restore metabolic processes, reduces the feeling of hunger, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and has a laxative effect. All this leads to burning of fatty layer. Along with weight loss comes a sense of ease. During reception it is necessary to refuse alcoholic drinks.

In order for the product to yield positive results, it is necessary to follow the instructions clearly. The way of application of the mummy in tablets for weight reduction is the following: twice a day (on an empty stomach and one hour before sleep), not more than 1 gram. At weight less than 70 kg - 0.2 g, up to 90 kg - 0.4 g. If the body weight exceeds 91 kg, then it should be taken up to 1 g. The tablet must be previously dissolved in water. Course - 20 days. Then a 4-day break is done. Do not spend more than four courses, otherwise there will be no effect, and for health it is harmful.

Mummy in tablets from stretch marks: method of application

Many women, especially during pregnancy or after childbirth, find unpleasant stretch marks on their bodies. Of course, no one and nothing will remove them, but to smooth and make the strips less visible will help the mummy. Essential oils and other components that make up it have toning, smoothing and tightening effects. There are a lot of recipes, and all of them have the same action: reduce the relief and size of the stretch marks, increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, and also make the color of the striae less saturated.

The first way

Dissolve 1.5 grams of the substance (grind the tablet) in cosmetic oil or body milk and massage lightly into problem areas with gentle massage movements. The procedure should be carried out daily for 30 days.

The second way

We make a miracle ointment from 1 g of the drug, a spoonful of boiled water and a baby cream. We transfer the resulting emulsion into a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator. Every day, rub the ointment into the stretch marks.

The third way

Dissolve several tablets in a water bath or in a microwave. We take sterile gauze, we apply medicine on it. Affected areas of the body lubricate with olive oil and apply a gauze compress. We leave for the whole night.

The fourth recipe

Grind two tablets into powder, pour in it a little pink oil (can be replaced by olive). Mixture rub into problem areas. Mumiye in tablets from stretch marks helps with skin diseases, including eczema.

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