Food and drinkRecipes

Meat in Chinese

Now Chinese cuisine is gaining popularity . However, not all housewives know how to cook these dishes. We suggest you cook meat in Chinese, believe me, it's not so difficult.

Meat can be used any: beef, pork, or even chicken - 1kg; Take also 2 bulbs, 3 bell peppers (better than different colors), can of canned pineapple, two eggs, flour for batter.

For sauce: 0,5 teaspoons of vinegar for half a cup of water, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of starch for a glass of water, a little sugar (to taste), a couple of spoons of soy sauce. You also need to take the root of ginger, coriander, garlic - all to your liking.

First you need meat, pineapples, onions, cut Bulgarian peppers into pieces.

Pieces of meat should roll in batter and fry over medium heat until golden brown in a large amount of oil.

We prepare the sauce: in the bowl you have to mix the juice from the pineapples, tomato paste, soy sauce. Add a little diluted vinegar. Boil. Pour the starch, previously diluted in a glass of water. Add a tablespoon of sugar. The sauce should turn sour-sweet. If the acid is not enough - add vinegar, if sour - sugar. Cook should be until thick, constantly stirring, so as not to burnt!

Then you should pour the butter into the cauldron (you can use the usual vegetable, but it's better sesame: it will add flavor to the dish!) Fry onion, chopped garlic, ginger root, cut into strips. Add a little coriander.

As soon as this mixture is slightly fried, we put pineapples, Bulgarian pepper and fried meat there.

All this should be poured sauce and stew mines 15-20, constantly stirring.

All. Meat in Chinese is already ready.

You can also cook aubergines with meat in Chinese.

You will need: 200 g minced meat, 5 not very large eggplants, a slice of fresh ginger, leek, a large clove of garlic, a spoon of sake, a teaspoon of hot miso "Tou Ban Jan"

We prepare the mixture "A". Take a spoonful of soy sauce, as much sweet miso "Ten Men Jan", a teaspoon of Chinese black vinegar, half a teaspoon "Tori Gara Soup" (granulated chicken broth), 80 ml of water.

Half a tablespoon of starch, a spoonful of water.

Eggplants should be washed, cut off at the base and slightly cleaned. Cut into large pieces. Then quickly fry in oil on high heat and put on a paper towel.

Ginger, leek and garlic very finely chopped. Mix all the ingredients of the mixture "A". Starch should be diluted in water.

In a deep frying pan it is necessary to warm up a spoon of vegetable oil and quickly in it to fry garlic, ginger, "Tou Ban Jan" and leeks on high heat.

Reduce the heat, put the minced meat, and stirring constantly stir fry until the meat is properly fried.

Then add sake, fried eggplants, pour the mixture "A" and mix everything thoroughly. Put out a little.

Pour a thin trickle of starch, previously diluted in water, actively mixing

Remove from heat. Meat in Chinese is ready.

We also recommend cooking meat with vegetables in Chinese

You will need: 250 g of pork, to taste soy sauce, one eggplant, Bulgarian pepper, hot pepper, one carrot, 120 g champignons, 4 small onions, 4 cloves of garlic, vegetable oil.

Meat must be cut very thinly into small rectangles. Put it in a bowl and pour in soy sauce, stir and marinate its hour, but you can leave it for the night. Eggplant should be cut in half along and half chopped in pieces half a centimeter thick. Sprinkle with salt. Mushrooms cut into plates, carrots - on oblong thin circles. Also chop the Bulgarian and hot peppers, garlic and onions.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan and put garlic and onion in it, after a short time put the carrots and fry together. In a different frying pan, fry the eggplants on high heat. When they are fried, pull them out with a whisk and let the excess fat drain off. In the same frying pan quickly fry the meat with soy sauce.

To vegetables in a frying pan add mushrooms, pepper and mix. When the meat is fried, put it to the vegetables, place eggplants, black pepper, coriander to taste. You can also add table vinegar or soy sauce. Meat in Chinese should be served with boiled rice.

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