Food and drinkRecipes

Goulash in Hungarian. Recipe

In each country there are several bright culinary creations (the dishes will be called too prosaic), which are the pride of the nation, largely reflect the national character and characteristics, convey the very essence of the identity of the people who invented them. After all, they are not "born" in the kitchens of fashionable restaurants, but in peasant huts, during folk festivities and festivities, or in bowlers of shepherds, such as the Hungarian goulash, whose name means "shepherd, shepherd." Goulash in Hungarian, the recipe of which is as ancient as the history of the Hungarian people, has nothing to do with the dish, so common in the institutions of our catering. Hungarians - it is a thick, saturated with tomatoes, red pepper and paprika, meat soup, which the shepherds-nomads were immediately the first and the second course.

There are several varieties of this culinary creation, the most famous of which are actually goulash, as well as perkelt, cloth and paprikas, which are distinguished by some subtleties in cooking, barely noticeable to people ignorant, but very well distinguished by the Hungarians themselves. So, goulash in Hungarian, the recipe of which includes exclusively lean beef tenderloin, is a thick soup either from one meat, or with the addition of carrots and potatoes. In the preparation of percolate use any meat. It can be not only beef, but also pork, duck, chicken, lamb, even fish. Perkelt is thicker than goulash and, rather, refers not to the first, but to the second dishes. The cloth is made from several types of meat with the addition of vegetables and mushrooms, paprikas - is similar to a token, but its essential ingredient is paprika.

What do you need to know in order to cook a real goulash in Hungarian? The recipe is quite simple, the main thing is to adhere to certain mandatory conditions, one of which is the choice of meat. It should be beef tenderloin or veal pulp. Meat must be taken a lot. How to cook goulash from beef - a very satisfying and fairly spicy dish, which necessarily contains paprika?

Goulash in Hungarian

It will be required: beef tenderloin, potatoes, onions, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, paprika, pork fat and cumin. In the heated fat, fry the onion, add chopped meat, cover the pot and cover the meat and onion in its own juice on a small fire. During the extinguishing process, put some greens and cumin into the meat. When the liquid boils, add a little boiling water, and simmer the meat almost until ready (you can add red wine if you want). When the meat is almost ready, pour carrots and potatoes cut into large enough pots, and after a while red peppers and paprika, at the very end of quenching - tomatoes without skin. Goulash is stewed until all ingredients are ready under the lid on a small fire. Then let him brew for some time. It is not necessary to observe strict proportions in order to cook a real goulash in Hungarian style. The recipe for this dish is quite democratic and can consist of a different ratio of vegetables and meat. The main thing is that the result is a thick soup saturated with a mixture of vegetable juices.

Perkelta or chicken goulash. Recipe

In warmed fat in a frying pan with high sides, fry onions, cut into large enough semirings. To the onions, spread the chicken, cut into large pieces for frying. After a while in a pan with chicken and onions, add chopped sweet peppers, then tomatoes, peeled. Tomatoes will give the necessary liquid, highlighting the juice. We do not add any additional liquid to the goulash. Stew the chicken and pepper in tomato juice until cooked, constantly turning over so that nothing burns. At the end of extinguishing goulash it is necessary to pepper and salt, put chopped greens. Perkelt from chicken or goulash in Hungarian, the recipe of which can be so, is ready.

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