ComputersComputer games

How to play SAMP: install and configure

Fans of the super popular series of GTA computer games mostly agree that "San Andreas" is the most successful part to date. Here are realized all the advantages of the previous episodes, added a huge number of new features, as well as corrected past flaws. But the most important thing about what should always be said first is the multi-user mode. Previously, in the games series "GTA" was only a single mode, but even with it alone these projects managed to stay on top of the ratings and charts for a long time. What can we say about the sensation, which produced the output of SAMP - multiplayer for "San Andreas". However, it should immediately be noted that it is slightly different from the multiplayer modes that are available in most games. Most often they are built-in, that is, you already choose in the game itself, you want to play in single mode or in multi-user mode. But this project does not, so many gamers ask the question: "How to play SAMP?" In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Downloading the game

First of all, you should understand that you will have to have two different copies of "San Andreas" on your computer. One will be used for single player games, and the other for multiplayer. It's always worth starting with this when it comes to how to play SAMP. Naturally, you can play both modes and on one copy, but it will be extremely inconvenient. Therefore, it is better to install two separate options so that you do not have any problems in the future. But here you install two usual versions of "GTA". How to play SAMP with their help?

Installing SAMP

As it was said before, the multiplayer mode "GTA: San Andreas" differs from the modes that are represented in most computer games. Here, to understand how to play SAMP, you will need to download a separate program, which is responsible for the multiplayer. This is a SAMP client, which you can easily find on the official website of the game or on the server on which you are going to play. Install it directly in the folder where you put the game itself, intended for multiplayer. It is advisable to check before downloading the client what version it has. The matter is that some servers do not support the old versions of the SAMP client, and some, on the contrary, do not want to run on new ones, since they were created quite a long time ago. So pay attention to what you download. And then decide how to play GTA: SAMP, it will be much easier.

Starting the game

So, you installed a separate version of the multiplayer game, the multiplayer client itself added it to the folder with it. What next? How to start playing SAMP? Here you should immediately understand that you will not have to run the game itself, but the multiplayer client, so find the exe. The file that is responsible for launching the multiplayer, and include the game exclusively through it. For convenience, you can create a shortcut on the desktop, so that each time you do not open several levels of folders. Well, to not accidentally open the game itself instead of a multi-user client. You run the required SAMP file, but now you have a completely different question: "How to play SAMP on the network?" After all, you do not see the game itself, but some incomprehensible window.

Activating SAMP

Those gamers who have already played multiplayer games or multiplayer of other projects, most likely, will understand this window quite quickly. However, it's still worth explaining that here you do not need almost anything except the Servers tab. Opening it, you can add to the list of any server that you are interested in. Naturally, you first need to research the available servers on the network, and when you find the one that most appeals to you, you must copy its IP address and port, which you then need to insert into the corresponding field of the open SAMP window. Thus, you will add this server to your client and can connect to it at any time by double-clicking.

Registration in the game

It would seem that the complicated can be in the registration, which is required from you at start-up? And many gamers at this point are in an unpleasant situation. And the thing is that there are different types of servers, one of the most popular among them is RP. This means that on this server is playing the role, that is, in fact, a simulation of real life in the world "GTA: San Andreas." Here gamers get a job, have their own house, make acquaintances and connections - in general, freely exist according to the city's rules. And here the cruxest condition is entering as the nickname the name and surname of the character (you do not need to write real data, do not worry). In addition, these servers have a huge number of hard rules to monitor the process, so you'll have to study them carefully to understand how to play SAMP RP. And if you do this, you will find out that at the registration stage you will need to enter your first and last name. In addition, you will be asked for a password, if this server is closed - on such servers are accepted only on a personal request to the administration. But do not worry - their minority, most of all, all resources are open.

Connecting to the server

That's all, now you know how to install a multi-user version of "San Andreas", how to run it, how to add servers and access them. Ahead you have a huge amount of unforgettable impressions. So you just have to choose the server that you want, and join it to start the exciting gameplay.

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