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Mint during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful feeling and great happiness. Therefore, most women, when they learn about this wonderful news, begin to put a lot of effort to make the pregnancy go well, and the baby was born healthy. They observe the right way of life, do their best to not get sick, using a variety of preventive methods, try to eat normally, allow themselves more rest and less nervous, take care of medical drugs carefully. But sometimes one forgets that it is necessary to carefully treat medicinal plants that can not only bring health benefits, but also harm.

So, is it possible for pregnant women to mint, and how useful is it to the girl's body? Of course, everyone knows about the amazing properties of this plant, which is used, both in traditional medicine and in folk medicine. Apply and its shoots, and leaves, and flowers. It should be noted that mint contains a lot of biological substances, namely fats, sugar, phytoncides, essential oil. She has soothing qualities, and she always drank tea with her everywhere.

But is mint useful during pregnancy? Yes, it is harmless enough for women who are in a position, and then during lactation. In addition, due to the large number of its qualities, it facilitates the very process of pregnancy. Here, for example, toxicosis, because it is one of the most unpleasant moments for every woman. First, during a meal, it is recommended to eat a couple of leaves of mint to get rid of vomiting. And secondly, to cope with nausea, frustration, gastric discomfort, mint candies, chewing gums , and tea with mint will help you . When pregnancy is common to all girls, the so-called hormonal bursts, when the mood often changes to the opposite emotional state, in this case, you can also use this plant, thanks to its ability to cope with stress. Just do not overdo it so as not to cause a backlash.

Also, mint during pregnancy helps to cope well with insomnia, thanks to it sleep is normalized, it allows to sleep, both to mother and baby. It is good to use this plant and with constipation, because they are very often found in ladies in position, since the uterus during this period is increased and presses on the intestine. By the way, in this case, you can prepare yourself an infusion of mint leaves and take it three times a day. To do this, you need to pour a glass of boiling water mixture, which should consist of equal proportions, namely two teaspoons of marigold flowers or mint leaves, valerian roots, and millennia grass. Infusion should be infused for about half an hour, and then, straining it through gauze, you can safely drink 50 milliliters 5 times a day. This tincture is also very useful when swelling in the abdomen.

Mint during pregnancy is also used in cosmetic procedures to improve the skin. So, for example, with peeling or loss of elasticity, which often happens during this period, you need to make yourself a tincture for lotions. To do this, pour a glass of boiled water a tablespoon of dried leaves of this plant and let it infuse for about half an hour, after which it should be filtered through cheesecloth and then used for rubbing, both face and the whole body. But we must not forget that mint during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated as essential oils.

This plant well eliminates bad breath, as well as eliminates the itching and inflammation of the skin. It is very effective for taking colds, coughs, it is quite useful for cardiac and muscle pains, varicose veins, laryngitis.

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