
Preparation "Ginalgin": instruction

Ginalgin (vaginal tablets) are used for diseases of the vagina of an infectious-inflammatory nature caused by microorganisms sensitive to the components of the preparation (including thrush). The active ingredients of the drug "Ginalgin" instruction refers to citric acid, chlorohinaldine, metronidazole. They also release another form of medicine called "Ginalgin" - candles.

The instruction recommends the use of the drug for ten days at night. Therapy should be started after two to four days after the end of menstruation. Ginalg Instruction recommends that you enter the vagina once a day.

If necessary, the treatment course is repeated after two weeks.

Patients with diseases of the liver of a severe course of medicine "Ginalgin" instruction recommends using with extreme caution in connection with the slowing of metranidazole metabolism.

During the course of therapy and for several days after it is finished, alcoholic drinks are not recommended.

Therapy is recommended to the partner. Throughout the course of treatment should refrain from sexual intimacy.

With the use of the drug "Ginalgin" the instruction recommends observing the rules of hygiene. You should thoroughly wash your hands not only after, but before the introduction of the medication into the vagina.

Insufficiently studied are the safety and effectiveness of the use of the drug "Ginalgin" in the treatment of patients in childhood (up to eighteen years of age).

In the treatment of elderly patients, there are no data on dosage restriction.

As clinical practice shows, the drug is tolerated fairly well by patients. To the rare side manifestations when using the drug "Ginalgin" the instruction refers to the itching of the vulva and the vagina. Such unpleasant reactions to the drug disappear at the end of the therapeutic course.

In some cases, the drug can provoke a pain in the abdomen of a spastic nature, a taste of metal in the mouth, anorexia, constipation, headache, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea.

This drug is contraindicated in lactation, hypersensitivity, morphological changes in blood, pregnancy, pathologies of the nervous system of the severe course, children under eighteen.

It is not recommended to prescribe the drug "Ginalgin" in combination with medications that include metals, iodine, antiseptic components (benzalkonium chloride, for example).

It should refrain from the simultaneous administration of medication with agents containing disulfiram, in connection with the likelihood of toxic effects on the state of the nervous system. Use in therapy of the drug "Ginalgin" in such cases is recommended to begin after two weeks after the end of the use of these drugs.

Metronidazole has the ability to enhance the effects of anticoagulants (warfarin, for example). As a consequence, prothrombin time is prolonged. This active substance, which is part of Ginalgina, can also enhance the effect of ethyl alcohol.

In clinical practice cases of overdose with Ginalgin are not described. It should be noted that the components of the drug can penetrate into the systemic bloodstream. A high level of metronidazole can provoke systemic reactions.

According to many patients, Ginalgin is a drug that is effective enough and does not cause any side effects. All likely negative reactions can be observed over a short period and, as a rule, are eliminated on their own.

However, before using the medication, you need to consult a doctor.

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