Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Ekaterina Mirimanova and her diet - 60 kilograms in the red
The name of Catherine Mirimanova, the author of the sensational bestseller My Diet minus 60, is familiar to many today. Her system of losing weight a million army of fans and supporters. What helped to gain such popularity? To begin with, the "diet-60" is understandable and easy to use. It does not require special products or cardinal changes in culinary habits. There is everything possible, and not limiting yourself too much. Sweets, cakes, potatoes, pasta and bread are not excluded completely. The author suggests only to transfer the most high-calorie food for the first half of the day.
Proper dietary habits are suggested to be introduced gradually, which is why "diet-60" is transferred quite easily.
In addition to the nutrition plan , Mirimanova's system includes psychological motivations and skin care tips. A personal example and a first-person story already set the reader to success. I must say that the "diet - 60" reviews are enthusiastic, not only from losing weight, but also from nutritionists. Experts note the author's competent approach to the process of losing weight. Gradual weight loss is most safe, and the results are stable.
And the physical load is not forgotten in Mirimanova's system. Usually, people who are overweight are not too active, so their attempts to go in for sports in a month or two fail. However, sometimes it ends much earlier. The blame for all the fatigue, which a man is not trained to avoid is difficult. Ekaterina Mirimanova advises to perform simple exercises, giving this lesson 10 minutes a day. In her opinion, the main thing here is not the intensity, but the regularity. Under this thesis, any fitness trainer will be happy to subscribe.
What does "diet 60" Ekaterina Mirimanova look like? If you believe the author, you can eat any food, even sugar, chocolate and smoked sausage. It is only necessary to monitor the time of food intake and the caloric content of the diet. Favorite cakes or fried potatoes are best eaten in the morning instead of lunch, but lunch, afternoon tea and dinner should be right. The author recommends adherence to the principles of separate nutrition, that is, eating proteins and carbohydrates in certain combinations. The best thing for dinner is to eat a piece of fish or meat with vegetables. For an afternoon snack fruit, separately or in the form of salads. Dinner should be very easy, best if it's dairy products and vegetables.
Of course, eating potatoes and cakes daily, you will not lose weight, but you can indulge once a week with your beloved portion without harming the diet. The main recommendation of the author is after 6 pm no food. Even kefir, milk, apples and other light foods. However, here you can make an easing, especially if you go to bed not earlier than midnight. Reorganize the daily routine is also proposed gradually, shifting the time of food intake first at 20.00, then at 19.00. Particularly relevant advice is not to eat after 6 pm for those who are accustomed to chewing sitting in front of the TV.
The main convenience of the diet is the possibility of self-selection of products. Recipes of dishes that can be prepared for lunch or dinner are given in E. Mirimanova's book "Diet 60 or my unique weight loss system." If this is not enough, check out the group on "Classmates" or the official diet site. In time, you will learn how to independently assess the calorie content and nutritional value of dishes and you can make your own recipes.
Despite the fact that Mirimanova herself is not a professional dietician, she managed to make a completely competent program of comfortable weight loss. She absorbed the author's experience in weight loss and the most popular food systems. Observe the rules given in the diet can be the rest of your life.
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