EducationSecondary education and schools

How to make a plan for writing correctly: recommendations

One of the best ways to organize your thoughts is to make a plan. This skill is necessary for everyone, in particular, for schoolchildren. During the course of school, children very often make up a plan for the paragraph, essays, etc.

Why do you need to be able to draw up a text plan?

If you want to write a good essay, a speech, a novel or a simple essay, then you need to make a preliminary plan. Without this important stage, the final text will be chaotic, not thought out, and the main idea will be to "circle around". How to make a plan correctly? How to reflect the structure of the plan in the text? Read about this in our article.

Work on composition: stages

Before you start making a plan for writing, you need to understand the whole sequence of work. First of all, you need to think about the topic of the future text, decide on its main idea. Next, you need to select the material: statements, quotes, determine the theses. The composition of the essay can be started after you know exactly what you want to say in your text. Next, you need to think about the introduction and conclusion. Drawing up a plan for the main part of the text is as important as working on a general plan. Now you can go directly to writing the essay.

Plan for composition: what is it?

Let's look at how to prepare correctly for writing a composition. In general, drawing up a plan implies the allocation of individual items. It is necessary to identify the key ideas of the already finished text or the one that you plan to write. Here the plan of the poem or story is no different from the plan of writing.

What does it mean to compose an essay plan? This means breaking the text into certain fragments, while highlighting the ways in which your thought will develop. Each of the resulting fragments is a microtext that will be equal to one paragraph or several. Each such microtext should be entitled. And the title, in turn, is one of the items of the plan.

How to make a plan correctly?

It is important that the whole text is united by one thought, and the selected fragments are logically connected. As a result, a text should appear, in the structure of which it is possible to single out the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.

How to draw up a plan and what to put into its points? As a rule, not single words, but whole phrases and unfolded phrases act as points. In separate words it is very difficult to convey the main theme or thought, they are too specific and "narrow". However, complex sentences are also of little use, since they represent a complete thought: everything that they wanted to say has already been said.

How to make a plan correctly? Use as the items exactly word combinations, because they carry information in a shortened, collapsed form, while they represent a semantic unity. In the very composition, this thought will need to be "deployed." However, it is possible to formulate the points and in the form of questions, the answers to which you will give in the text.

What is important to remember when drafting a plan?

At the time of work, it should not be forgotten that the plan drawn up earlier carries information about the structure of your work. It contains specific information about the content of each semantic part of the text. That is, through the plan, the entire work must be "viewed".

Beginning of work: composition structure

Making a plan, you need to think about the direction of thought that you are going to reflect in the composition. Where do you start? Than finish? What will you write about in the main part? Any text consists of three main parts: entry, main body and conclusion. Choose the headers for each of them. You can supplement them with your notes-explanations. So you will get a detailed plan of writing, which will make it much easier to write a text without losing the logical connection between the parts. You can formulate the items of the plan in the form of questions to which you will answer in the composition.

Remember that all three parts of the text will be unequal in their volume. In addition, one should not allow any of them to fall out.

And what to write in each of the parts of the composition?

  • Introduction. An anticipation of the main idea of the text is the introduction. It as though "advertises" it, trying to interest the reader. The introduction prepares the main idea for perception, and also sets the tone for the entire text. In this part of the work you can bring interesting aphorisms or express your emotions.
  • Main part. This section should reveal the thought that you want to express.
  • Conclusion. In this part, you need to sum up what you said in the composition. Remember that the text should not break abruptly. Briefly repeat the main thesis, draw a conclusion.

Layout plan: example

Let us give a sample of the plan of composition-reasoning. For example, you need to write a text on "What is friendship?" In this thread, you can speculate about who a friend is, or tell about your own friendship and prove that it is friendship. The plan for the story or reasoning is constructed according to the following scheme:

  • Introduction. In this part of the work we prepare the reader for what we will discuss in the text. It can be said that friendship is an important part of our life, or bring an interesting statement by a famous person and express his consent or disagreement, further justifying it.
  • Main part. Here it is necessary to give arguments that prove what you said at the beginning. For example, to justify why friendship in human life plays an important role. If you agree or disagree with the statement about friendship, you need to explain reasonably why you are of the same opinion or why you think otherwise.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your arguments, draw a conclusion.

Making a plan: advice and recommendations

  • Drawing up any plan begins with a comprehension of the topic and an answer to the question about what I want to say in my composition. How can this be logically connected?
  • First, on a rough draft, sketch out the main points that should be reflected in your text.
  • Do not be afraid to use auxiliary materials. This does not mean that you can simply write everything off the Internet. But look at the options of other people's works on a similar topic and take some ideas on the note is not forbidden.
  • Remember that not all the volume of material will be reflected in your work: choose the most interesting and important.

  • First of all, remember that the composition of the composition must obey its content.
  • The thoughtfulness of the preconceived plan determines such important things as the sequence of presentation of thoughts in the text and the logical connection between its parts.
  • The proportionality of parts of the composition is also important: the total volume of entry and conclusion should not exceed a third of the volume of the entire text.
  • When drawing up a plan, use short and simple sentences. Express your thoughts on the merits. It is not necessary that the language is perfect at the stage of plan creation, the main thing is that the items accurately reflect your point of view.

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