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Mila Tumanova - her biography and school "Milamar"

The world undergoes metamorphosis and with it people change. Of course, this is a natural process, but in pursuit of ambition it is easy to lose sight of the true values for which it is worth living. This is especially true of women who are forced to take on not only women's, but also male responsibilities, and the latter sometimes outshine the first. As a result, a woman is lonely or in a relationship with an unloved person, often with an inferiority complex.

Mila Tumanova: biography and personal life.

The projects of Mila Tumanova, the creator of the school of the geisha "Milamar", the club "Women's World" and the author of numerous trainings on the self-realization of ladies are aimed at a change for the better. Mila was a student at the Tomsk State University, Plekhanov Academy and the Polimod Institute, graduated from many business training courses and was assisted by some. But eventually I realized that she was interested in the themes of personal growth and esotericism. As Tumanova herself notes, at first she did not think to seriously engage in training for women's self-realization, but the more they spent, the more she realized that it was her life's business. Mila Tumanova calls herself a happy woman who realized her dreams. She is the mother of two sons and the beloved wife.

Why is the school "Milamar" so popular?

From time immemorial, most of the world's religions and philosophical schools tend to the fact that the man is the getter, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth. Her main role is to be engaged in home, child and husband. But modern realities ascribe to the woman one more function - to work and support the family. And the weak half of humanity is forced to live according to the laws of the male world, which can not but affect its character - over time, the feminine gentle beginning supplants the gross masculine. And it continues for several generations. What did this lead to today? As Mila Tumanova notes, women, brought up in the spirit of a "man in a skirt", eventually become tired of this role and want simple female happiness, but they can not experience it. The problem is that they were raised as an independent personality, able to achieve everything and she needs to learn to return to the female beginning and happiness. Raised as a man, she loses a feminine, and the masculine can not fully reproduce. And as a result, a woman is not capable of realizing either as a woman or as a man. Marriage to such a woman can have two scenarios - either she takes on male responsibilities in the family, or competes with her husband. Such a marriage is doomed to failure or an unhappy future, as one of the spouses will once get bored of such a role. But this does not mean that a woman should not self-fulfill herself and give up her career - the main thing in a pair is to keep the balance of the female and male energies, and this mostly depends on the woman - that's why it is very important for her to deal with herself.

History and goals of the school

As the author herself says, the creation of the geisha school was spontaneous - for the first pupils classes were held at home, and the course included her experience in yoga, music, vocals, work as a DJ, model and TV presenter. Today Mila Tumanova is the author of most of the school's programs. They are multidirectional. The main goal is women's self-realization in relations with men and in their careers.

School of geisha "Milamar" currently has more than 11 000 participants, which speaks not only of popularity, but also of efficiency.

The goal of the school is to help women find themselves, accept themselves as they are or change their priorities according to their desires and live in harmony with themselves and the world. For this, it is necessary to reveal its internal energy and external physical potential. The average age of participants is 25 to 45 years.

School programs

Classes are held in 4 directions:

  • "The formation of women" are aimed at revealing and forming an inner sense of integrity and harmony. This implies getting rid of inner constriction, an inferiority complex, the formation of femininity, sexuality and self-confidence. This program will help improve the relationship between husband and wife, mother and daughter.
  • "Mutual relations with the opposite sex" help to understand the relationship with men - the analysis of errors, behavior scenarios, differences in perception of the world, faces of confusion, an inferiority complex and fear. This approach helps develop femininity, sexuality and self-confidence. This allows you to find inner integrity and harmony.
  • "Relations with the opposite sex" are aimed at correcting the main mistakes in the relationship between a man and a woman, removing barriers in the difference of worldviews and behavior scenarios, as well as problems in family relations.
  • "Activities for women" are aimed at increasing attractiveness and sexuality. This includes practical lessons for the development of specific skills in the field of sensuality.
  • "Personal growth, self-realization and psychology" includes classes on general development, determination of ways and ways of self-realization. These trainings do not relate to purely feminine and will be useful to representatives of the strong half of humanity.

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