Food and drink, Recipes
Baked fish in a multivariate: recipes, photos
Everyone knows how useful fish are for humans, what useful substances and trace elements are included in it, so we will not dwell on this. We only note that the dishes from this product are almost on our table almost every day. In a variety of forms: in soups, fried, boiled, stewed, baked, dried and others. With some methods of cooking, it loses more useful properties, while others - less. Best of all, the baked fish in the multivarquet and oven retains the beneficial properties.
Bake fish in a multivariate
With this method of preparation, almost all trace elements and useful substances are retained. After all, the fish is subjected to minimal heat treatment. We will tell you a home-made recipe that deliciously appreciates lovers of delicious food, and cook quickly.
The recipe for the dish "Baked fish in the multivarquet"
After defrosting pangasius, we wash it and dry it, remove excess moisture with paper napkins. We cut an arbitrary size portioned pieces. As greenery we use: feathers of spring onion, dill, coriander, parsley, celery. You can add others to your taste. Selected shinkuem, also cut onions. Hard cheese and carrots rub on a grater of a large size.
Cooking more fish and cheese in the multivark
Now you will be presented with a recipe, in which the cooking process is very fast, but the quality does not suffer from it at all. The resulting dish is real magic, and in only 50 minutes. The number of products needed is very small. This: mayonnaise, sour cream, pepper, salt, cheese and, properly speaking, fish. Cooked in this way, it will not yield to absolutely any other dish. It is useful, tasty, satisfying and self-sufficient. And you do not need any side dish, maybe just some vegetables.
So, the ingredients: red fish - 0,5 kg, 150 grams of cheese, two tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream, pepper and salt.
We prepare three portions. If you want to get a properly cooked fish, the recipes with a photo will help you to fulfill everything exactly.
We wash it, dry it and turn it into steaks. Pepper and salt to taste. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl of the multivark, set the "Baking" mode and, without closing the lid, fry the steaks on each side for 10 minutes.
Bake fish with mayonnaise
For a change, we'll do it in the oven. Let everyone compare how better and tastier, and make a choice. In the oven, you can cook any fish, but we advise you not to take too bony. From sea we recommend cod, hake or pollock, and from the river - sazan or pike perch. If it is greased with mayonnaise and overlaid with fried vegetables, you will get a delicious fish with a crusty crust.
Ingredients : fish - one kilogram, onions - two heads, mayonnaise, carrot, flour, vegetable oil, spices and salt.
Now we will prepare the dish, which is called: "Fish baked with mayonnaise." Clean it, gut and rinse. We discuss with a cotton or paper towel.
Fish baked in foil in the oven
Finally, we will tell you how to bake aquatic animals in foil. Having done it correctly, by prescription, you can organize a festive dinner or dinner for yourself. In addition, in this case, you can put in the file any fish fillets.
We need: 0.6 kg fillets, two hard-boiled eggs, 50 grams of butter, one tablespoon of 3% vinegar, salt, three onions, to taste - ground black pepper and greens.
Now about how the fish is prepared. Recipes with photos will help in this sort out. The fillet, if frozen, is previously thawed and cut into portions. Then we marinade for 20-30 minutes in a marinade, preferably in a cold place. We make it from a glass of water, vinegar, salt and pepper.
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