Food and drink, Recipes
Chicken thighs in the oven
How many unusual and tasty dishes can be made from chicken. Perhaps, each housewife knows several recipes for cooking chicken, chicken fillet and chicken thighs. In principle, there is nothing tricky in making chicken, however, every housewife has little secrets that help her make her dish really tasty and appetizing.
First of all, you need to be able to choose meat. Make sure that the color of the chicken thighs is pink, but in no case neither blue nor green. This is a clear sign that there are more chemicals in this chicken than the chicken itself. Accordingly, and the dish you will get weak (even the fact of poisoning is possible). Therefore, avoid such products, because it is not only not tasty, but also harmful to the body. The next rule is that all the spices and seasonings that you put there must be combined. Well, if you want to try something new and unusual, however, remember that the taste of your dish can spoil even an extra spoonful of salt. So, when you decide to cook chicken thighs in the oven, get ready, that the first attempts at you can be unsuccessful. The third rule: learn to analyze the situation. Suppose your dish did not work, then you need to find the moment where you made a mistake. Perhaps it burnt out, then you need to be in the kitchen, not for a second being distracted from cooking. If the whole problem in the seasonings, then you need to determine what a lot, and what is missing. Usually, the housewives do not have problems with pickling and adding spices. In principle, the preparation of chicken thighs and tibia do not differ from each other. And this and this can be marinated in advance, rubbed with garlic or mayonnaise.
So, you decided to cook chicken thighs. The recipe in the oven is fairly simple. Take a clean dry baking sheet, spread the chicken thighs, add salt and pepper and send to the oven. The hips will be prepared in 45 minutes, provided that the temperature of the oven is not lower than 200 degrees. Baked chicken thighs sprinkle with fresh herbs for flavor and taste. Similarly, the hips in the oven can be cooked with vegetables. Cut the vegetables that you like. Finely chop it is not necessary that the vegetables let their juice when baking. After the vegetables are ready, sprinkle them with hips and add the spices. Interesting enough taste will turn out, if you put the vegetables under the bottom, and put the chicken on top. And at the same temperature bake, and then sprinkle with fresh herbs. Chicken thighs in the oven are quite appetizing and juicy, if you cook them in a crispy breading. Just peel off each hip, dipped thighs in mayonnaise with spices, and then roll in breadcrumbs. Lay the hips on the baking sheet and send them to the oven for about forty minutes. The taste is simply delicious. Chicken thighs will not practically differ from the dishes served in the restaurants.
In general, it is worth noting that with the preparation of chicken, problems are rare. The most responsible is to put the chicken in the oven at a certain temperature and not miss the cooking time. Be sure that you will get a great meal, if you can take into account all these conditions.
If you choose roast chicken and ham chicken in the oven baked, then, of course, preference should be given to the second dish. It is less caloric and more nutritious. It is prepared in its own juice and in the juice of vegetables, so its taste is so rich and sated. Do not worry if at first you will not get what you expect. All will come with experience, most importantly, learn from their mistakes and be able to correct them. Try to study the recipes carefully before starting the preparation of the dish.
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