
Symptoms of intracranial pressure - we determine and treat on time

Now the diagnosis of ICP (intracranial pressure) is very often. A pediatrician can suggest an increased ICP even in a baby, if he is restless, often capricious, crying a lot, especially in the evenings before going to bed. Signs of intracranial pressure in older children - this is hyperactivity, irritability, increased fatigue.

This situation can not be ignored, it is necessary to check with a specialist. After all, with the years the situation can only get worse, more headaches, sensitivity to weather conditions, a cyclic change of apathy and arousal will be added.

What is ICP

Nature has provided so that our brain is additionally protected. Therefore, it does not adhere to any bones, but is immersed in cerebrospinal fluid (it is also called livcore and CSF). This livkor constantly circulates along the channels of the brain and is absorbed into the bloodstream. It is completely renewed in the body every 3 hours. If an excessive number of livcorns accumulates, then it begins to press hard on the brain. There is intracranial hypertension - increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms of it we described above.

If CSF is not allocated enough, there is a decreased intracranial pressure. Symptoms of it occur only in severe injuries, critical dehydration and other extreme situations for the body. Most often by this time, the person is already in the hospital, so in normal life, a reduced ICP is almost impossible to meet.

The causes of increased ICP:

- the organism exaggerates the livcour;

- livkor poorly absorbed into the blood;

- disturbance of circulation of livcock due to vascular dysfunction;

- congenital features of the nervous system;

- head trauma, tumor.

Signs of intracranial pressure.

Either way, signs of intracranial pressure are rarely associated with severe pain. This is more a question of behavior, mood and overall well-being

- Vegeto-vascular dystonia.

This is the most common symptom. Arterial pressure makes sharp jumps, which leads to weakness and rapid heartbeat.

- Heaviness and pain in the head.

In the mornings, people with elevated ICP mostly feel fine. But closer to the evening in the head appears fog, heaviness, painful sensations.

- Nausea in the morning

This is already a sign of serious problems with intracranial pressure, if there are no other reasons for nausea (stomach and intestinal problems, pregnancy, etc.).

- Rapid feeling of fatigue, leading to irritability

This is a very typical condition for people suffering from ICP. They do not tolerate prolonged physical activity, quickly get tired and start to get irritated. In children this often leads to inconsolable crying and hysterics. It helps in such situations only rest, and best of all - sleep.

- Dependence on weather

The slightest changes in the column of the mercury column lead to changes in intracranial pressure and unpleasant painful sensations.

In adults, signs of intracranial pressure can still be expressed in a decrease in sexual desire, constant fatigue, the appearance of bags and bruises under the eyes.

Of course, ICP should be normalized. Treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor, because first you need to determine the causes of the disease, and they can be very different - from improper operation of blood vessels to serious tumors. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but conduct a comprehensive examination, and then patiently follow the doctor's instructions.

ICP does not heal quickly. Necessarily need a system in taking medication, changing the mode of work and rest, a special diet, exercise. And then the symptoms will gradually disappear. It happens that the improvement occurs after the first week of taking medications and changing the way of life.

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