Food and drink, Cooking tips
How to cook catfish? Cooking tips
Catfish - sea fish belonging to the family of percids, its tender, very fatty meat differs from the meat of some other fish with its translucent watery consistency, has a slightly sweet taste, in its steaks, bones are practically absent. Unfortunately, few in the diet have this glorious fish - because of the allegedly "difficult" preparation. And completely in vain. You need to know how to make a catfish, use some tricks, and this unsurpassed fish will become one of your culinary preferences.
Indeed, if, without knowing how to prepare catfish, try to fry it in a frying pan in the most usual way - it will most likely simply "spread". Undoubtedly, this fish is best suited for baking in the oven, but experienced chefs are not limited to a single recipe, and real culinary masterpieces come from under their hands. Catfish is cooked on the grill, steamed, fried in batter, it produces amazing pilaf, pie, patties, roast, soup and many more different dishes for every taste and preference. Below are some recipes and tips on how to prepare catfish.
Risotto "Catfish with a pomegranate"
- Filbert of catfish (peeled);
- One garnet (ripe);
- Rice - 350 g;
- Broth (vegetable) - one liter;
- One onion small;
- Butter - 50 g;
- Champagne is dry;
- pepper;
- salt;
- dill.
- Before preparing the catfish according to this recipe, garnet is carefully gently separated, half of the grains are passed in a blender, the juice is filtered out.
- The bulb is finely shredded and put into a saucepan, in which 30 g of butter butter is melted, put it out.
- Cut half of the prepared catfish fillet into medium size pieces, add to the pan along with the rice. Hold on the fire for about a minute, stirring.
- Pour pomegranate juice and quite a bit of champagne. Give the liquid to evaporate over high heat.
- Infuse broth (a pair of ladles). Bring to a boil, the fire is reduced to a weak one and left to the full preparedness of rice, as necessary add a little broth.
- In the frying pan, melt the remains of oil, put the second half of the fillet into it, salt, season with pepper and add champagne (a little). Withstand 3-4 minutes on medium heat. Remove from the heat and pour the rest of the pomegranate seeds, leaving little to decorate.
- To the prepared dish, add a little chopped dill, catfish from a frying pan, gently stir. Risotto is laid out on plates plates, decorated with garnet and dill.
How to cook the catfish in the oven?
- Catfish (fillets) - 2.5 kg;
- Cheese hard - 0.3 kg;
- Mayonnaise - 0,5 l;
- Three onions.
- Fish are thawed, washed and dried with a plain paper towel.
- Slice the catfish into large portions.
- Rub cheese, mix it with mayonnaise and pre-chopped onions.
- The cut pieces of fish are put into the prepared mixture, mixed gently and leave for 20 minutes to allow the fillet to marinate.
- Then the fish are laid out in a special baking dish and sent to a preheated oven to 190ºС and baked until ready.
Pie with fish catfish
Before you prepare a catfish, or rather a pie with this fish, are stocked with the following ingredients:
- Catfish (fillets) - half a kilogram;
- Dough (bezdozherzhevoe) - a half kilogram;
- 2-3 potato tubers;
- Oil (vegetable) - 3 tbsp. L .;
- One onion;
- Salt and pepper to taste.
Cooking tips:
- The dough is divided into two equal parts. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil and spread one part of the dough, then a thin layer of crushed potatoes in a raw form.
- Season with pepper and salt.
- Put pieces of catfish, sprinkled with pepper and salt, on top - finely chopped onions.
- Lightly watered with oil and cover with the rest of the rolled out dough cake.
- Patch the cake around the edges and leave for 20 minutes in a warm place.
- Then put the fish cake in the oven heated to 200ºС until it is completely cooked, first making punctures with a fork from above. Serve to the table.
Bon Appetit!
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