Homeliness, Do it yourself
How do I wash my coat at home?
Outer clothing saves us from the cold and wind. Got a favorite coat from the closet, many want to bring it to a proper state. First of all - to clear of dust and dirt. Unfortunately, dry cleaning services are available to a few. So let's talk about how to wash your coat properly yourself.
Rules for preparing clothes
There are several rules, the implementation of which will avoid unpleasant consequences after washing. After all, the main task of this procedure is to save clothes from dust and dirt, while the color and shape of the product should not suffer. So, how to wash your coat at home?
1. First of all, you should study the information specified by the manufacturer on the labels. Usually here you can find the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wash this product in a washing machine. If a crossed-out basin is indicated on the label, it is better not to experiment.
2. In the second stage of preparation, you should unfasten all fur elements: collars, cuffs. If the product is sewn in such a way that these elements can not be removed, they should be gently tapped. It is important that after this procedure on the product there are no holes, so do it extremely accurately.
Some mistresses wrap the fur with polyethylene film. Sometimes it helps. But if the film slips during washing, then the coat will be spoiled forever.
3. It should also be removed and large metal parts: jewelry, buckles. During washing, they can catch the fabric, as a result, there may be puffs and even holes. For the same reason, they remove buttons, locks, and fasteners.
4. Before washing, it is best to dry clean. The product should be knocked out on the balcony, so much of the dust will be removed. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.
5. Greasy stains should be strewed with starch or talc. If this does not help, for dark shades you should use gasoline. For a light material use a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
6. For some materials it is better to choose a special detergent. It is better to prepare in advance a gel for cleaning cashmere, shampoo or baby liquid soap.
Thinking about how to wash your coat properly, you should pay special attention to the detergent. After all, not many people know that the usual powder for washing delicate fabrics should not be used. After all, grains settle on the fabric and provoke the appearance of divorce. It is best to wash these products with a liquid detergent. Today in the outlets you can find such liquid detergents with marks: for wool, for cashmere, for delicate fabrics.
If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a detergent, you can prepare it yourself. The powder can be diluted in water beforehand.
When buying a detergent, you should pay attention also to the recommendations for the color of the product. White fabric does not harm the product for colored linen. But the use of funds for white fabrics when washing bright products will definitely spoil them.
You should also use the air conditioner. It removes statistical electricity and softens the fibers.
Some housewives use a hair conditioner. After this means the material becomes smoother and more pleasant to the touch.
Washing rules
How do I wash my coat at home? There are basic rules for washing outerwear:
- All delicate materials must be washed at a temperature of 40 ° C.
- Multiple rinsing will remove the appearance of white divorces from the powder.
- Drying of outer clothing is always necessary in a suspended form on the shoulders. Also, you can spread the product and all the folds on a horizontal surface and leave the product to dry completely.
- When hand washing, do not wash the fabric and crush the product. It is better to raise and lower clothes in water.
- Iron delicate material can not be ironed. It is better to use a thin cotton cloth or gauze. Do not overdo the product, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of wrinkles.
Material Features
By looking at the information on the product tag, you can understand that washing in a washing machine is a bad idea. But if you decide to refresh your coat in this way, you should pay special attention to the quality of the fabric. Cashmere, wool and polyester - each material has its own characteristics, and therefore requires special care. How do I wash my coat in a washing machine, considering the type of material from which the product is made?
Wool coat coats
How to wash a coat of wool? After all, everyone knows that wool is prone to shrinkage. Woolen products should be washed correctly.
Basic principles of washing:
- Wash the product manually or manually.
- It is necessary to use special detergents for wool.
- The water temperature should not exceed 40 o C.
- You can not wring out products made of wool, they easily deform.
Dry the woolen coat in a suspended state. To keep it in shape, it is better to hang the product on the shoulders. Water drains, and the coat does not stretch.
Special attention should be paid to the folds. They should be smoothed out, bends - straightened. The dried coat can be ironed through gauze.
After drying the coat must be hung out to fresh air to prevent the appearance of a musty odor.
Cashmere coat
In the wardrobe of any woman, cashmere clothing must be present. To spoil such precious clothes is very easy, because it requires special care. How to wash a coat of cashmere correctly?
Remember, this material can not be washed in a washing machine. The fabric will deteriorate, because the material is prone to shrinkage and deformation. It should also be remembered that pellets are easily formed on the surface of this material. After such upheavals, you will not be able to bring back your favorite thing. Therefore, we will not take risks and give preference to hand washing.
Stains on cashmere clothes can be withdrawn only by cold water without the use of any means. This method perfectly copes with fresh pollution. And old stains can be removed, only using additional detergents. Clean only the dirty areas.
How to wash a cashmere coat if the pollution is abundant? First of all, you should read the information on the label. If the fabric does not require dry cleaning, the coat can be washed in cold water. You need to get a full bath, add a special cleanser or baby shampoo. Periodically, the product should be raised and lowered, slightly stretched out by hand.
Special attention should be paid to rinsing. For this, the bath is again and again recruited and "bathed" the coat in it. This procedure should be repeated several times to accurately get rid of the detergent.
Remember, cashmere coats can not be dried on hangers in a suspended state. The product should be placed neatly on a towel in a horizontal position.
Coat of polyester
How to wash a polyester coat? This material can be called universal for outerwear. It does not get dirty, it does not deteriorate after washing, it renders it a little.
Before you send the product to the wash, you should also read the information on the tag from the inside. After all, if irresponsible to treat the temperature regime, the product can also be spoiled. With excessive heating, bends can grasp and no longer be smoothed.
Polyester is adversely affected by chlorine, so you should carefully study the composition of the bleaching agent.
The rules for washing clothes from polyester:
- Delicate washing mode (no more than 40 о С).
- All zippers and buttons must be buttoned.
- Can be placed in a special linen bag for washing.
- Any powder can be used.
- You should use an air conditioner that will soften the fabric.
- Thoroughly rinse the product.
- Do not wring out.
- Dry in a suspended state on the shoulders.
If you do not trust the washing machine, you can wash your coat with your hands in warm water. Remember, you can not unscrew the product.
How to peel a coat from a drape
First of all, you should read the information on the label. You can first try to deal with stains with a damp, clean cloth. This method does not carry a risk for the material.
Wet cleaning involves the use of a weak solution for washing delicate fabrics. Clean the surface of the coat with a dense cloth or a soft brush. Movements should be smooth.
After the clothes should be rinsed and hung over the shoulders to dry in fresh air.
If this procedure did not work, then the same measures should be taken as for washing cashmere.
As you can see, you can wash your coat in a washing machine, but pay special attention to the material of the product and the manufacturer's recommendations. So you can not only get rid of dirt and dust, but also keep the product in its original form.
If you are not sure and do not know how to wash your coat at home, then it's better to contact a specialist. After all, bad ventilation will cause a coarse smell from a cashmere coat, and a wool product can stretch out due to an incorrect position. And such results of washing will not justify the absence of dust and dirt on the product. In this case, you have to spend money on the purchase of a new coat.
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