
Treatment of Uterine Cancer In Israel

Cancer of the uterus is a malignant tumor of the female reproductive system. In the prevalence of cancer among women, he went to the sad 2 place after breast cancer.

Since the uterus is a multilayered organ, several types of uterine cancer are isolated depending on which layer of the organ the tumor has appeared. Most often, a cancerous tumor develops from the inner layer of the uterus, its mucosa - the endometrium. This type of tumor is called adenocarcinoma. Less often, malignant tumors occur in the muscular wall of the uterus - myometrium and are called sarcomas.

Uterine cancer is usually diagnosed in older women - 50-65 years, in women up to 40 it is rare.

Factors contributing to the development of uterine cancer are diseases of the female sexual sphere - the absence of the menstrual cycle, polycystosis, endometriosis, fibromyoma, early onset of sexual activity, genetic predisposition. Cancer of the uterus can trigger a hormonal imbalance - excessive estrogen production and progesterone deficiency, including the use of estrogen-containing drugs in menopause.

Malignant tumors of the uterus more often develop in nulliparous women - due to infertility for various reasons or in the absence of pregnancies. The risk of developing poor-quality changes increases with repeated curettage of the uterus during abortion. Promote the development of oncology of the uterus, diabetes, obesity.

With the prevalence of cancer of the uterus, it rarely becomes the cause of death, as it develops violently and is typical enough, and can be detected at an early stage.

The first and most common symptom of uterine cancer is causeless uterine bleeding in the post-menopausal period or between menstruation in childbearing age.

Another symptom of the disease is the presence of abundant serous whiteness in women in the absence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus or vagina.

At the advanced stages of malignant process, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor arises, which can not be eliminated even with thorough hygiene.

About the late stage of the development of the disease and metastasis of the tumor says the appearance of pain in the lumbosacral region.

There are 4 stages of development of uterine cancer:

I - the tumor is located in the body of the uterus, usually in the muscle tissue;

II - the tumor affects the body and cervix of the uterus;

III - the cancer goes beyond the uterus - into the vagina or appendages of the uterus, but is within the small pelvis;

IV - uterine cancer sprouts into the neighboring organs - into the rectum with the formation of uterine-rectal fistulas and into the bladder.

Malignant tumors of the uterus are classified into hormone-dependent and hormone-independent. The first is more common in women with metabolic disorders in the form of failure of the ovulatory cycle, obesity, damage to the function of the ovaries. They are amenable to hormone replacement therapy. Hormone-independent tumors are less common, hard to respond to and have a less favorable prognosis.

Diagnosis of uterine cancer in Israel is based on the study of the clinical picture of the disease, on the gynecological examination, which allows the gynecologist to test the volume formation in the uterus, and the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of analysis.

Laboratory methods include assessment of the health status of the patient with the help of blood and urine tests, a cytological analysis of the smear that establishes the nature of secretions, a biopsy study of cells obtained by diagnostic curettage of the uterus or during hysteroscopy - an optical examination of the uterus from the inside with a special instrument called a hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy allows not only to take samples of cells of a suspicious area, but also to determine the form of malignant formation, its localization and the extent of its spread.

The presence and nature of lesions by metastases of lymph nodes are performed by the method of lymphography.

Localization of a cancerous tumor and the extent of its spread are determined by ultrasound (ultrasound) of pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, computer and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), positron emission tomography (PET).

Treatment of uterine cancer in Israel takes into account the stage and type of illness, the general state of the woman's health, her desire and the ability to maintain reproductive function.

The main method of treatment of uterine cancer in Israel, especially in women who are of childbearing age, is the rapid removal of the organ, ovaries and fallopian tubes, most rapidly affected by cancer cells in the oncology of this organ, resection of the large omentum and removal of lymph nodes in the pelvic area and the lower part Stomach. Israeli surgeons perform such operations by minimally invasive laparoscopic methods.

If the tumor is detected at an early stage in a woman of childbearing age, and she wants to maintain reproductive function, then curettage curettage of the affected mucous layer of the body is used to treat uterine cancer in Israel. The small size of the malignant focus and careful procedure in combination with chemotherapy or radiation therapy promise a complete cure for the patient.

Radiotherapy in the treatment of uterine cancer in Israel is used in the pre-operative period to stop the spread of malignant cells in the vagina and other organs, after surgery in case of recurrence, in inoperable cases and as palliative irradiation in stage IV of the disease - metastases in the bladder, rectum or Distant organs. Remote irradiation, brachytherapy - implantation of radioactive granules directly into the body of the tumor, 3D-conformal radiation therapy and intensively modulated radiotherapy (IMRT).

Chemotherapeutic treatment of uterine cancer in Israel is used to reduce the size of the tumor and alleviate the symptoms of the disease in the late stages of the disease.

If the tumor of the uterus is hormone-dependent, hormonal therapy is carried out with blockers of these hormones. So, to date, the results of some clinical studies show that the hormone-dependent type of cancer in the early stages and, especially in women under 40, is well treated with hormonal contraceptives. Innovative drugs for the treatment of uterine cancer in Israel have an effect on the brain, as a result of which the production in the body of a woman of estrogen, provoking cancer of the uterus, ceases.

Used in the treatment of uterine cancer in Israel and targeted therapy, whose drugs selectively affect the microvascular network that supplies tumor cells with oxygen. Blocking this process inhibits malignant growth of cells.

Regular examinations, timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus contribute to the prevention of cancer, early detection and effective treatment of the problem. .

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