ComputersComputer games

How to play SAMP and what is it?

Most likely, every gamer has at least heard about SAMP - the majority of reviews about it are positive, many users can spend days in the virtual world. But what is it? Why does SAMP attract people so much? In fact, everything is very simple - this abbreviation stands for "San Andreas Multiplayer", that is, this is the multiplayer mode of this game, which was released a little later and is installed separately from the main client of GTA. If you are interested, you first need to learn how to play SAMP, because in this cozy virtual world you have to win back your own role, performing the tasks set before you and living a full life. Such opportunities have not given yet no single multiplayer game.

Installation of a PUMP

As already mentioned above, this multiuser mode is delivered separately from the game itself, so you will need to download a special client and install it on your computer. If you want to learn how to play SAMP, then you need to put yourself on the PC another version of the game, which will be designed exclusively for multi-user mode. The fact is that your customers will be very different, since in multiplayer, most of the mods, plug-ins and scripts that most gamers use in San Andreas are banned. After that, you will need to connect to one of the existing servers or create your own. But the first option is more practical, since it will take you a long time to gather enough people on the server. If you want to play at once, then you need to join some popular server, where a lot of people are constantly online. Once on the server, you face the main question - how to play SAMP? You are thrown to the station - what to do next?

SAMP commands

If you decide to learn how to play SAMP, then you will need to learn a large number of teams. In general, immediately accept that almost every action requires a certain console command, so print out their list, but the most basic ones need to know by heart, because without them you can not step into this world. You need to get a passport, driver's license, and most importantly - a job that will bring you income. This is where your virtual life begins. Live by the rules or join a gangster grouping. And you can become a policeman and fight crime. All in your hands, so use all the possibilities.

Getting Ranks

Another important point is the ranks in SAMP. You will receive them over time, when you will do something useful for your social unit. Ranks are the same as the police, and the bandits and even ordinary taxi drivers or postmen. Your rank depends on how other people on the street address you, what work they will give you, and how much you will receive for it. Naturally, everyone aspires up the career ladder, but not all can reach the summit, so you will have to seriously strain to succeed.

Population of the city

One of the most important advantages of SAMP is the fact that there is no artificial intelligence in the city. This means that all the characters that live there are controlled by the same gamers as you. Naturally, you can add AI - on the sites for download is available for the SAMP. But do you need this? Of course, if there are only a few people on your server, then maybe it's worth creating the visibility of the population, but it does not add to the merits of the game, so it's best to play on those servers where there are enough people for full interaction.

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