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Is music treatment a myth or a reality? Treatment of classical music of various diseases. Soothing music. Therapeutic properties of music

Many people like music, but not everyone knows about its medicinal properties. Even in ancient times, it was used to get rid of various ailments, as it causes in the body a special vibration that creates a biofield that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Each work radiates its own power, so it's important to choose the right melody.

Is music treatment a myth or a reality?

Scientists have long argued on how to help and how sounds affect the human brain. Most often Mozart's works are used in the sessions , even there is such a special therapy, which has not yet been fully explored.

For a long time scientists are engaged in the development of this project. Initially, the test subjects were rats. The animals went into the labyrinth, and the doctors watched how long it would take them to find a way out. After that, they were divided into several groups, settled in separate cells and included music. For some, the classic was played, but for others - a variety of loud sounds. After a few weeks, the rodents were again sent to the racetracks. The rats that included Mozart were much quicker to find a way out than the first time, while others sought the treasured white light for a third longer. From this we can conclude that pleasant sounds affect the parts of the brain that are responsible for the intellect.

Further experiments have shown that a variety of compositions also affect people, and even more. At the time of listening, the auditory center is initially excited, then the impulses pass to the area of the brain that is responsible for the emotions. After this, in the case when the product has come to taste, the nervous system is excited, and if not, it is blocked.

Scientists have been investigated different genres. It was revealed that the subconscious is much better perceived classical and calming music than rumbling. It was stated that it is useful to listen to both positive and light melodies to pregnant women and to young children.

There is an assertion: if two children with the same intellect are given the same task for solving, and at that moment the first will sit in silence, and the second will listen to a calm composition, then the "music fan" will cope much faster.

Therefore, in our days, the treatment of classical music of various diseases is increasingly used by medics. Fully healthy people should listen to pleasant sounds if they want to stay the same.


Music therapy is passive and active. At the first the patient is engaged in listening to tracks, and at the second he participates in the performance. If a patient has a serious degree of ailment, then he starts the session as a listener. After all, I must first learn to correctly distinguish sounds. This can be perfectly helped by exercises that allow you to feel the vibration. For example, a doctor touches a guitar string and at the same time presses it to the back of the patient.

With active therapy, a person always uses his voice, performs various compositions to relax and get the desired effect, this is the basis for the treatment of music. Sound therapy helps to focus and eliminate spasms.

Individual and group approach is also used. Initially, a person stays on the procedures solely himself, and after a positive dynamics, classes begin to take place collectively.

Methods of influence

The healing properties of music are known for a long time. The main idea of such therapy is the influence of sound on the thalamic zone of the brain, which is responsible for emotional and sensory perception. Smooth instrumental oscillations pass through the nerve endings and give the strongest impulse for the whole body and the system in general.

This wave evokes the development of a variety of biologically active elements that help regulate the work of all internal organs. Soothing music unconsciously includes intuition and performs a kind of reboot of consciousness. Smooth melodies direct the person to the refined perception of the surrounding world and easy reflections.

Rhythmic and loud composition actively stimulates physical characteristics. The impact is felt as a burst of strength, vivacity, joy, and still allows you to cope with strong physical stress. Such constant artificial stimulation quickly depletes the body.

Disharmonic and obsessive sounds, as well as noise can, on the contrary, lead to instability of the psyche, irritability, aggression and depression. It's no secret that people who constantly live in the environment of such an environment often display suicidal or antisocial behavior. It is not advisable to listen for a long time to bands playing in the style of heavy metal and heavy rock, as they generate negative emotions. Therefore, this influence changes the qualitative characteristics of the individual.

Effects on alcoholism

The treatment of such a disease with music showed positive results. For this, a person must listen to certain compositions. Most often it's a classic or a song with a motivating character. Good results were obtained through the perception of organ sounds, as well as singing for them. The patient should listen to the game in a relaxed atmosphere, with complete abstraction from external stimuli and thoughts. It is best if this room is also completely empty.

In order to cure alcoholism, you need to use complex therapy. Naturally, some songs can not be dispensed with, but thanks to them you can achieve a more stable and quick result. In modern clinics very often combine such therapy with medicamental, and still other procedures.

On the alcoholic, the therapeutic properties of music affect as calm, as well as they elevate the mood and direct it in a positive way. Thanks to the procedure, the patient becomes more balanced and his appetite rises, and as a result he begins to recover. The arrangement of the spirit, which is created by the compositions, helps not to resist the treatment and take it with enthusiasm.

In parallel, such therapy creates certain vibrations of waves, which have a positive effect on internal organs. This will heal those parts of the body that have suffered from the constant use of alcohol. Immunity becomes stronger, and resistance to a variety of diseases increases. Therefore, the treatment of such a disease by music is fully justified and proven.

Classic for strengthening memory

Traditional melodies have a beneficial effect on a person's ability to remember. To such conclusions came the scientists from the Italian city of Chieti. They brought out the so-called Vivaldi effect and proved that with the constant listening to his famous work "The Seasons", the elderly people have improved memory.

During the study, 24 volunteers were required to memorize a certain number of numbers. A group that listened to this work a lot of time, coped with its task much more easily than its competitors. Such a phenomenon can be explained by increased attention, as well as tension. Classics, indisputably, stimulates the improvement of physiological capabilities, and therefore such procedures are justified. Science already knows the treatment of the brain by Mozart's music, as well as the influence of his works on young children, who, when listening to the great composer, begin to develop intellectually faster. And now a new term will be introduced into scientific circulation - the "Vivaldi effect".

The influence of soothing music

The most beneficial effect on the body has a classic. Studies conducted by scientists at the University of Florence, showed that if hypertensive people listen to calm and easy melodies every day for at least half an hour, then the state of health will become much better. And at the initial stage, the treatment of music can be replaced even by the use of medicines. In order to stabilize blood pressure, quiet sounds are recommended for listening to a feeling of serenity. If at the time of therapy to breathe and sit quietly, the result will be greatly enhanced. Thanks to this approach, physical relaxation begins, and the positive emotions obtained help to relieve the mental tension.

With headache and heart pain, listening to pollinium Oginsky, "Hungarian Rhapsody" Liszt and "Fidelio" Beethoven is perfect.
A universal means are calming melodies. They help with various pains, hypertension, mental tension and insomnia. In order to increase the heart rate, works at a fast pace with a high volume will do.

Music for heart treatment should give a person pleasure, increase myocardial contractions and help to achieve good physical well-being. Annoying sounds have a completely opposite effect, most often they can do harm.

Ancient times

The story has cases where a properly selected melody worked wonders. For example, in the XVI century in Italy, residents of several settlements were affected by an extraordinary mental epidemic. A large number of people froze in immobility, fell into a deep numbness, stopped drinking and eating. All the victims were sure that they were bitten by a rare kind of tarantula. From such a state could only bring out a special dance melody, which began with a very slow rhythm and gradually turned into a frenzied dance. From this and there was a well-known to date tarantella.

Music treatment also took place in the XIV century in Western Europe. Then the country was captured by a grandiose epidemic of the dances of St. Witt. Crowds of demon-possessed and jerky people moved around the cities and villages, who expressed inarticulate sounds, blasphemies and curses, and fell with foam at the mouth. This problem was stopped only where the authorities managed to call in time the instrumentalists, who played a slow, pacifying melody.

The use of medicinal properties of music in ancient times did not bypass the plague. In cities with such misfortune the bells did not cease to ring. Scientists have been proven that the activity of microbes fell by 40%.

The idea to treat with the help of sounds was born long before the appearance of civilization. You can read about it in the Old Testament. In one of the biblical parables, it was told how David Israel was healed from the sulfuric melancholy by the Israeli king Saul with his playing on the harp. The Aesculapius of Ancient Egypt was recommended to listen to the singing of the choir from insomnia. Scientists such as Pythagoras and Aristotle argued that it is the melody that is able to establish equilibrium and order throughout the universe, and to recreate harmony in the physical body. Music for the treatment of nerves was used by the Arab philosopher Avicenna 1000 years ago.

Influence on children

Kids react positively to everything that concerns sounds and singing. Therefore, there are certain recommendations for them:

- restless and excitable useful classics at a slow pace;

Melodies with words (arias, songs) influence much more strongly than without them.

Prohibited treatment of music:

- Infants who have a predisposition to convulsions;

- children who have a serious condition, accompanied by intoxication of the body;

- sick otitis media;

- patients with rapidly increasing pressure.

It has been proven by scientists that it is music with an age of 5-15 years that will help to significantly improve intellectual potential, develop analytical skills, memory and orientation. Also, such therapy has a positive correction of the nervous system. In many European countries, singing or music lessons, playing instruments are an indispensable element of upbringing, as this is the strongest emotional influence.

There is a certain music for the treatment of diseases, which can be used independently at home. In such therapy it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations.

1. It must be powerful, recruiting and leading to positive experiences.

2. It is best not to use anxious and dissonant works.

3. We need to shy away from songs that could convey a certain message with their content, or infect incorrect information.

4. When compositions with vocals are used, they must be in foreign languages, so that a person's voice is perceived as another tool and does not interfere with the integrity of the process.

5. For the same reason, it is necessary to avoid melodies that cause specific associations, for example, Mendelssohn's wedding march.

Music therapy for children can be divided into two types, used both separately and together:

1. An active form is a game on various instruments. For each kid is selected his own song for execution. One gets a better effect for the audience, and the other must necessarily retire.

2. Singing is used most often as an addition, since it has a small therapeutic effect, because the sound is born inside the body and does not go through all the stages of penetration.

Musical Recipes

Scientists have carried out a huge number of tests and studies, after which they came to the conclusion that some melodies do have strong therapeutic effects.

For the treatment of smoking and alcoholism in conjunction with acupuncture and hypnosis, the "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven, "Ave Maria" by Schubert, "Snowstorm" Sviridov and "Swan" by Saint-Saens can help.

Still there is music for the treatment of nerves, namely the works of Pakhmutova, Tchaikovsky and Tariverdiev. In order to remove the consequences of stress and concentrate on a specific task, to retire and create a sense of free space, masterpieces of such composers as Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt and Schubert will suit. The stomach ulcer can defeat the "Waltz of Flowers". In order to overcome fatigue, it is recommended to listen to "The Seasons" by Tchaikovsky and "The Morning" by Green. To get rid of irritation and raising the mood will help jazz, dixieland, blues, reggae and calypso, these all genres originate from the temperamental African melody.

There is also music in the system of treating mentally ill people, it helps to completely relax and arrange all the thoughts correctly, namely the "Waltz" from Shostakovich from the film "The Gadfly", a romance from harmonious pictures to Pushkin's novel "The Snowstorm" Sviridov and the creation "Man and Woman" "Leia. Heart activity and blood pressure restores the "Wedding March" from Mendelssohn. For the prevention of gastritis, "Sonata No. 7" of Beethoven is suitable. Headache will remove the "Per Gynt" Grieg and the Polonaise of Oginsky.

Japanese doctors say that there is music for the treatment of joints, to which they refer Humoresque to Dvorak and Mendelssohn's "Spring Song."
The development of the intellect of children is facilitated by listening to Mozart.

Harmful effects

A variety of melodies can improve the well-being and help the work of all body systems, but they also cause certain changes, which in the future are quite difficult to bring to the original state.

Products whose intermittent rhythms are observed and which do not take into account the laws of harmony adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Even special music from depression can have a negative impact on the body when it is auditioned at a loudness of more than 120 decibels.

If today there are still disputes about the power of the classics, the damage to the deafening cacophony has been proved for a long time on numerous negative examples. Famous rock musicians have problems with the central nervous system and a hearing aid.

One of the most famous rockers of his time, Kurt Cobain committed suicide. Fans of his work systematically fell into a trance at the time of listening to works. He also with the regular game of aggressive rhythms and deafening sounds disrupted the work of the subconscious, which could become one of the reasons for suicide.

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