
Russia is a legal state: de facto or only de jure

A legal state is one in which there is a rule of law for all sectors of society. In it, human rights are protected by law, and the judicial branch is independent of the legislative and executive branches of government. Laws in such a country are accepted for the benefit of society as a whole and of every citizen individually. Based on these provisions, can we say that Russia is a law-governed state? Or is she only de jure?

The problems of the formation of the rule of law in Russia have existed for more than one century. Until 1861, serfdom existed in our country . The decree of Alexander II it was canceled. But the question is whether this legacy has been obsolete or whether it still dominates us. Legislation protecting at that time the rights of ordinary people was not accepted. Since then, by and large, little has changed.

An attempt to say that Russia is a rule-of-law state, or at least tries to become it, was undertaken during the 1905 revolution. The State Duma seems to have even agreed to the adoption of the Constitution under the pressure of the masses, but soon the fairy tale affects, and things in Russia are being made very slowly. The First World War and the subsequent revolution put a cross on this attempt. The Constitution was adopted already by the Bolsheviks in 1918, but it legislatively fixed the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the rights of the citizen with its postulates diverge. The law continued to be simple Declarative concept. The Constitution changed several times, but the human rights situation and the attitude of the legislation to them did not change.

They talked about the fact that Russia is a law-governed state, after the collapse of the USSR and the putsch of 1993. The authorities again declared the desire to create a constitution working for the people, as well as respect the rights of their citizens. At the same time, the Declaration on Human Rights and the Declaration on the Rights of the Child were signed. It must be said that the Russian government of the first half of the 1990s easily signed various legislative acts that were not financially supported, and many laws lacked a mechanism for implementation. In this respect, we went to a new circle. The legislative base was not supported by additional incentives, there were no performance algorithms. This is probably the main problem of the formation of the rule of law in Russia.

At the moment, the authorities are trying to prove to the citizens of the country and the world community that Russia is a legal state not just de jure, but also de facto. By A great deal, if you ask such a goal and prove how much the rule of law is Russia, then you can find out by experience. Analyzing the situation at the moment, you can definitely say one thing. Today the country is at such a stage of development, in which the scales can bend in one direction or another. There is power (especially in local government) trying to prove to others and others that its will is the law, but nothing changes in the country. There are citizens who have already proven to power structures that there is a law that is one for all. And there is a huge stratum of the population that adheres to neutrality (from sin far away). So whether we live in a law-based state, directly depends on how we ourselves abide by the law and demand it from the branches of power.

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