Food and drink, Recipes
Alsatian tart flambe: a recipe and cooking features
It is rare to find a person who does not like tasty homemade cakes. And it does not matter, it's unsweetened products or buns. Tart flambe refers to the favorite dishes of the French, because the place of origin of this yummy is exactly Alsace, the region of France.
At this time it is a popular dish that is served in French restaurants, pubs and pubs. Outwardly it is an open flat pie, somewhat resembling a pizza, but, unlike it, it can be covered not only with cheese, but also with soft curd and sour cream, it can choose lard, chicken, bacon and seafood.
There is even a culinary recipe for flambé tart with a sweet dough and fruit filling.
But this article will present the traditional recipe for this open pie, stuffed with bacon and onions, and the cream is smeared with sour cream.
Necessary ingredients for the test
Alsatian tart flambe is a dish that consists of dough and stuffing.
To prepare the test, you will need:
- flour (preferably sifted, 400 grams);
- dry yeast (one packet, or eight grams);
- vegetable oil (you can use sunflower or olive, you need 3 tablespoons);
- sugar (two tablespoons without a slide);
- salt (one tablespoon);
- water (should be cooled, boiled, about 250 milliliters).
These components are enough for four cakes, which is quite enough for two or three people.
What do you need for the filling?
Unlike pizza, which is often compared to tart flambe, the recipe for this pie has one template filling. To make it you need to get:
- sour cream (better than average fat content, 200 grams);
- onions (four pieces);
- Bacon (one hundred grams).
Dough for French Open Pie
The dough for tart flambe is an ordinary bread dough, which in extreme cases can be bought in cookery in ready-made form. Well, if you do not look for easy ways, then you can mix it yourself from these products.
There are nuances in the yeast test - he needs to be given twice.
We divide the dough into four equal parts and each of them rolls into the bun. Then roll each of the koloboks into a very thin circle with edges a little thicker.
We make the spit
The Alsatian recipe for the flambé tart requires a good dough for the cake, which is prepared from dry yeast by a panic method.
To begin with, we make an incense, for it we need to prepare a capacious comfortable dish that would have high walls.
We pour out sugar, salt, yeast and warm water into the container for it, to grind everything with a spoon so that a mushy mass is formed.
Add half of the flour to the slurry and mix all the ingredients with a spoon, the consistency of the obtained should resemble thick sour cream or dough for pancakes. In case the opara is a bit lighter than required, then you can add a little more flour.
We cover the dough in the dish with food film, a kitchen towel or gauze and leave it for a while (more often it takes about an hour and a half to raise the gum) to a warm place.
It is important at this time not to touch the sponge (do not shake, do not poke a finger), otherwise it will settle and will not rise again. If bubbles and holes appear on the surface of the opaire, then this is a clear sign that it was a success.
Take the spoon and mix it with a spoon until the state that was before the rise. Add the vegetable oil and the remaining flour.
Making the dough
Carefully mix everything, you should get a lumpy thick mass.
Next is the process of kneading the dough for the pie. To do this, pour a little flour on the table and put the dough on it, start to knead carefully for ten minutes. Probably, during the batch it is necessary to add more flour, here it is necessary to look at the test condition - it should be dense, elastic and elastic. At the end of the dough mix, add a spoonful of vegetable or olive oil.
Next, we prepare the prepared bowl with oil and place the dough, sprinkled with flour, into it. Cover the bowl so that the dough does not get worn.
After an hour, the dough should increase a couple of times, it needs to be slightly crushed. To do this, first press the center with the palm or the fist, and then do the same with the edges. We spread the dough on the table and mix it again.
If the dough springs under the palms, it is easy to assemble into a colobus or a lump, it has a smooth, even surface, it was successful. In addition, during the batch it is necessary to feel how the air bubbles burst under your hands, otherwise, the future product will not turn out to be airy.
We make a tart flambe
Preliminarily turn on the oven and set it at a temperature of about 200 degrees.
We cut the bulbs with thin half rings, bacon - thin strips.
When all the koloboks are rolled into circles, choose one and spread it with sour cream, then spread evenly onions and pieces of bacon.
Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil, you can replace it with flour, which is evenly distributed on a dry baking sheet. You can also use paper for baking.
We place in the heated oven one of the cakes for ten to twelve minutes.
Bake should be one by one, it will be just that while the first fir - the second one was prepared.
How to use tart flambe?
Serve this Alsatian open cake with a hot, freshly emerged from the oven, traditionally it is laid out on a wooden board, not a plate, and cut with a pizza knife for portioned pieces. Eat tart flambe hands.
This dish is perfectly combined with beer or white Alsatian wine.
In restaurants, it is often served only in the evening and is cooked exclusively on an open fire at a temperature of about 350 degrees, so often the edges of the cake burn. But this nuance does not need to be perceived as unqualified masters, because in France such edges are a component part of the pie.
Like all baked goods, this dish is quite high-calorie (about 2500 kcal in one portion), but what a delicious one.
Of course, the homemade tart flambé pie turns out to be more accurate and cute than that prepared on an open fire. He just disposes to home gatherings.
Reviews of all who tried or prepared this dish, mostly positive, because it's so nice to get together with family or friends for delicious food and heartfelt talk.
Bon Appetit!
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