Food and drinkCooking tips

How to properly use ice-cream meat?

Very often ordinary consumers in their daily lives have to use for cooking ice cream. What is the peculiarity of this product, and how should it be cooked?

Description of product storage methods

In the diet of most people necessarily include meat products. The exception is vegetarians, who are not so many among us. It's not a secret that the most useful for the body is fresh meat, but few have the opportunity to use it daily for food. Such products are usually produced in large quantities, and then stored appropriately to prevent possible damage. As a rule, the most popular option is used for this - refrigeration. There are several types:

  1. Cooling. In this case, the meat is stored at a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees. He has a slightly dried up crust on the surface. At the same time, the elasticity of the tissues inside is preserved.
  2. Freezing is a method of processing under conditions of reduced temperature, at which the product freezes from outside by no more than 25 percent.
  3. Freezing. Meat is cooled to such an extent that the temperature inside the piece does not exceed 8 degrees.

Many often use ice cream. There are explanations for this. First, such a product is stored longer. Secondly, it costs much cheaper than fresh. But this does not mean that it is worse. The main thing is that during storage certain conditions and sanitary norms are observed.

Good ice cream meat can be determined even by external signs:

  1. It should have a red saturated color. Dim gray spots indicate a violation of regimes.
  2. The presence of pink crystals, as well as snow and ice on the surface, is inadmissible.

Low-quality products are better not to buy, to protect themselves from possible problems.

Defrosting rules

Some people think that ice-cream meat is a product from which it is already impossible to cook a really good and tasty dish. After thawing, it may become loose to lose its former juiciness. But this opinion is erroneous. Similar consequences can arise only if the meat was stored incorrectly or the mandatory conditions for its defrosting were violated. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to know in advance how to act and what not to do. You can, of course, put a frozen piece in a microwave or in a sink under a stream of hot water. But it's best to do what experts say. First, the selected piece must be removed from the freezer and placed on a shelf of the refrigerator. Here the temperature is usually above zero. The process must be slow. It will take at least 24 hours, depending on the size of the piece. In the course of thawing, moisture will always be released, so it is better to put the product on a plate.

Cooking Secrets

Very often beginners mistresses ask the same question. They are interested in how to cook ice-cream meat? After all, you can do two things:

  1. Pre-unfreeze the selected piece, and then boil it to the state of complete readiness.
  2. Immediately drop meat into boiling water.

Any experienced chef will confirm that the first option is considered preferable. There are objective reasons for this.

First, the frozen product will be cooked longer. This will significantly worsen its quality. After all, meat, as is known, contains many useful substances that have the ability to degrade under the influence of high temperatures. The longer the product is in such conditions, the less these substances remain in it after the end of cooking. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the fact that as a result of a sharp temperature drop, the fiber of the meat is damaged. They simply burst and the juice, which previously was inside, flows out. After cooking, this product will be dry. He will lose his natural juiciness and become tasteless.

How to store meat products correctly?

Before talking about the methods of preparation, you must first provide the conditions for proper content of the products.

Keeping ice cream meat is a special process that has its own rules:

  1. All products must be neatly stacked. This makes it easier to take them into account and use them when necessary.
  2. It should be noted that in the long-term storage process, frozen pieces of meat tend to lose weight. This is due to the winding and dehydration of the external surfaces. In order not to happen it is necessary to pack each individual piece into a special fabric or plastic bag. Such actions will help prevent unwanted loss of moisture without adversely affecting the quality of the product.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the air circulation inside the chamber as much as possible while increasing the relative humidity.
  4. Observe storage time. It should be remembered that over time, irreversible changes occur inside the product. As a result of rancid fat, the meat gets an unpleasant smell. Under the action of crystals of frozen fluid, deformation and destruction of muscle fibers occurs. Vitamins also have a similar effect. This reduces the nutritional value of the product.

Advice of specialists

There are several important moments and small secrets, with which you can learn how to prepare ice cream. They must be strictly observed. Only then will it be possible to achieve the desired result. Of the rather large number of such secrets, one can distinguish several of the most important:

  1. Do not pre-unfreeze the product in water. It must first be slightly washed, and then put in a closed container and put for several hours in the refrigerator.
  2. It is necessary to cut exactly the amount of product that is needed for cooking. Repeated freezing is very harmful. It leads to loss of quality and subsequent damage.
  3. To prepare the broth, the meat should be placed in cold water. This will make it more rich. But for the second dish it is better to put it immediately in boiling water. Broth will not be so saturated, and the meat will turn out soft and juicy.
  4. For cooking dishes from frozen meat, the time required is one and a half times as much.
  5. To work it is better to use pieces of small sizes. This will significantly speed up the process.

There are many useful tips, but first you need to remember the most important of them.

Cook conditions

Some landladies do not know how to cook ice cream, and make many significant mistakes. In this issue, first, it is important to consider which product is processed. Secondly, it is necessary to understand what it will be necessary to prepare from it.

For example, beef should be boiled for no more than one hour. This time will be quite enough. For pork, it takes 1.5-2 hours. And we must take into account the age and condition of the product. The water in the pan should be so much that it completely covers the meat. This will ensure the digestion of all its parts. To add salt too it is necessary with mind. This component prevents the transition of juice from meat to broth. If you add it at the very beginning of cooking, the product will be soft and fragrant, and the broth will be empty. This is usually the case when you need to prepare the product for further processing and use as a second course. If you need to boil the soup, it is better to salt it at the very end.

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