Spiritual developmentMystic

The meaning of moles in the palm of your hand: what does palmistry say?

At different times, they treated the presence of moles in different ways. People could be burned at the stake only because they had similar specks on their bodies. It was considered a sign of evil spirits. In other countries it was believed that having birthmarks on the body is a symbol of beauty. The appearance of them on the palm is a rare phenomenon. The color and size of them can be different.

Why do they appear?

Each birthmark has its value. It is noticed that these specks on the skin tell about the fate of a person and enhance the quality of his character. Why do they arise? It is believed that the appearance of a birthmark on the palm is a sign. They can appear as a result of hormonal failure or during pregnancy. There are congenital and acquired birthmarks. They can appear from exposure to sunlight.

It is believed that the birthmarks on the palms indicate karmic purity. And since there are absolutely no people without sin, stains on the body indicate their shortcomings. Their location, color and shape are of great importance to the destiny of man. Moles that have hair on their should alarm their owners.


The value of moles in the palm of a palm tree is determined by the sections of the arm that bear the names of the planets. Note that there are not many of them, but each of them is specifically responsible for its direction. Venus talks about love and occupies the area of the thumb. Jupiter is the "pointing finger of power." Saturn leads the destiny and is located on the middle finger area. All the successes of man depend on the Sun, it is on the ring finger. Plans hide Mercury in the little finger. The hills on the palm are the Moon and Mars.

The value of moles in the palm of your hand is interesting and curious to everyone, but it is more of a concern for those who have such specks. These people can change their own lives with one effort of will. They often prefer to move away from everyone and not accept generally accepted rules.

Moles in the palm of the hand are studied in detail in palmistry, since they believe that it is a sign from above. People who have such a mark are extremely hardworking. How to determine a good sign or bad promise moles on the palms? We need to carefully study each mound on the hand, those sectors that are considered in determining the fate.


The value of moles on the palm is determined by its color. Luminous appear on the palm of the hand only for a while, they portend a good event. The birth of a baby, an early wedding, a growth in service or material profit is all that is a joyful phenomenon.

If the palm has a black or brown birthmark, this is a good sign. But here its location is important. The center of the palm is good. Material difficulties such a person does not feel, there is a difficulty to keep money, since the owner of this hand is a big waste.

On the right hand

A person with a good and happy fate has a birthmark on his right hand. The back side is marked by an unusual sign - its owner is successful and happy in everything. A mole on the right palm of a man will tell you about the strength of the spirit, about its permanence in all spheres of life. Indicates the integrity of nature. Despite their firmness in their convictions and purposeful nature, such men are mild in nature. They are good friends and advisors.

A woman with a birthmark on her right hand is perfectly perfect. She is smart, beautiful, kind and faithful.

Moles can not be painted, they can not be invented, they appear to warn us about something important, to tell about each other. This is a sign that you need to be able to read.

It is strictly forbidden to touch birthmarks, but there are cases when they deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations. Then the removal of the birthmark should be done only by a doctor. There are several methods in modern medicine: using a laser, cryo-frost or surgical intervention.

Lines and moles

The study of the lines of life on the hands and the prediction of fate on hand is performed by palmistry. Moles in the palm of your hand do not escape from the field of view of this science. After all, these specks on the body are very important elements. Lines on the palm can tell a lot to the experienced palmist. The life line and birthmark speak of a health problem, a birthmark on the head line - a signal about the upcoming trauma in the specified zone. The heart line and the birthmark on it testify to the problems of the cardiac vessels. It is worth consulting with a doctor about this. But maybe not everything is so terrible, and a mole is the result of disappointments in love. And what is the line of the sun, which is burdened with such a sign? The fact that around such a person a lot of intrigue and gossip. What does a birthmark mean on the line of fate? She "screams" about loneliness and loss of money. If the speck "hinders" the line of health, you need to wait for an early illness.

Hill and mole

By the way the moles are located on the hills of the palm, you can tell which person is next, what are the features of his character.

The mole on the hillock of Jupiter says about the failure of all the planned cases and goals.

If the hill of Saturn has a mark, then the whole life of man will be abound with scandals and quarrels. Similarly, a bad attitude surrounding the promises of a mole on the hillock of Apollo. It is easy to recognize a person who loves to lie and steal, by speck on the hill of Mercury.

All this knowledge will help you understand what needs to be changed in your life, how to adjust your destiny, what kind of doctor to go to the examination and preventive examination.

The hill of the moon on the hand is an unusual sign. As they say, a person is not of this world. And if this hill still has a birthmark, then fantasy and good imagination will prevent a person from creating a serious relationship. The indefatigable stormy imagination drives people so far away that sometimes they are simply cut off from reality. The hill of the moon on the hand - this is the site for which you need close attention. The tubercle will help in analyzing its mistakes.

Left and right palms

The mole on the palm of the men on the right side predicts only the most positive in life. The appearance of such specks on the left hands carries negative information.

The mole on the palm of the left hand tells about the hereditary diseases of man, which constitute a real problem for his health. When the correct diagnosis is made and the disease is far behind, and the mark does not disappear, it predicts a great and true love.

Size and shape

Large moles on the arm can predict serious, life-threatening trauma, and in this case, when you click on them, a person will experience pain. If the mole has disappeared with time, then the problem has disappeared along with her.

Many ignorant people believe that any mole is a good sign, but this is far from the case. Oval and birthmarks of rounded shape bring failure. These marks on the body can be energy communication channels with the past.

Studying moles on the hands and palms of palmistry, and studying them on other parts of the body is engaged in another science - moleosofiya. She predicts the fate of a person, can tell a lot about him.

Differences in moles and in form. They have different influences on the fate of their owners. A mole-star is a good sign. Cross indicates the hard fate of man. A number of moles, arranged in the form of a triangle, can bring success. Birthmarks of the correct form testify to the happiness of a person.

Palmists believe that people who have such marks on their hands are confident, boldly go through life, try to help everyone. A woman's hand has a birthmark - this is a sign that the girl has happiness, a successful career, wealth and many children. Such guardians of the hearth devote themselves completely to their family. They have a special talent, as evidenced by a mole on the inside of the hand.

It is no coincidence that all fortunetellers and gypsies, taking a person by the hand, very accurately predict fate. How can they know all this? Studying the science of palmistry, even without knowing how accurately it is called, gypsies receive all knowledge from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who have a unique ability to be attentive to changes in fate.

Passive and active hand

Chiromantists have two concepts that play an important role in determining the meaning of the lines on the hand. There are active and passive hands. The right hand, which man writes, is active. All lines of life on it tell about the inherent qualities of a person's character. And the lines on the left, that is, the passive hand, reflect all the changes that have taken place and have already occurred in life. You can find out what qualities have been acquired by a person with time. If the image of the lines on the right and left hands is absolutely the same, this means that the person does not change anything in his life. He does not want to do this. It is possible that everything suits him.

A little about the lines

What can these mysterious lines on the palms say? Where are they located? Looking at your palm, you can see that there are a lot of lines on it, but not all of them are important in describing human destinies. Only nine of them are especially significant for all who are seriously engaged in the science of palmistry.

So, what do the lines mean in the palm of your hand? The horizontal at the very top is the heart line, human emotions. In the middle of the palm, also located horizontally, is the head line. She will talk about the thirst for knowledge. If it is very short, then the person is lazy and slow. The line of life is moving down and is between the thumb and forefinger. It can be used to determine the life force of a person. The absence of a line indicates frequent nervous breakdowns and stress. The line of destiny passes vertically from the base of the palm to its middle. This is an indicator of success and career. A person can not influence the change in the line of destiny. These are the most important fateful lines on the hand. There are also secondary, which are easy to read and tell about their owner everything related to health, fame, marriage, money and travel. These lines are only called secondary. Although in fact, their information is more specific and often interests a person more than what is intended for him from above.


Now you know the meaning of moles in the palm of your hand. And these lines are added to the lines described above, the information becomes even narrower and becomes useful to the person.

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