
How to fasten child seats in a car, brief instructions

When traveling with a child, do not forget to worry about the safety of transportation in advance. To do this, you just need to know the answers to such questions: how to fasten the child seats in the car, how to choose them correctly and how much time they are allowed to be in? At first glance, this is nothing complicated, but there are a number of nuances that are very important to consider.

Why do you need car seats?

So, first of all it is necessary to decide not how to fasten the child seats in the car, but with what they are needed for. After all, many parents even now do not see the need for them and prefer to carry babies in cradles from the stroller or on their knees. According to data provided by the World Health Organization, child car seats actually save the kids life in the event of a possible accident. For example, infant mortality by using special seats is reduced by 71 percent, and the probability of injuries and injuries is more than 90 percent. These figures are really impressive. The need to install car seats is recognized in all advanced world countries, including Russia, at the legislative level. Do not think that you can keep even a tiny baby in your arms during an emergency braking. Scientifically proved the fact that the speed with which the machine moves significantly increases the weight of all people in it. Even if the speed limit is observed, the weight of crumbs will be felt 30 times more.

Classification of car seats

The child seat in the car is classified according to the child's age and weight. For the youngest, from the first days of life, special autos are designed. They can be used until the weight of the child reaches 10 kilograms, this category is designated by the number 0. They are absolutely anatomical, they are used to transport the infant in a lying position, very often they are used as portable carrying. Such an armchair, as a rule, is located in the back seat opposite the movement, fixed with a seat belt, and the child inside with additional attachments. In this category there is a special subgroup, +0, its main difference is that such a cradle can be set both in the course and against the course of the movement.

Group 1 is designed for children weighing from 9 to 18 kilograms. This chair is usually placed on the move, it has special five-point belts, and it is attached with the help of a regular seat belt of the car. Group 2 is oriented to a weight interval of 15 to 25 kilograms, and category 3 is from 22 to 36 kilograms. Children with a large weight before the age of 12 use special seat belts. There are also universal models, adapted at once for several categories. They have a lot of functions, they can be adjusted in width, height, angle of inclination.

We buy correctly

Children's armchair for the car should be chosen correctly, a large number of models presented in children's stores do not meet international standards and standards. To determine the quality of such products in our country and abroad, special crash tests are conducted, which simulate various emergency situations on the road. Thanks to such activities for public use, a list of the safest and most substandard models of seats is available. Check the safety of the chair is quite simple, you should give preference to proven models, and also require a certificate of conformity from the seller.

Where to place the chair?

Before you mount children's seats in the car, you should determine the safest places for this. So, the most preferable is the rear seat of the car, in the center. It is also possible to install the chair behind, on the sides, however this is already a less profitable and safe position. With the airbag deactivated, and this is a prerequisite, the seat can be placed in the front seat, on the side of the driver.

Ways of fastening

So, how to mount children's chairs in the car? There are two main options, namely:

  • Installation with the help of regular seat belts. This chair is universal, it can be installed in almost every car. When choosing a similar model, pay attention to the length of the straps, they should be enough to fasten the baby. If there are no such belts in the back seat, then their installation should be carried out not by own strength, but in a special service center. Buying an armchair, check the availability of instructions to it, and ask the seller to show how it is installed. Pay attention that the belts should fit snugly and do not have gaps;
  • A new solution for your child's safety is IsoFix. The installation of a child seat in a car in this way was first developed in 1987 with the participation of the companies Romer and Volkswagen. The main criteria of this device was simplicity and reliability. According to the European requirements, since 2011 such fasteners are equipped with all cars.

More information on IsoFix

On the IsoFix system it is necessary to stop a little more, this is a truly unique mount. Child seats in the car on such a system are installed quite easily, most importantly, to understand the basic algorithm of actions. IsoFix consists of hinges made of steel, together they form the Russian letter "P", and the distance between its ends is 280 mm. Fasten the hinges in the carcass of the car, between the backs of the chosen seat, fastening with the car seat is carried out with the help of locks. Find special brackets in the seat back, align them with the brackets of the chair and snap, the correctness of the circuit will confirm the characteristic sound. There is an additional fastening. Child seats in the car can be fixed using a special anchor belt.

It should also be remembered that during the ride, the baby should only give out soft toys, and any heavy objects, including tablets, should be securely fixed.

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