HealthAlternative Medicine

Zabrz is an amazing natural product

Zabrz is a special substance that bees are sealed before long-term storage of honey in honeycombs. During the pitching of honey, these top caps are cut. After that, honey freely pours out from honeycombs.

Zabrus is an amazing product. It consists of propolis, wax, and secret secreted by the salivary glands of bees. This unique substance has a special aroma, which includes a peculiar bouquet of beekeeping. Honey, leaked from the honeycombs, which were sealed with zabrusom, is considered the most delicious and useful. His biological activity is high.

It is difficult to find analogues of zabrus in nature. After all, this unique product concentrates many substances useful for human health. Zabrus, this beeswax, can be wet when cut. This fact indicates that honeycombs are full of honey. Zabrus can be dry when cutting it. This suggests that honeycombs contain little honey. However, the benefits of this unique product in any case is high, since its composition is unchanged.

Zabrus is a wax lid, which has an excellent preservative effect in relation to honey. Sometimes they are called seals. Nowadays, unfortunately, not many people know about this unique product of beekeeping. But in birch bark letters of Ancient Russia there is a repeated mention that traded zabrusom with the Swedes. And this product was exported by poods!

What is useful zabrus? The composition of this unique substance, created by striped workers, includes a whole complex of various substances. In doing so, they all enhance the healing properties of each other. The chemical composition of honeycomb lids is not always the same. It depends on the harvest of plants, weather conditions, etc. However, as a rule, it contains vitamins C, A, E, and also group B, chitin and protein, organic acids, macro- and microelements, essential oils.

As an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerative agent finds zabrus application. Reviews of this product indicate its low allergenicity. Even the prolonged use of bee-lids does not cause habit of pathogenic flora. This distinguishes the natural product from chemical products.

Apply zabrus when getting rid of osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoarthritis and arthritis. When used locally, it helps to eliminate osteomyelitis. It should be borne in mind that the treatment of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system should be carried out in conjunction with the prescribed therapy of the traditional direction. The bee product helps to reduce the drug dosage, stopping the symptoms and causes of the ailment and preventing the development of the chronic phase.

Rich in zabrsen valuable enzyme - lysozyme. This element is a very strong activator of immunity. It helps to increase the production of immune antibodies and takes a direct part in regulating the penetration of tissue barriers, as well as in the process of fertilization of the oocyte. A large amount of lysozyme makes it an indispensable product in the treatment of colds and inflammatory processes that occur in the airways.

Doctors say that the use of beeswax promotes the development of good immunity, which can last up to four years. Therefore zabrus should be given to children. Especially relevant is its use in cold periods, when the risk of cold and viral diseases is high. A bee zabrus is used in one way. A portion of the product is chewed for fifteen minutes.

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