Education, Languages
Means of communication of sentences in the text
This article is devoted to such a concept as the means of communication of sentences. Related sentences form a text. Therefore, in order to better understand this topic, first of all it is necessary to define the very concept of "text". With this and begin.
What is text?
The text is a work of speech, which consists of a series of common structure and meaning and arranged in a sequence of sentences. He can have a headline that conveys the main idea and the topic of the statement. The leading topic in the large text breaks up into several microtemes, to which usually corresponds the paragraph. Connectivity is an important feature of the text. The following sentence is always based on the previous one.
Characteristics of the text
The following features of the text can be distinguished:
- The presence of the main thought and theme;
- The possibility or presence of a header;
- Obligatory semantic connection between his proposals;
- Presence of their sequence;
- The use of various language means of communication between individual proposals.
All these signs must necessarily be present in order to be able to say that before us is the text.
Different means of communication in the text
Different means of communication offers serve to ensure that the text has reached a grammatical and semantic connection. They are divided into syntactic, morphological and lexical. Let us dwell in more detail on each of them.
Lexical means of communication offers
- Words belonging to one thematic group. For example: "Winter can be long and severe in these parts, frosts sometimes reach 50 degrees, snow still lies until June, snowstorms occur even in April."
- Lexical repetitions (that is, repetitions of word combinations and words), including the use of single-root ones. This is a repetition of an expression or a word. In speech, this technique is used as a vivid and popular means of expressiveness. It serves to achieve the coherence and accuracy of the text, it allows preserving the unity of the theme throughout its entire length. In different genres and styles lexical repetitions are used differently. So, for official business and scientific texts, this is the main means for creating connectivity. The description also often uses repetitions. An example can be cited as follows: "They read the book for a long time, in that book it turned out what they were waiting for, their expectations were not in vain".
- Synonymic substitutions and synonyms (including contextual, descriptive and synonymous terms, as well as generic-type symbols). Usually these means of communication of sentences are used when the imagery, colorful speech is necessary: in the style of art or journalistic literature. Example: "Pushkin's work had a special significance for the further development of the literary Russian language." The great poet managed to combine foreign borrowings, high Old Slavism, and elements of colloquial living speech in his works. " They can connect not only individual proposals, but also act as a means of communication in a complex sentence in order to avoid repetition.
- Antonyms (including contextual). Example: "A friend argues." Neither agrees. "
- Phrases and words with the meaning of certain logical connections, as well as summarizing, such as: therefore, that's why, in conclusion, we sum up, other things follow from this . Example: "There is a lot of salt in the sea water, which is why it can not be used for cooking various dishes."
Morphological means of communication
- Particles, allied words and conjunctions at the beginning of sentences. An example where this means of communication between offers is used: "The rain outside the windows is murky, but in our house it is cozy and warm".
- The use of index, personal (in the third person) and other pronouns as a substitute for the words of the previous sentence: "A person is not inherited by the language, it appears only in the process of interpersonal communication."
- The use of adverbs of place and time, which can relate to several sentences. They act as independent at the same time. An example where such means of communication of words are used in the sentence: "On the right was a lake, its waters sparkled, small groves were green, everywhere here you were waited with calmness and silence."
- The unity of the various temporal forms of verbal predicates used in the text. An example where this means of communication between sentences is used: "Suddenly it was night, it became very dark." The stars in the sky caught fire. "
- Use of adverbs and various degrees of comparison of adjectives. Example: "It was a wonderful place, it was better not to invent" or "We climbed the mountain." There was nothing higher in the district above. "
Syntactic means of communication
- Syntactic parallelism, which assumes the existence of the same order of words, as well as the morphological design of certain members of the proposals that stand side by side. Example: "Childhood is a carefree time. Maturity is a serious time." One more example: "The last day left until Christmas came: a clear winter night came in. The month rose stately to heaven to shine to the whole world and kind people." Note that all three of these sentences are constructed according to the "subject + predicate" scheme. The text thanks to such a technique as syntactic parallelism, becomes accurate, "slender" in terms of structure. The identical arrangement of the corresponding members, in addition, structures the information communicated and helps us to establish links between individual phenomena. Syntactic parallelism occurs in the text quite often, but it should not be invented "deliberately": it is "seen" traditionally through identical forms. Syntactic parallelism is also used as a means of communication in a complex sentence between its parts.
- Partellation (that is, division) of various designs, the withdrawal of any part of the proposal and its design (after the point) as a separate, independent incomplete. "To love your country means to live one life with it." Suffering when it's hard for her. "To be happy when the Motherland has a holiday."
- Use in the text of incomplete sentences. Example: "Do you know what we talked about? About painting, music, literature."
- Use of introductory sentences and words, rhetorical questions, references. Example: "It is necessary, first, to find out what is most important now, and secondly, we must act immediately."
- Use reverse or direct word order. "I'll come in the morning .I'll come to see you."
- In the text, in addition to the above, associative or semantic links of parts can also be used.
These means of communication of proposals are not strictly binding. Their use depends on the form of narrative, features of the author's style, the content of the topic. Unification can be not only contact, but also distant (there may be sentences that are remote from each other). It is necessary to distinguish means from the indicated and means of communication of parts of a complex sentence. They may differ, but they may also coincide with those used in simple ones. In particular, complex sentences of means of communication often use such as unions and union words. They are also used to combine simple sentences, although less often.
Ways of communication of sentences in the text
Let's continue to reveal the topic of interest to us. Note that the ways and means of communication of proposals are different concepts. We considered various means. Let us now turn to methods (otherwise they are called species). There are two of them: a parallel and a chain link. Let's consider in more detail each of the ways.
Chain connection
Chain (that is, consistent) reflects the development of an event, action, thought consistently. In texts with a given connection, the sentence is correlated with the word-combinations and the words of the preceding one: they, as it were, are linked together. In each previous "new" becomes "data" for the sentence that follows it.
The means of this type of communication are usually synonymous substitutions, repetitions, conjunctions, pronouns, semantic associations and correspondences. It is used in Russian in all styles. This is the most common, most massive way of connecting in the text of sentences.
Example: "At last we reached the sea, it was very calm and huge, but it was deceptive."
Parallel Communication
A parallel link is present when proposals are contrasted or collated, rather than linked. It is based on similar or identical in structure, that is, parallel constructions, in which the verb-predicates that are usually the same in form and time are used.
The first sentence in many texts, where there is a parallel link, becomes for all subsequent "data". They develop and concretize the thought that is expressed in it (the "given" in this case turns out to be identical in all proposals, except, naturally, except for the first one).
Basic means used for parallel communication: introductory words (finally, first, etc.), syntactic parallelism, adverbs of time and place (first, there, left, right, etc.). It is used most often in narrative and description.
Example: "Forests serve to improve our planet, they are not only gigantic labs producing oxygen, they also absorb poisonous gases and dust, they are rightly considered" the lungs of our land. "
Thus, in this article we have considered various ways and means of linking sentences that are used in the text in order to form some unity. Of course, the phenomena listed by us do not cover the whole variety. In addition, it often happens that the texts simultaneously use funds belonging to different levels.
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