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How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? Folk and medicinal methods

Many future mothers are interested in the question: "How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?" After all, this unpleasant phenomenon accompanies many women bearing a child. Why does heartburn occur? The answer to this question lies in the hormonal changes that accompany the pregnant woman. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is produced in the body of a pregnant woman in large quantities, there is a relaxation of smooth muscles, including the musculature of the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to such an unpleasant consequence of pregnancy as heartburn.

In addition, the growing fetus presses on the stomach and provokes the return of its contents to the esophagus.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? The very first rule is to eat small portions, but often. It is necessary to chew the food well. Do not go to bed two hours after eating, at this time it is better to be like, that is, to take the vertical position of the body.

If the heartburn disturbs at night, put a pillow under your head, so you find yourself in a semi-lying position, and food is not thrown into the esophagus.

Another way to deal with heartburn during pregnancy is not to eat foods like soda, strong tea, or coffee. Refuse from smoking.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy folk methods

You can brew and drink broths from herbs that have enveloping properties. These include plantain, chamomile, dill, yarrow, mint.

Seed and grain of oats also relieve heartburn.

You can try to gnaw fresh carrots, although this method does not help everyone.

Fresh milk is a product that helps reduce acidity in the stomach. But you should know that milk can cause flatulence, so this method is not suitable for all pregnant women.

You can chew honey that is in honeycombs. Do this slowly, as if chewing chewing gum.

Relief can bring freshly squeezed potato juice, which must be drunk in cases of heartburn.

Do not take baking soda when heartburn occurs. At first, it seems that the heartburn receded, but after a while she worries again. This is due to the fact that soda increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and unpleasant symptoms return.

If folk methods do not help, then the question arises: "How to get rid of heartburn with the help of medications?" In the pharmaceutical market, there is a large selection of drugs that can save from the manifestations of heartburn. But everyone knows that not all medicines can be taken by pregnant women. After all, some of them can harm the unborn child. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the help of those medicines that are safe for both the future mother and her child.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy with medication?

Medicines that relieve heartburn are called antacids. Their action is aimed at getting rid of heartburn and suppressing the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Future mothers can take only those drugs that are not absorbed into the blood. These drugs include "Rennie", "Almagel", "Maalox."

We hope you have received valuable information on how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy. If the above methods do not bring the desired result, you should consult your doctor. It is not necessary to endure the manifestations of heartburn. After all, a pregnant woman should not suffer, but enjoy her beautiful position. Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life. Rejoice at every moment that brings you closer to meeting your baby!

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