Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Let's look into the dream book: dropping teeth - what's this for?

Teeth in a dream are an image of the protective forces of the body and soul. Any of us at least once saw dreams in which there are teeth. They can appear in completely different hypostases and forms. In this case, each of the dreams can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on some specific circumstances in which you saw a dream. About this and talk.

Miller's dream book

Falling teeth warn you of any life failures, to which you should prepare thoroughly. If you interpret this dream in more detail, then, according to Gustav Miller, he is a harbinger of various conflict situations and disagreements with your relatives and friends. Rotten (yellow) teeth will dream of diseases that you will have in the near future. Miller advises us, after such dreams, to seriously think about the state of our health and do self-analysis to try to avoid conflicts in the family. Miller does not exclude the possibility that dreams with falling out (or already dropped out) teeth - this is the most common projection of real events on our subconscious. We may have problems with the oral cavity, we could already visit the dentist's office and so on.

Family Dream Book

Dropping teeth in any dream - this, of course, is not quite a pleasant phenomenon. They very often become prophetic and interpreted differently depending on whether there was blood on their teeth. This is what the family dream book says: the front tooth with blood has fallen out - a dangerous situation is coming that will happen in the life of one of your close people. Think about who would be your relatives.

The prophetic dream book

Have your front teeth dropped out? Since the teeth in the dream are considered the protection of our body, the loss of the most important defenders - the front teeth - speaks of a "breach" in the defense. Concentrate, take the fist and think over your weaknesses. The hour is not even, your envious people and enemies will find a loophole in your defense and strike!

Intimate dream book

Dropping teeth - a sign of bad taste, and even a kind of indicator of doubt in their appearance. You have ceased to monitor yourself, as a consequence - to attract the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, a similar picture can dream and the boss, who suspects that he ceased to be an authority for subordinates. In this case, one can speak of a deficit of one's own dignity, of inability to defend one's honor, of standing up for oneself. Be more confident!

Tsvetkovsky dream book

Falling teeth, according to the interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov, is an indicator of the poor state of your body. Soon you will have difficulties and various obstacles. If you are a careerist, then such a dream promises you disappointment and trouble at work: perhaps they will sit you up, and perhaps you will get very badly done and fling out with a crash!

Tsvetkov says that teeth are a symbol of maturity and stability. If at the moment when you dream of them, for you in life the family and relations with relatives are the main thing, then dropping teeth is a sign of disagreement with them.

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