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"Finist is a clear falcon": a short tale

One of the most interesting Russian folk tales is Finist-Yasny Sokol. The summary will tell the reader about the plot, introduce the main actors, some refinements will help to better understand the work.

Father and daughter

The narrative begins with the acquaintance of the readers with the widowed peasant, who has three daughters left. One day he told them that it would be good to hire an assistant. To this youngest daughter Maryushka replied that she did not need to, she herself would do all the household chores.

Maria was an industrious girl, and all affairs with her were perfectly controversial. She was not only an artisan, but also a beauty, unlike sisters. They were ugly, but also greedy. From morning till night they sat in front of a mirror, whitened their face, applied a blush. Having become acquainted with this part of the work, the young reader can reflect on why the face should be whitened, as folk authors of the work Finist-Yasny Falcon describe it. A brief summary will shed light on this issue.

The fact is that in those days sunburn was considered the lot of poor peasant women who worked from morning till night under the scorching sun, and therefore their face and hands were tanned. The young ladies walked in wide-brimmed hats, with openwork umbrellas for the face to be white. A waxy complexion was fashionable, and a light tan was cleaned with white. Blushes plentifully smeared cheeks, it too was in a trend in the old days.

Travel of a peasant to the market

Once the priest went to the market, asked his daughters what to bring them from there. The elders, who were very fond of dressing up, answered that they wanted kerchiefs with large flowers. Father Mariushka asked the same question, and she asked, as the fairy tale says, Finist's feather-Yasna Sokol.

He could fulfill his father's request only to his eldest daughters-he brought them beautiful half-hangers. Such a feather, as Mary asked, he did not find.

Here the priest goes a second time to the bazaar. The older daughters ask for beautiful boots, he bought them a new thing. The young lady again wanted her father to bring her a feather, but he went all day searching, but he did not find it.

My father went to the bazaar for the third time, the fairy tale Finist-Yasny Falcon also tells about it. A brief summary will also tell about this case.

The older daughters, as usual, will be asked to buy them new things, this time - a coat. Mary is true to herself, she wants only a feather. Again, the priest was able to quickly fulfill the requests of the older daughters, and the younger - no.

Meeting with an old man

The peasant returned from the bazaar. Met him quite an old grandfather. They talked, and Grandfather asked his father's daughters where he was on his way. He replied that he was sad because he could not fulfill the request of his beloved daughter.

The old man listened to the story of the fellow traveler and rejoiced that, having said that he had such a thing. And he got nothing but that very feather. The peasant looked - the pen is like a feather, there is nothing unusual in it. He also thought: what did Mary find in this little thing that she so wanted to have?

My father arrived home with presents. Older children put on new things, they can not look at themselves, and they began laughing at the younger one, telling her that she was a fool, and she stayed like that. They asked her to put a feather in her hair and flaunt. The attentive reader will understand that he recalls a story called "Finist - Clear Falcon": this fairy tale is very similar to "The Scarlet Flower". No wonder the famous collector of Russian folk tales Afanasyev recorded two interpretations of this story. The first one is called "Perishko Finista - Jasna Falcon", and its plot is similar to this one. In the second there is a scarlet flower. When they put him in the water, Finist arrives - the Clear Falcon. This story in Afanasyev's name appears in the collection under number 235.

Appearance of Finist

Maryushka did not reply to the grin of the older sisters, but when everyone went to bed, she threw the feather on the ground and uttered the magic words. In them, she urged her to appear to her dear Finist - her fiancé. And he did not take long to wait. A very handsome young man came to the girl. In the morning, he hit the floor and turned into a falcon. Then he flew out the window, which the girl opened for him.

So it lasted three days. During the day the young man was a falcon. In the evening he flew to Marya, struck the floor and turned into a handsome man. Before it was already Finist - Clear Falcon. The summary will very soon tell about the next interesting moment. In the morning he flew away again, and by the evening returned.

What did the sisters' anger result in?

But the idyll of young men and girls did not last long, the sisters found out about the night visitor and told their father about it. But he did not believe them, ordered them to look after themselves better.

However, the envious people did not stop there. They attached sharp knives to the frame and watched what would happen next.

As usual, the falcon tried to fly to Masha's room, but could not, only wounded about the knives. Then Finist said that if he needs someone, he will find it. He warned that it would be hard. It can be found only when three pairs of iron shoes are worn, as many of the staffs will break down and 3 iron caps will become worthless.

Prior to that, Maryushka was asleep, but when she heard these words, she woke up. However, it was already late, and when the girl approached the window, the birds had already traced a trace. Finist - Yasny Falcon has flown away, pictures in the book will help visually to see this dramatic moment.

Marya goes on a journey

Cried a girl, but nothing to do - you need to look for a loved one. She told the priest, she announced that she was leaving, if fate would please, she would return unscathed.

The girl ordered herself 3 iron staff, 3 hoods and three pairs of shoes, went on a hard road.

She went through fields, forests, mountains, but no one touched her. On the contrary, the birds cheered their songs, washed their faces. When the staff broke, the shoes worn out, the hood broke, I saw a hut on the glade on chicken legs. She asked her to turn around. A girl came into the house and saw Babu Yaga. The old woman asked the girl what brought her here.

Huts on chicken legs and their inhabitants

Marya told me why she had come so far. Baba-Yaga told me where Finist is now - Yasny Sokol, the pictures will again help brightly present this moment. It turns out that the girl's bridegroom was drugged by a magical queen and married to herself.

Grandmother gave a beautiful little saucer and a golden egg, told me what to do with them. She advised me to hire a female worker for that queen.

Once again Marya went on the road, after a while she saw the hut again, in it there is another Baba-Yaga - the sister of that. The old woman gave the girl a silver hoop and a gold needle, which she herself embroidered, and told not to sell to anyone, but to give for allowing to see her lover.

By this time, Mary had worn the next pair of shoes, the second cap and the staff had become unusable. She went further, and when the third iron set broke, she saw the hut again. On the question of the third Baba-Yaga, she replied that she needed a Finist - the Clear Falcon. The heroes of this scene behaved diplomatically. Marya spoke with the old lady with respect, for which she gave her a gold spindle and a silver donkey, taught her what to do with them.

Fits the final moments of the summary.

Finist - Clear Falcon and Maryushka met

Mary went further, she met a wolf, who drove the girl on herself right up to the place. I saw Mary's palace, and in it a queen. Marya was employed by the servants. The queen took her, in the afternoon Maryushka worked, and at night she put the egg in a saucer and looked, and the saucer shows it to him.

Heard this queen, asked to sell the magic things, but Mary said that she would give it away if she showed her Finist. But he slept soundly, his girl could not wake him, as well as the next night, when for the meeting she gave the queen a magic frame and a needle.

On the third night, after giving the spindle and the silver donkey to the queen, the girl again tried in vain to wake her beloved, he only woke up from her hot tears. He woke up, was delighted that his beloved had found, and they returned home, made a great feast. That ended the fairy tale "Finist - The Clear Falcon". Heroes - Maryushka and Finist - found each other, and good won.

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