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Tea with milk during breastfeeding: benefit, harm, recipes and reviews

Many young mothers are faced with the problem of insufficient lactation. Older women, based on their experience, often advise tea with milk during breastfeeding. This is one of the proven folk remedies. There is an opinion that it really helps. But also some women say that such tea can provoke colic in the baby and diseases of the digestive system. What kind of opinion is really fair? How useful is tea with milk during breastfeeding?

Benefit and harm

In general, of course, if you listen to the opinion of doctors, then to strengthen lactation they recommend applying the baby to the breast as often as possible. After all, for the amount of milk meet the hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. And frequent feeding helps to stimulate their production in the body of a young mother. But what about the huge number of women who helped with tea with milk during breastfeeding? And our grandmothers, mothers and aunts of another means also did not know.

The mechanism of action of this folk remedy is in fact simple - any hot drink increases the tide of milk. There is a stimulation of the oxytocin reflex due to heat. Then the milk begins to actively pour into the nipples. The child is easier to suck it. Therefore it seems that it has become more. But in fact, the mammary gland function has just normalized.

But often the child has colic, problems with the stool, increased nervousness, if the mother drinks tea with milk to stimulate lactation. The fact is that not all babies are digested protein from the cow's product. After all, their body does not yet produce enzymes for its processing. Therefore, there may be constipation or, conversely, a liquid frothy stool. In this case, it is necessary to exclude milk from the diet. And in tea, you can replace it with cream that does not contain lactose. But it will also be more useful to drink tea with condensed milk during breastfeeding.

Green tea is an excellent alternative to black tea

The second problem that can be observed in this situation is the increased nervousness of the baby. It happens that there is a positive effect of such a folk remedy on his body, but the baby does not sleep well, is hyperactive, often cries. This is due to the caffeine content in black tea. He has a tonic effect on the still fragile nervous system of the baby. We advise you to replace it. For example, green tea with milk during breastfeeding not only helps lactation, but also calms the child. Also, the drink will strengthen the nervous system of mom and her baby.

Herbal teas

Currently, there is a huge selection of lactating herbal remedies. You can brew nettles instead of tea. It will improve the quality of milk and help the woman's body recover after giving birth. Also, the fennel broth stimulates lactation. If you drink it before feeding, the baby will not have problems with gas generation. Fenugreek is the most powerful lactogen, and the goat ruta can increase the milk volume by 50%.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

In addition, the lactating mother needs to make up for the fluid loss. Dr. Komarovsky recommends using from one to two liters per day of warm drinking. At the same time, it is necessary to divide it into small portions and drink on a glass 20-30 minutes before each feeding. This will have a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state of the mother, stimulates the flow of fluid to the nipples. Therefore, the doctor recommends tea with milk during breastfeeding. Komarovsky also emphasizes the following point: in order to establish a normal lactation, the first 28 days of life of the baby should be fed on demand, and not by the hour. The more often this happens at the stage of becoming lactation, the better.

What else affects lactation? A young mother must eat fully. In the diet should be present cereals, vegetables, lean boiled meat. It is necessary to exclude canned food, semi-finished products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, any other products that can cause increased gas production or allergy in the baby. Smoking is also hampered by the development of lactation and an unstable psycho-emotional state.

Drinks on milk

In order for the mother product to contain all the necessary and useful substances, you can drink not only tea with milk during breastfeeding. Recipes of decoctions, which folk medicine uses with insufficient lactation, are diverse. Here are some of them:

  • Drink from walnuts. A glass filled with them, pour more into the container. Pour a liter of hot milk and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Take 2 times a day for one third of the glass.
  • Carrot dainty. Mix 2 cups of warm milk with a couple of spoons of grated vegetable. Drink three times a day, one glass.
  • Decoction of fennel. Mix it with dill and anise. The amount of each ingredient is a teaspoonful. Pour the mass of a glass of boiling water. Insist an hour. Eat half a cup twice a day, forty minutes after eating.

Good help to improve lactation, ginger tea, dill water, broths of chamomile and dogrose. Categorically it is not recommended to take aloe vera extract, ginseng, infusions of St. John's wort, rhubarb, wormwood, mother-and-stepmother, buckthorn, comfrey. They not only reduce the amount of milk, but can also seriously harm the baby's health. Also, you can not make mint and lemon balm.

How to prepare tea with milk?

The very same tea with milk during breastfeeding is recommended to cook as follows:

  1. Brew a weak green tea. Choose a normal, flavor-free and aromatic additives. After all, they can cause an allergy in the baby.
  2. Add the boiled milk to taste. If the baby is less than two months old, replace it with a spoonful of condensed milk, with dry cream or discard the milk at all.
  3. You can add a spoonful of honey.

To drink tea it is necessary warm, almost hot, for half an hour before feeding. Make sure that the amount of tea drunk per day does not exceed one liter. In addition to this drink, you can also use about a liter of compote, decoction of chamomile. Do not forget about ordinary clean water.

Positive opinion of women

Many young mothers drink tea with milk during breastfeeding. Reviews about it are mostly positive, because this is a proven folk remedy. Most women consider it effective, and most importantly - safe for normalization of lactation. Many advise instead of green tea to brew linden, as it helps to establish digestion in a newborn, relieves colic. In addition, the color of the tree is an excellent sedative. It also has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system. If the baby does not sleep well, fusses, then Mom should abandon the usual tea in favor of lime.

Many lactating women advise not to rely only on tea with milk, but also to take other special means for normalizing lactation. Good reviews of the Apilak tablets. The drug is made on the basis of royal jelly. He helped many mothers, whose milk "was lost" because of stress or malnutrition. Also, it is often recommended to use self-massage of the breast, relaxing baths simultaneously with the use of tea with milk.

Experienced women are advised to relax before breastfeeding, calm down, throw out of their heads all the worries. Drink a large cup of warm tea with milk, wait twenty minutes. Massage your breasts, take your baby in your arms and start feeding. To sweeten the drink, add a little honey. Tea with milk during breastfeeding is really very useful:

  • Helps restore lactation.
  • Replenishes the lack of fluids in the mother's body.
  • Has a soothing and relaxing effect.
  • If instead of tea to make fennel, then it is possible to easily solve the problem of gassing in a baby.
  • If you brew linden or chamomile, it will calm the baby and normalizes his sleep.

Negative opinion of women

But we must not forget that everything is individual. And often you can find negative feedback, saying that tea with milk not only did not help, but also worsened the condition of the mother and child. Some women claim that after using this remedy, the child began constipation or, conversely, a watery, foamy, green stool appeared. In some cases, tea with milk did not help at all. And lactation was restored only after using other means.


Such negative reviews do not mean that this method is bad. Simply every baby has its own allergens and individual reactions to a particular product. And the body of every woman is unique in its own way. Therefore, before you introduce tea with milk in your daily diet to normalize lactation, consult a pediatrician.

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