TravelsTips for tourists

What should I take my medicine with me on the road

Emigration, a romantic tour, a vacation with children or a visit to relatives living in such a remote place - all these events are inextricably linked with the road. And besides the pleasure that can be obtained from all this, quite often people "grasp" and infections, colds and other ailments that spoil the whole picture. In order for such incidents to be quickly eliminated, it is necessary to bring along medicines along the way. The first-aid kit of each traveler, of course, will be individual, however it is necessary to collect it according to a single rule. We will now talk about this in more detail.

To understand what medications to take on the road, it is important to determine whether you personally or your companions have chronic diseases. If the answer to this question is positive, then certainly the first in the list should be the drugs that the doctor prescribed according to the existing ailment. It will be nice to go to an additional consultation with a doctor beforehand so that he advises what is best to have with him on the trip. It is also worth noting that quite often some of the pills that are customary to us are not common in some countries. Therefore, it is important to know this in advance and solve the problem by purchasing the right amount in the homeland or by finding an alternative to the habitual preparation.

It so happened that even the healthiest person on the road can catch a cold. In the train, the reason for this is open windows, air conditioning in the airplane. Therefore, the main drugs on the road are those that muffle the symptoms of colds. Among these are the preparations "Koldact", "Antigrippin". Doctors recommend lubricating the nasal mucosa with oksolin ointment. It prevents the penetration of harmful bacteria into the body, even if there are passengers with obvious signs of a cold in the cabin.

No less important drugs on the road are external agents. Especially if it is a question of maritime vacations, avoiding a "meeting" with them will be difficult. Therefore, the first thing to pack cotton and bandages, plasters for various purposes, zelenok or iodine. Also, do not forget to bring ointments for wound healing and burns. Do not be unnecessary in the medicine cabinet and a sponge, stopping bleeding.

Many people, getting into a new place, get poisoning, which is caused by local water. Therefore, the necessary drugs on the road - this is normalizing the work of the stomach preparations. Among such there is also an old, it is possible to say, activated coal, and a burden, and sorbeks. If the poisoning causes temperature, then paracetamol will be the best assistant in this case. Remember, the more effective the medicine, the faster the ailment will recede, and you will be able to continue your entertaining and interesting journey.

The most important drugs on the road are pills for nausea. Such drugs are not useful unless on the train. If you dissect on the tracks on the car or fly to distant countries, then it's worth to take them with them. Drugs "Bonin", "Avia-sea", "Kokkulin" are popular. Choose such drugs on the road, which will not cause you an allergy or other adverse reactions. And then your vacation will not be overshadowed by sickness or other dislocation.

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