Sports and FitnessWeight loss

How to lose weight by 10 kg without harm to the body.

It often happens that we, running around, twirling in the routine of daily affairs, suddenly find ourselves on extra pounds. And ahead, as luck would have it, some important event. What can we do to make our favorite dress fit us?

First, it is worth setting a goal, for example: weight loss of 10 kg.

And then we will gradually go to the desired. So, how to lose weight by 10 kg?

I will not consider extreme options, such as - do not eat anything, do lipasoktsiyu or take Chinese pills. All this is a huge stress for the body, and there is no cost to any dress of these torments.

If everything is in order with your health, and this is the main condition for the event, then you can proceed.

How to lose weight by 10 kg, without harming the body. Let's try to understand.

It is worth saying that the lost kilograms are very often returned. This happens because at first we lose weight due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, usually from 3 to 10 kg. Then the process is slower, but we begin to lose volumes, that is, the actual weight loss starts - the subcutaneous fat burns. On the scales this may not be very visible, but in the mirror everything will be clear. Therefore, we will not be upset when the weight starts to decrease more slowly.

What are the options? There are not many of them, but they are.

Monodiettes. For example, buckwheat. We eat buckwheat - as much as you like and at any time, but only one. Such diets are not for the faint-hearted, because very soon the appearance of buckwheat will repel the desire to refresh yourself. Or kefir diet - the same principle - we drink kefir at any time and in any quantity. But from the medical point of view, this is not very useful, because no matter what good product, he is alone. The lack of minerals, vitamins can adversely affect health. And health, do not forget - the main thing. Lose weight quickly by 10 kg, it is likely to work out, even in a short time, but the desire to ever again have this product will disappear for a long time, if not forever.

Vegetable diets. How to lose weight by 10 kg, eating delicious vegetables? They are much more interesting and easier in moral terms - there are a lot of vegetables, they are delicious and there are a lot of dishes from them. This diet is adhered to from a week to a month, but not more than once a year. A day is allowed to eat up to one and a half kilograms of vegetables. Despite the name, the list of allowed products, in addition to vegetables, also includes fruits, muesli and sour-milk products, if they are fat-free. Cook the dishes better in a double boiler or simmer without oil in a frying pan. Or, as an option, eat the vegetables raw.

The Japanese diet. It is calculated for 13 days. By sticking to it, we will not consume salt and no foods containing carbohydrates. Again, this is an unbalanced diet, carbohydrates are necessary for the body.

Diet "minus 60 Catherine Mirimanova." Diet, beloved by many women for her rule: "before 12 eat everything we want." Rather like a lifestyle, the principles of proper nutrition - in the morning we eat everything we want, there are already fewer meals - there are restrictions, for dinner, which should be no later than 18-00, very little.

For any diet the following recommendations are suitable:

  • Drink as much as possible - water, green tea, juices.
  • Move, go in for sports.
  • Take care of the skin - especially behind the eyes - from rapid weight loss the skin can become wrinkled. For the body, use a scrub.
  • Do not forget about the goal, about the very dress of the coveted size. Always keep it in front of you, mentally, of course.
  • Exclude alcoholic beverages, flour products and milk chocolate. You can eat a little bitter.
  • Food is best cooked in a double boiler. And without salt. Give up fried.
  • Do not eat at night. Better drink a glass of yogurt or eat an apple.

The implementation of these recommendations will allow you not to resort to emergency measures in the struggle for beauty and health, excess weight will go slowly but surely. And the question - how to lose weight by 10 kg to a certain number, will not rise. The organism will thank you for this.

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