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"Diet Gum": reviews. Chewing gum for weight loss Diet Gum

In the twenty-first century, we are increasingly faced with the problem of obesity and its faithful companions - diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. Over time, the population of our vast planet is getting heavier. If you believe statistics, the average Russian annually adds one kilogram of weight, the Frenchman - 400 grams. The Americans get better sooner. Their annual increase in weight is as much as three kilograms per person.

The reasons for this trend lie in the way of life that we lead. Walking on foot we prefer a car or public transport, and home food is fast food. The topic of losing weight today is more urgent than ever. The stars share their successful experience with TV screens, and the Internet is simply full of various diets that promise weight loss in record time. But do they bring results? Experts have calculated that only 19% of people diet helps to get rid of extra pounds, 47% remain at their weight, and 34% even add kilograms.

Alternatives to training and diets

Today, manufacturers offer a replacement for debilitating diets and training. Among the alternative options - a variety of teas for weight loss, green coffee, anoretics, Thai pills, microcrystalline cellulose and other drugs. Not so long ago, the main subject of conversations in the field of beauty and health was gum for weight loss "Diet Gum." What is such a novelty? And is it really possible for her to stop the epidemic of obesity and diabetes? Let's understand.


It turns out that the age-old question of what it would be to chew to lose weight is by no means rhetorical. At least, that's what the producers of "Diet Gum" say. Reviews about the new slimming remedy are mixed. While some really consider the product a panacea, others are convinced that only traditional diets and exercise can bring results.

What kind of gum does the "Diet Gum" properties have? According to the manufacturer, it is absolutely not harmful to health. Unique chewing gum reduces appetite, burns fats and promotes metabolism acceleration. However, this her miracle is not limited. The novelty also slows the aging process in the body, provides fresh breath and healthy clean teeth. Gum for weight loss "Diet Gum" promises to lose weight to 12 kilograms per month!


In order to justify the effectiveness of the tool, we will study its composition. The chewing gum "Diet Gum", like its less perfect analogs, is made of latex. However, in addition to it, the novelty contains acai berries, goji, African mango and Garcinia Cambodian. The list is supplemented with green coffee extract and L-carotene.

Let us dwell in detail on each component of chewing gum for weight loss. The goji berries, which are part of it, normalize carbohydrate metabolism, stabilize the sugar level. This product is shown not only for excess weight, but also for diabetes. Acai berries are a powerful antioxidant. They purify the body of toxins and toxins, as well as slow the aging process.

The mango deserves special attention. This fruit quite deservedly won the recognition of nutritionists. Scientists have proved that the mango normalizes fat metabolism and helps lower cholesterol. This fruit affects adiponectin and leptin - hormones involved in fat metabolism. In addition, mango also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Garcinia Cambodian, along with an extract of green coffee, relieves a sharp bout of hunger. This effect is achieved due to the fact that these products reduce the absorption of fast carbohydrates, which will be discussed below. Extremely useful properties are L-carotene. It burns fats and saturates our body with energy. Thanks to the above constituents of chewing gum "Diet Gum" promotes rapid weight loss.

Operating principle

Before we understand why the effect of losing weight on chewing gum is provided, we will consider the basic principles of metabolism.

So ordered mother nature, that for normal functioning our body needs carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The former play the role of the main source of energy. With food, carbohydrates are split into glucose. It carries blood and nourishes all the cells of our body.

Defective "sweet tooth" is our brain. Depending on how fast the carbohydrates turn into glucose, they are divided into fast and slow. The former serve as the main source of extra kilograms. Their brightest representatives are baked goods, sweets, sugar and honey in their pure form, carbonated drinks. They cause a sharp increase in glucose in the blood. In order to return this indicator to normal, our pancreas begins to actively produce hormone insulin. It lowers the sugar level. As a result, soon the feeling of hunger returns to us. If the body does not get carbohydrates with food, then there is nothing left for it except to start splitting the stored fats to make up for the energy expended in the process of vital activity.

Diet Gum: instructions for use

Let us recall school lessons in biology. They told us more than once that chewing every piece of food must be carefully and at least thirty-two times. This is because the process of digestion begins directly in the oral cavity. While we chew food, our stomach, preparing to receive it, begins to actively develop a special juice. The same process is launched and chewing gum "Diet Gum." The instruction calls for using it only after eating. If food does not enter the stomach, the produced juice begins to destroy its walls. This often causes serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and ulcers.

To the same negative consequences can lead and long-term chewing "Diet Gum." The way of using the chewing gum is simple: manufacturers recommend using it three times a day, once again, be sure, after eating.


Despite the presence of a number of useful ingredients, chewing gum has contraindications. Its use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. As noted earlier, the product is quite new on the market, and its impact on the body of a woman and a child in this period has not been investigated. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, as well as epilepsy and neurological disorders.

"Diet Gum": reviews

All this was a theory. What does the chewing gum "Diet Gum" give in practice? Reviews of those who tried this tool on personal experience are not always supportive. The first question arises questions about its effectiveness. In general, it is quite clear that just chewing the cud and without taking any other actions, it is unlikely to be able to get rid of 12 kilograms per month. If this were indeed so, all developing countries today would solve the problem of excess weight.

In the composition of the product, 99 percent is for latex, and only 1 percent for extracts of berries, fruit and green coffee. The total weight of chewing gum is 20 grams. The recommended monthly dose is 2 packs. It is easy to calculate that during this time, at best, we will receive only 0.4 grams of useful components contained in the "Diet Gum."

Reviews of nutritionists, in view of the fact that the product appeared on the market not so long ago, while few. Specialists tend to view the novelty as an additional tool for diets and physical activity. Fats are split only when the body is short of energy. The latter occurs in two cases: with nutrition limited in carbohydrates, and during training. Thus, chewing gums by themselves can not be a 100% effective means for losing weight. In addition, the effectiveness of useful components can be reduced due to interaction with latex. Despite this, many users are unanimous in that "Diet Gum" really reduces appetite.

Effective remedy for psychological hunger

Often we experience not physical hunger (the actual need for an organism in food), but psychological. It is he that leads to overeating, and as a result - to excess centimeters at the waist and hips. The rate of calories consumed per day is individual for each. It depends not only on sex, age, but also on the way of life. Naturally, the "white collar" serving in the office will require much less energy than, say, a professional athlete of the same age. That's just the greater hunger we are experiencing is not just in the gym, but sitting at the computer. Unused carbohydrates along with fats the body reserves for later. Hence the extra pounds. Here for such cases of false psychological hunger our cud is perfect.

Getting Rid of Binge Eating

Returning to the topic of overeating, we note one more of its causes. The signal that we are full, comes into our brain only 20 minutes after eating. During this time we manage not only to finish the prepared portion, but also to weave at least one more. Of course, the painful feeling of overeating is no longer avoidable. In this situation, again, our chewing gum "Diet Gum" will come in handy. The method of use, suggesting its use after meals, will speed up digestion and avoid overeating.


Most modern slimming products are distinguished by a high price. An exception was not the new chewing gum "Diet Gum". Comments from many consumers say that the result does not justify the costs. The cost of one package varies between 1000-1500 rubles. The sale of such a tool today is offered by many sites. When ordering, carefully review the supplier's reviews to avoid deception and fakes.

And finally ...

In conclusion, we give a few more figures. To date, the problem of overweight is before 52% of our citizens. All developed countries without exception collided with it. The largest percentage of obese people are in the US and Spain. The most slender are the people of Japan. Annually, obesity causes the death of 2.8 million people. At the same time, a huge number of people are starving. This is one of the paradoxes of modern reality.

Excessive kilograms affect our health and quality of life. This problem is becoming more urgent from year to year. Therefore, every tool that can bring us even a step closer to its solution has the right to exist.

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