Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Perfect body. The ideal body of a woman. The ideal body of a man
Which of the people does not dream of perfection? Is that, perhaps, one. Most want the perfect house, the best car, the perfect mate. We also do not forget about ourselves - many people want an ideal body.
If the first items are clear - just look at the advertisement or look into the glossy magazine, then as for the body, do not rush to follow the advice of fashion magazines. Let's try to figure out whether there is an example for imitation, which can be called ideal, and whether it is worth it to strive for.
What is he, the ideal?
Imagine that you have a time machine, and you can wander the past, watching people and traditions of one or another century.
It would be interesting for you to find out how our ancestors lived before, what they were striving for? Probably yes. And what would have amazed you is that fashion has always existed, regardless of the availability of magazines and podiums. So, since the times BC and up to the present moment it is she who dictates and imposes ideals. Who creates fashion? This is not one person. It can be time, habit, living conditions or global corporations, as it happens, for example, today.
How do the ideas of the beautiful
Look at the statues created at the time of the dawn of the Roman Empire or ancient Greece. Men are beautiful, but many girls seem excessively feminine, with rounded bellies and full hips. And what about the paintings by Rubens or Kustodiev?
Ladies that arrogantly look at the audience from the pictures, surprise our contemporaries with magnificent forms and make us wonder: "And it was considered beautiful?" There were times, whole centuries, when people believed that the ideal body is a complete, tan without aristocratic pallor. After all, if a person is full, it means that he eats well and has no health problems. Today, the opinion of an ideal figure is diametrically opposite.
What is the idea of perfection today?
Open any magazine, include a video clip or movie. The ideal body of a man is represented as a fat-free pile of muscles, best of all hairless and tanned. Men-ideals are not very similar to those we see on the streets. But we do not believe that in this situation something is wrong. On the contrary, we accuse an ordinary man of laziness and unwillingness to become a "guy from the cover."
What does an ideal female body look like? This is an angel who presents us with the spirits of "Victoria Secret". If for some reason you do not know what this girl looks like, then let's clarify that this is a tall, slender beauty with cubes on her stomach, a big chest and long pumped legs. An ordinary girl from the street most often looks quite different, but it is she who is to blame for her "imperfection," not advertising and the propagated image of the "ideal."
Should we strive for an ideal?
A person must necessarily strive for something, because in this the meaning of life is to achieve something, being perfected. But this should be your desires and ideals, and not shipped to you in a beautiful cover images.
Do you want a Mercedes? Do you really need it, an expensive car under a well-known brand, or are you just a means of transportation, many times cheaper, that will move you around the city? Perhaps you need a bicycle, but the fashion tells you to buy you an expensive car for fabulous money. Or, for example, clothes. Do you need brand jeans from Dolce Habanna for hundreds of dollars? Or the usual trousers from the same fabric, but without a personal label, will do?
The figure is the same. The ideal body is a myth, a fictitious image that makes millions of people spend money on fitness rooms, beautiful miniature clothes, special supplements or special, "right" food. There is no and never was a perfect figure worthy of equaling or imitating.
What kind of figure can I take as a model?
Why can not a perfect body be considered as a model, a photo of which can be seen on every page of magazines? Why not, you are free to choose. However, there is something that is natural and more easily attainable, and there is a picture that is very far from reality.
Take for example the ideal body of a man. What do modern young people do in life? Yes, only they do not! IT specialists, managers, builders, sellers .. To match the type from the film "300 Spartans" or "Troy", a man should not get out of the gym (or participate in incessant wars with the use of cold weapons and wearing mail, as did the ancient Greeks), to eat sports supplements, and even better to use hormone-containing steroids. Are there six cubes on the stomach and the muscular legs of such victims? Can an ordinary young man work in the office during the day, and in the evening run to the hall in order to be a "guy from the cover"? Hardly. Therefore, this example is unnatural. To be beautiful and have a moderately athletic body, a man should attend a gym, but without fanaticism. You should also eat right, but do not zealous in taking sports supplements so as not to harm your health.
Become a woman of dreams
What does an ideal woman look like ? Today it's a live Barbie doll. But every girl knows what is worth a chiseled waist and extremely light weight - almost total refusal of delicious in favor of vegetables and exercise. And then all your efforts will go to waste if you were born low or with short legs. So is it worth chasing something ephemeral? Is it worth it to monitor every calorie, build hair and nails, increase lips and chest just to match the picture?
Everyone chooses his own answer, but it is best to lead a healthy lifestyle, feel good and feel beautiful. Of course, if you are very much dissatisfied with something in yourself, that is, cosmetics and surgeons, but it is unlikely that nature would have created an imperfect creation. Every person is beautiful, having his own characteristics and data from birth to him features and parameters, and everyone can become happy, nothing in themselves without changing.
Ideal body weight
Another of the greatest deceptions on the planet is a fiction that there is some ideal weight. Someone, considering himself wise and knowledgeable, decided that he is able for every person on Earth, without seeing him, to calculate the ideal weight. And here the mechanism is started - the book is written, another diet is created, the school of the ideal body opens. Do you need it to be happy? Believe me, no! At the natural level, you are endowed with such vast wisdom that an entire army of scientists is simply powerless. Nobody is able to calculate your ideal weight, and therefore better not pay attention to advertising and promises. The school of the ideal body will not bring you to perfection, because it simply does not exist.
At the same time, you can independently and absolutely free to engage in your favorite sport or just lead an active lifestyle, eat healthy and delicious food and be very attractive at the same time.
How to become a perfection, even for yourself?
When you discard the stereotypes and patterns of the ideal imposed on you, you will understand that you still want to be perfect, but it will be your desire, not coming from the outside. So, are there any rules, observing which, you can become a happy owner of an ideal appearance? In fact, there are no rules, but there are some principles, following which, you will easily keep yourself in shape:
1. Try not to eat three hours before bedtime.
2. Your daily dinner should consist of protein. An example of an ideal evening meal is an omelet, a portion of cottage cheese with sour cream, boiled chicken breast. Of course, you can have dinner and something else, a slice of pizza or a chocolate bar for example, but you will not get enough and then eat something else.
3. Do I need to count calories? After all, it is on them that most diets are tied. It's boring enough. It is best to just learn how to eat healthy food and not engage in mental calculations. The right and healthy products are lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, vegetables. Eating food prepared from these ingredients, you will not feel hunger and will not get better.
4. Sweet is one of the most painful issues. If you love sweets and can not live without them, then, of course, you will not be able to achieve the dream figure. It's chocolate, pastries and sweets that are empty energy, which turns into fat on the sides and stomach. A good alternative to confectionery products is fruit, but they also can not be abused. Let two or three fetuses a day become the norm for you.
4. Sports. Do not think that it's boring! It is not necessary to go to the gym, because keeping an active way of life can be compared with training on simulators. What do you like - cycling or roller skating, leisurely walks, swimming? Do what you like, and be beautiful.
And finally
In this article, you did not see the numbers and parameters that characterize the ideal body. If you need accuracy, the modern world will happily provide you with the "right" combinations, but do you need them? Those who write diets and books are not personally acquainted with you. They do not know anything about you at all, so how can you know how you will look in perfect condition?
Remember that nature does not tolerate imperfection and does not allow mistakes. But people often sin this. Eat right, lead an active and vibrant life, and words like "diet" will forget themselves.
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