
How to make a fireplace

Of course, many would like to have in their home a fireplace that brings warmth, comfort and comfort. However, how to make a fireplace? The question seems insoluble, but it is only at first glance. In fact, if you approach this problem with all seriousness, then it is not so difficult. And such luxury can be afforded not only at the dacha, as some think, but also in your apartment. Only this will be false, but it can give more heat than the usual brick. For such a fireplace in the furnace you need to install an electric fence. Fire in such a fireplace, of course, is not real, but imitation is so reliable that you forget everything immediately.

It is easiest to use for gypsum cardboard production. We need to start from the drawing, which will indicate all the dimensions of the upcoming building. It should be noted that the size of the electric fence must match the size of the furnace. How to make a fireplace? This process is quite simple, but the accuracy of compliance with all the nuances is mandatory. By the way, the frame of the fireplace can be made from a metal profile, and you can use wooden bars.

In the country house is quite appropriate and wood burning fireplace. Since it is not easy to make a fireplace by yourself, it is first necessary to consult people who have already encountered this problem, rather than relying solely on their knowledge. If you adhere to all the rules, it is possible to build a fireplace and without assistance.

First you need to determine the location of its location. It should be built near a wall or a brick partition. Brick fireplace should be located on the foundation. Since the design of the fireplace itself is quite heavy, it must have its own foundation. To do this, you need to open some of the floor. In the ceiling and on the roof it is necessary to make a hole for the chimney. Of course, these dismantling works will bring some inconvenience, but they can not be avoided.

Do not start working without preliminary drawings and calculations. It is best to resort to the help of an experienced stove, as making a fireplace without its recommendations will be much more difficult. Also he will help to calculate the necessary number of bricks.

Before the construction of the fireplace, you need to think in advance about its finish. For this purpose, marble or granite is usually used. Artificial stones cast in special shapes, as well as metal plates, will be suitable for facing.

You can use the simplest method of decoration, that is, plaster the fireplace. This process is carried out in two stages. First, you need to apply the spray method to the surface of the fireplace liquid solution. After it dries, a second layer is applied, less liquid. Then use a float to smooth the surface well. The layer of applied plaster should be at least two centimeters. After completely drying it, the surface must be dyed.

For tiling, you can also apply a tile. Begin laying from the bottom up. Mount the tile with heat-resistant mastic. Since it is necessary to make a fireplace, observing accuracy and accuracy in all respects, special attention should be paid to the seams, because their unevenness and disparity will immediately strike the eye. The tiles themselves can be leveled using a straight bar.

In order to understand how to make a decorative fireplace, you must first imagine it yourself. In any case, it is necessary to first outline the outlines of the future fireplace with metal profiles , and after that the whole structure should be covered with plasterboard. As one of the options, you can advise you to make a few stairs inside the fireplace, on each of which to install the candles. In the center of the hearth, it is necessary to glue the mirror plates, in which the candles will later be beautifully reflected. The remaining surface can be decorated with fragments of broken tiles or dishes. These fragments are glued with ordinary tile glue. They should be positioned as close as possible to each other, so that thin seams remain between them. After the glue dries, the seams need to be filled with a special trowel. If the seams are too wide, the grout will crack. Therefore, every nuance, even the most minor, should be taken into account, since the overall impression of the fireplace will depend on this.

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