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Kitsch Style: Features, History, Interesting Facts and Recommendations
Extravagance, harmonizing with frank bad taste, a combination of exotics and nihilism, the brightness of colors and the cry of external forms. So you can characterize the style of kitsch - one of the youngest and brightest. How to create an interior in this style? What decor elements can I use? What is necessary to create a fashionable image in the style of kitsch?
Origin of style
The etymology of the word "kitsch" is quite controversial. There are at least three versions of its origin. kitsch – «халтура» . According to the first, this word came from German musical jargon: kitsch - "hack-work" . verkitschen , имеющего значение «удешевлять». The second option is the appearance of the noun "kitsch" from the German verb verkitschen , meaning "cheapen". forthekitchen – «для кухни», при этом подразумевались предметы безвкусные, которым не место в «приличном помещении». Another version - the origin of English forthekitchen - "for the kitchen", with implied objects tasteless, which does not belong in a "decent room".
In any case, the word "kitsch" has a negative connotation. Therefore, it is customary to use it as the opposite of good design.
History of Kitsch Style
Divided and opinions about when the style of kitsch was introduced into the interior of houses. XIX века, другие же считают, что этот стиль вошел в дома только в первой половине XX века. Some designers claim that this happened in the late XIX century, while others believe that this style entered the house only in the first half of the XX century. By the way, there is an opinion that kitsch has always existed, and therefore it is wrong to limit it to a time frame.
Kitsch directions
Experts share this eccentric style in three main directions:
1. Kitsch lumpen. This direction appeared due to poverty! The joylessness of such premises is diluted with bright colors, rich colors and unusual accessories. Features: acid colors, graffiti, lampposts, road signs and even phone booths!
2. Pseudosperic kitsch: a combination of consistency and lack of taste. Incredible ideas of the nouveau riche find their incarnations in this version of design. One room in the style of kitsch can combine Greek columns, painted in neon colors, gold moldings and plastic chairs.
3. Design kitsch: a competent parody of style. Only professional designers are able to create a kitsch in the house, one look at which will make it clear that this is ridiculing specific features of the style. The main thing in this case - do not bring to the point of absurdity.
Main characteristics
это вульгарность, дешевые материалы, недорогая мебель, ретровещи. The main features of this style, distinguishing it from other directions - it's vulgarity, cheap materials, inexpensive furniture, retroveschy. We can say that kitsch is a mixture of classics, futurism and country. Elements of decor should be chosen in such a way that they shock, express the position of the owner of the dwelling and his attitude to life.
Style allows you to combine completely different finishing materials: velvet and plastic, fur and chrome parts get along in this space. At the same time, all the elements of the style are tasteless parodies of the classics, capable of producing a momentary effect.
Who will do?
Kitsch style is extravagant, and therefore suits people brave, thinking outside the box. Others simply can not live in such a bright and unusual interior. Choosing kitsch, a person denies the classics, preferring postmodernism to it. Capable are the originals, who love to shock the public.
Making out a house in the style of kitsch, it is important to remember one basic rule: here there are complete freedom and a rejection of all rules! Ideal option for such an interior - stretch ceiling. This solution will make the room more solid. The choice of colors depends only on the designer's fancy flight. Purple or green, blue or red - the atmosphere of this style allows vivid experiments. You can dilute the bright colors with photo printing. To make even more colors in the interior will help a variety of amulets, dream catchers and pendants, which need to be fixed on the ceiling.
The kitsch style in the interior design provides very extravagant options for the walls. They can be laminated, glued with bright tiles with abstract patterns, and graffiti. D -обои, блестки и пластик. Another bold solution is a combination of incongruous: classic wallpaper and wall panels, quaint mosaic and 3 D wallpapers, sequins and plastic.
Wood and ceramics, marble and linoleum - no restrictions for covering no! The floor can be made of one material, and can harmoniously combine islands from different coatings. For kitsch style, imitation of non-planed boards, which are full of extravagant ornaments, is suitable. A special role in this room is played by a carpet - it simply has to be as bright and big as possible. It is important and the presence of a long nap: on this carpet can be expanded pillows.
Color spectrum
The basic tones in which you can create a kitsch are quite aggressive: green, pink, red, purple. In addition, you can use the most ridiculous combination. For example, lemon in combination with a shiny green, matte blue with a glossy purple. The stronger the contrast, the better! There are no restrictions. And to create kitsch you will need gilding: it can be used in any quantity.
Windows and doors
For the kitsch style, Gothic windows are perfect. It is best to use a combination of luxurious velvet curtains with bright blinds. On the windowsills it is recommended to arrange artificial plants. Doors will suit the simplest: in order to strengthen the style, simply decorate them with reproductions of paintings or paint graffiti.
Design in the style of kitsch is a parody not only of a beautiful life, but also of screaming poverty. The interior is appropriate furniture from the dump, curtains made of polyethylene, partitions handmade (for example, from scraps of plastic pipes).
The kitsch differs and the presence of bright furniture. The dark surface of the walls is diluted with pink, orange and green armchairs, cabinets of all shades of the rainbow. For a bright room, the furniture is ideal for saturated dark shades: marsh, brown or dark blue.
If we talk about materials, then furniture made of wood, in the interior of an apartment or house is better not to use - it is more suitable for a cafe. In the living room or children's room it is worth using transparent plastic tables. You can decorate them with colored vases with artificial flowers. Perfectly fit in this style furniture with imitation gilding. By the way, it should be not only unusual, but also maximally functional. Another feature: items must be of different shapes, styles, sizes. In one room, there may be a glass table and an old grandmother's sideboard.
A single lighting system in kitsch is not traceable. It is best to combine several sources - classic chandeliers, sconces or even candles in candelabras can be placed next to paper lanterns. It is important that the light is bright enough - every detail should be clearly visible.
Kitsch style provides for an excess of romantic elements: soft toys, bows, guipure ruffles, artificial flowers are acceptable. In general, there should be as many scenery as possible! Among the elements characteristic for kitsch are colorful paintings, catchy tasteless vases, colorful floor lamps. The color solution here is not the main thing: the goal of kitsch is disharmony. The kitsch-style apartment is designed to create the effect of a luxury home. For this, colorful carpets on the walls, crystal chandeliers, gilded foam poles, home fountains, massive floor vases go into the course.
Special attention should be paid to the carpet: it must necessarily be large, soft and as bright as possible. It is best to purchase a product in which there are several colors, as it will fit absolutely into any room, while giving furniture and accessories a completely different look. It is also important to note that the carpet should have a long nap, because often it is played by children or sitting adults (for this, incidentally, small pillows and put on the floor).
Kitsch style in clothes
For lovers of bright, extraordinary solutions, the image in this challenging style is perfect. Just like in design, it is necessary to combine what, at first glance, can not be combined. When creating such an onion, bad taste should become an informed choice. Kitsch came into fashion at the beginning of the last century, but its flowering occurred in the 70-90s. What fashionista then did not wear tight-fitting acidic leggings, embroidered sequins tops and bold miniskirts? Now, kitsch has slowed down a bit, but still allows extraordinary girls to show their individuality!
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