Beauty, Skin care
How to tan quickly and beautifully?
Today, almost all young ladies know that even, tidy tan not only makes the look attractive, but also can hide small skin imperfections. Moreover, relax under the bright sunlight on a hot day - a complete pleasure. That's why many vacationers sooner or later wonder about how to tan quickly and beautifully.
Despite the fact that a bright sunny day, as a rule, raises the mood and causes only one desire - to run to sunbathe on the beach, this issue should be approached quite carefully. This is primarily due to the fact that direct sunlight can cause serious harm to the body. In order to avoid this, but to solve the question of how to tan quickly and beautifully, it is worth constantly adhering to several uncomplicated rules.
First of all, in order to get a smooth skin color, it's worth to take care of it in advance. Otherwise, how to tan quickly and beautifully, if the body as a whole is not prepared for solar procedures? To do this, the day before taking air baths, you need to treat the body with a scrub. Its composition will help gently give the dead skin particles, slightly align its structure. Also, when taking a shower, you should avoid the means that contain alcohol. Because it is this substance that dries the skin and makes it vulnerable to sunburn.
Further, in order to protect your body, it is necessary to select a sunscreen correctly. It is worth noting that, especially in the first days of sun exposure, it is obligatory to use people of any phototype, according to which such a tool is selected. Otherwise, the skin will be doomed to premature aging, in addition, is at risk of getting sunburn of varying severity. It is also worth noting that for lovers of sunbathing naked not only sunscreen means for the whole body are obligatory, but also special stickers covering especially delicate areas of the skin. They should definitely be used to avoid the occurrence, for example, of cancer
Taking care of the safety of your own body, you can go more closely to the question of how to tan quickly and beautifully. Many for this use specialized activators or oils that moisturize the skin. It should be noted that the latter option can be used only when the skin is already covered with a layer of sunburn, and necessarily in conjunction with a protective agent. Otherwise, a severe sunburn with further redness and peeling is ensured.
Having received as a result of constant stay in the sun and constant care of your skin a beautiful and even tan, it is possible with pleasure to brag of result before friends. And those who are quite far away, you can send photos with your own tips via email. The main thing is not to be confused, as it is written competently from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language - "sunbathing" or "sunbathing". The second option, of course, is true.
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