Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Diet Simeons with Anat Stern: reviews of girls
The problem of excess weight in the modern world is quite acute: according to statistics for 2014, over 640 million people suffer from obesity. For example, 40 years ago this figure was 105 million. Given this fact, it's not at all surprising why so much attention is paid to diets. Despite the sad statistics, there is reason for joy: many people are trying to establish a diet, throw bad habits and start playing sports. One of the nutrition systems that contributes to the normalization of metabolism is the diet of Dr. Simeons with Anat Stern. But first things first.
Some historical data
Diet as a therapeutic diet first appeared before the onset of our era. It's easy to guess that its founder was the "father of medicine" - Hippocrates. After several hundred years, her Arabic doctor Avicenna continued to develop, but as a small mechanism of a large system. It was from his presentation that a section of medicine appeared, like dietology. It was used only as a medicine against diseases of the digestive tract, heart and liver. But about obesity in those days did not think and did not hear - just did not know that this could be.
Diets for weight loss began to develop relatively recently, and not without reason. Approximately in the fifties of the last century there was a need to treat people from excess weight. Various methods were developed, but the principle of their work was aimed only at a certain type of people. To others, these food systems simply did not help to get rid of extra pounds.
Dr. Simeons made a great contribution to the development of dietetics. Gradually studying the problem, he found the ideal solution for her, making her method of losing weight unique, unique and universal.
Diet Simeons with Anat Stern
First, the doctor found out that a person has fat "bad" and "good." In this case, the second is usually burned, and the first remains as it is, whatever the person does. This is the reserve that the body keeps in reserve in case of various stressful situations, and they, in turn, can be both starvation and shock. This is why it is difficult to get rid of fat deposits on the hips and abdomen.
The second discovery was the impact on the process of losing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone, which is present in the blood only in pregnant women. He sends a signal to the brain that it is necessary to use reserves to ensure the fetus and the future mother with all the necessary substances. Thus, if the chorionic gonadotropin will work in the body of an ordinary person, there will be a real opportunity to get rid of fat deposits in the most problematic places. But with this, you need to follow a certain diet. Her doctor made up for 15 years.
"Simeons' diet with Anat Stern" is a book in which a simple woman helps to understand the principles of the doctor's nutrition system. By the way, earlier its development was available only for a narrow circle of people - doctors, because all publications were filled with an incomprehensible simple terminology.
At the moment, Anat Stern is a weight loss consultant. She went a long way before she could achieve what she wanted - lose weight and gain a beautiful figure. Of course, the only method Simeons is not enough - Stern led a healthy and moderately active lifestyle.
After that, Anat set a goal - to help everyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds, do it quickly and without harm to the body. And then, when everything turns out, save the result. What is important, Anat Stern is highly educated in the field of healthy, proper nutrition and weight management. So the Simeons diet appeared with Anat Stern.
Basic principles and features of the diet of Dr. Symeons
One of the main points is the supply of the body with hCG. But if earlier only injections of a hormone have been made, then by now many preparations have been developed, which are a natural substitute, which should not be stabbed. It is also possible to take only the principle of HCG, which will cause the body to react as if a chorionic gonadotropin had entered it. This, for example, is a bioresonance method, when even ordinary sugar granules will act as a hormone, namely, to send a signal to the brain about the need to consume fat stores. This is safe, and in the book "Diet Simeons with Anat Stern" all the ways are described in more detail.
Next - the duration. It can be both 40 days and 23. The second variant is shortened, it will be perfect for those who want to try and evaluate the effectiveness of this food system. Following the diet after 3 weeks, the result is fixed. At this time a person can be said to train to continue to eat healthy foods so that he will never return to his previous weight. Diet Simeons with Anat Stern assumes stimulation and balancing of a metabolism, and by the end of a technique the given process will be well adjusted. All that remains for a person is simply to continue eating healthy food and at least occasionally engage in physical activity.
There are 4 stages:
- Prepare the body and clean it of toxins.
- Intensive diet.
- The period of fixing the result.
- Time to recover.
Features of the menu
The course of Simeons' diet with Anat Stern assumes consumption of no more than 500 kcal per day, and thanks to injections of hCG (or drops / tablets) there is absolutely no hunger. Only two basic meals are taken per day. Of course, breakfast is also there, but it does not count, as it is a low-calorie. In both meals it is necessary to give the body protein (100 g) and carbohydrates, but no fats.
So, the diet of Simeons with Anat Stern - menu (example):
- For breakfast, you must drink a mug of tea or coffee without sugar. If desired, you can add milk, but not more than 1 tablespoon.
- Lunch and dinner consist of the same set of products: biscuit, vegetable or fruit containing carbohydrates, and 100 g of protein.
By the way, only simple water, tea or coffee can be taken from the liquid. Other drinks are prohibited. Now about protein-containing products:
- Lobster;
- chicken's meat;
- crab;
- Shrimp;
- beef;
- White fish;
- veal.
These products can be boiled or fried, but without adding oil. Preliminary it is necessary to remove the fat from the meat, if it is. From fruits and vegetables are allowed to use:
- cabbage;
- spinach;
- fennel;
- asparagus;
- Cucumbers;
- radish;
- chard;
- Tomatoes;
- Beet leaves;
- bow;
- celery;
- Lettuce leaves;
- orange;
- Half a grapefruit;
- an Apple;
- A handful of strawberries.
For cooking, you can use parsley, thyme, basil, garlic, marjoram, salt, pepper, vinegar, dried mustard and 1 lemon juice.
Diet Simeons with Anat Stern menu for a week (as well as for all one and a half month) allows to develop independently, taking into account the above-described recommendations. For example:
- Coffee with milk.
- Boiled chicken breast with a piece of biscuit.
- Tomato and cucumber salad with parsley and garlic.
On the second day you can have tea for breakfast, prepare white fish for dinner, and make a fruit salad with lemon juice for dinner. Then alternate or change the products every day, preparing a variety of dishes from them. The main thing is to remember that the weight of protein food should be 100 grams in raw form, and only 500 kcal per day should be consumed. And, of course, deliver to the body hCG or its analogue. The hormone ceases to take 40 days after the start of the diet, while the diet is increased to 1200 kcal.
The advantages of such a power system
Diet Simeons with Anat Stern reviews is different, and it is difficult to determine which of them is more. But here to understand the main pros and cons of the menu and the use of hCG is easy. The doctor himself believed that the technique he developed was not capable of harming, since it had a scientific basis. First positive qualities:
- The feeling of hunger disappears, the appetite decreases.
- The result is stable in the end, that is, you can not worry about the fact that the weight will return.
- Fat goes away, but muscle mass remains.
- What is important, the figure becomes tight, no sagging skin and stretch marks.
The diet of Symeons
But still the hormone intake does not pass without a trace to the body and can lead to a number of unpredictable changes.
- Occurrence of thrombi.
- The appearance of depression.
- Sore throat is chronic.
- Pathological processes in the adrenal glands.
- Increased fertility, which is not always good.
A book-guide from Anat Stern
This publication, which can be found on the shelves of bookstores, is the first and only step by step guide telling how the diet of Simeons is observed. With the Anat Stern menu, the conditions for taking hCG or its analogue and the process of preparing for a food system, a simple person is much easier to understand. The book includes this information:
- History of the author.
- The basis of the diet of Simeons.
- All you need to know about hCG (injections, homeopathic drops based on the hormone).
- A step-by-step guide.
- Preparation.
- 4 steps in the technique.
- Recommendations.
Diet Simeons with Anat Stern: reviews
So it turns out that almost everyone who is against such a system of weight loss, never tried it. But who once ventured - did not regret it. Basically, many are afraid of hCG (this is understandable - the hormone is still), but today it can be replaced with great success homeopathic drops analogues. About these drugs, many women respond well, recommend others and insist on absolute harmlessness and effectiveness.
As the author of the book says, she tried for 10 years to find the ideal variant of nutrition, with which she could get rid of excess weight. But only the diet of Simeons helped. With Anat Stern (reviews of girls confirm this), it is much easier to lose unwanted kilograms by the endocrinologist's technique, since the publication is not filled with incomprehensible terms, everything is very clearly and in detail described. And so everyone can try, who can not find their ideal diet for a long time. The only warning is to consult a therapist, especially if there are serious illnesses.
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