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Useful leaves in horsetail: composition, use, contraindications

Field horsetail refers to perennial herbaceous plants of the horsetail family. This plant has other names: a pusher, a cat's tail, a pestle. In natural conditions, the plant grows on the territory of America, Eurasia, throughout Russia. Of particular value are the leaves of horsetail. They have unique healing properties.

Plant characteristics

In early spring, leaves appear in the horsetail - large, simple, juicy. Stems brown, on the top of spikelets. Behind the first stem, new green thin stems leave the root, the height of which is not more than twenty centimeters. These parts of the plant are collected and used for medicinal purposes.

Horsetail is a special plant that is found everywhere. Most often it is noticed in forests, in meadows, in fields. It can determine the acidity of the soil.

How to prepare

Collect the leaves of horsetail during the whole season. Collections should be carried out in dry weather. If you collect the leaves in rainy weather, they will dry up when they dry out. Before drying, all yellowed leaves are removed.

Different subspecies of horsetail differ among themselves branches, leaves, and also the direction of growth. Grass horsetail leaves are triangular-lanceolate, pointed, fused in pairs. Branches unbranched, without cavities, have five facets.

Composition and properties

The plant has many useful properties. It stops inflammatory processes, increases urination. Also, the plant is considered an excellent hemostatic.

Field horsetail is considered a unique plant. In the plant are many useful acids that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect on the body.

Leaves of horsetail are rich in silicic acids, flavonoids, saponins, resins. In their composition there are tannins, a lot of vitamin C, potassium salts, carotene and other useful elements.

This plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Anthelmintic;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Wound healing;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Astringent;
  • Antispasmodic.

Collected leaves in horsetail can be used as a diuretic for cystitis, edema. Another feature of the plant is the ability to bind and remove lead from the body. Therefore, this plant is recommended for those who have a harmful profession, which may lead to poisoning with lead and other metals.


Field horsetail is used in the form of broths and infusions. You can drink it like tea. The plant is prescribed for diarrhea, SCI, internal bleeding. Leaves can be used in inflammatory pathologies of the eyes in the form of lotions.

Also, horsetail is recommended for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Different kinds of fistula;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Fungal diseases of the skin, including lichen;
  • Wounds of different depths;
  • Purulent inflammation, boils.

Since ancient times, the plant has been used not only for bleeding, but also for the treatment of hard-healing wounds. Broths are taken with bleeding in excretory systems.


Despite useful properties, horsetail has a number of contraindications to the use. Its use can cause irritation of the kidneys, so broths can not be used in nephritis.

Contraindication to the use of horsetail is pregnancy, lactation. Also, doctors do not recommend using the plant in the presence of some chronic pathologies: peptic ulcer, hypotension, iodine intolerance, plant allergy.

A feature of the plant is an increase in blood coagulability.


Rational use of field horsetail, strictly according to the doctor's prescription, will help to cope with different types of pathologies. If the patient feels unwell at the time of admission, the doctor should be consulted immediately.

It is dangerous to take long horsetails. In its composition, there are components that can accumulate in the body, causing poisoning. Therefore, courses should not be longer than three weeks.

Care should be taken when using the plant.

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