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How to lose your virginity right?

In our progressive century, when everything is known about sex almost from diapers, virginity for many seems something old-fashioned and unnecessary. And among teenagers the virgin will be considered more likely unpopular, especially against the background of more relaxed in dialogue with an opposite sex of girlfriends. But if you ask the girls about their "first time", then almost everyone will say that it was painful, unpleasant, not as cool as expected. What to do in this case? How to lose your virginity and not experience discomfort?

To begin with, in this article we will not talk about the correct poses for sex, not how to attract a guy and tell him that you are ready to give him your chastity. It's about how to understand if you are ready for this crucial step, and how to lose your virginity properly, so that later it would not be painfully painful physically and mentally.

So, you decided to become an adult and start living a sex life. Think carefully if you are ready. Each person has his or her own psychological age. To feel happy, he needs to behave in accordance with this age. Therefore, before you lose your virginity, think about whether you are ready for this internally. Will not you make a mistake if you go on about the more developed girlfriends? Will not you just do it to be like everyone else? If at least one of these reasons flashes in your head, it's better to postpone this step: you will hardly get the joy of the first sex, but you'll spoil the impression forever.

Before you lose your virginity, you need to choose the right partner. Remember that the pleasure of sex largely depends on your emotional attitude to the person. That is, with the beloved guy, this process will be much more pleasant than on the principle "just to try." Undoubtedly, if you really give your chastity, then a person in whom you personally will be 100% sure that he is healthy, feels warm feelings towards you, will not flaunt other people by having entered into intimate relationships with you .

Well, the very process of losing virginity also deserves a certain preparation. It's best if this event happens in a quiet romantic atmosphere, in your or his apartment, in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, because the right attitude is half the battle. In addition, always let your partner know that you are virgin, and ask him to be careful and attentive to you, because the pain from the rupture of the hymen is most often due to sudden movements. It will help to relax and tune in to the appropriate harmony together taken before this warm bath. Of course, remember the protection. Before you lose your virginity, be sure to touch on this topic with your young man. Even the first time you can get pregnant or get infected with any sexually transmitted disease. It's unlikely that you are striving for this.

And do you know how you can lose your virginity yet? With the most common riding a bike or while riding. In general, this is a simple matter from a medical point of view, but very important in terms of psychology. Therefore, do not rush to enter into adulthood, and if you really want, then do it with your beloved person to save about this event only pleasant memories.

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