
How to cure cough folk remedies

Cough - an unpleasant and sometimes painful phenomenon - may be a symptom of respiratory system diseases, an allergic reaction, the result of chest injuries. It is typical for both commonplace colds and for such formidable diseases as tuberculosis and cancer. There is a cough that is not pathology and serves to release respiratory organs from foreign bodies and mucus. Cough can occur with irritation of the respiratory tract with dust, tobacco smoke, substances with a sharp odor.

Serious cases such as pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and other diseases require professional medical care, and here we can not talk about self-medication. But it often happens that a cough accompanies a common cold, in which not everyone goes to the hospital. And then the question arises as to how to cure the cough yourself?

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, during which foreign particles and harmful microorganisms are released from the respiratory tract. As a rule, coughing with ARVI goes without treatment in 3-4 weeks, but if it is strong, dry and gives a lot of inconvenience, then it is necessary to take measures to ease your condition and sleep at night.

Take pills and medicines against cough better, after all, according to the doctor's prescription. With mild forms of cold, it is sufficient to use folk remedies to cough, reduce its strength and speed up the production of sputum.

In the people there are many effective ways to combat this kind of cough. So, how to cure a cough with folk remedies?

With cold cough, it is necessary to drink more water, which will restore the disturbed water balance, help liquefaction and rapid withdrawal of phlegm.

A good cough remedy are inhalations, which can be successfully performed at home. Put in the kettle a mixture of dried leaves, pour boiling water, infuse for about 10 minutes. From the paper, make a tube with a wide and narrow end. Put the narrow end of the tube on the keg's horn, and through the wide - inhale infusion about 15 minutes. For inhalation, dried chamomile, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, sage, nettle, lime color will do. Excellent means for inhalation - pine and spruce needles, which contains bioactive anti-inflammatory substances. Inhalation should be done daily several times. Instead of a kettle you can take a pot and breathe over it, covering your head with a woolen shawl. Instead of dried leaves and herbs, eucalyptus or menthol oil is often used .

For those who are interested in how to cure a cough dry, when the sputum is poorly separated, there is another recipe for inhalation. In the dishes with infusion of herbs you need to add a spoonful of soda. You can make inhalation with one soda - three tablespoons for three liters of water. To breathe for 10-15 minutes. Soda contributes to the dilution of phlegm and its rapid release from the respiratory system.

A very affordable and effective remedy for coughing is the inhalation of potato steam. Serve potatoes in a uniform, drain the water and breathe over the potatoes for about 10 minutes.

Do not know what can cure cough at home easily and quickly? Here are some more proven recipes.

In a black radish, make a groove, put the honey there, let stand to isolate the juice. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day. When the juice is over, you can add more honey to the same radish.

To rub the breast for the night with viscous fat, put on cotton underwear and something of woolen clothes, go to bed. It is better to take salo with sheep, but you can also take pork.

Often with a cold, the question arises, how to cure a strong cough quickly. To do this, put half a teaspoon of soda into a glass with boiled milk, the same amount of unsalted fat inside, mix and drink before each meal.

People have been treated for a long time with cough milk and oats. Unpeeled oats put in a thermos with hot milk (a glass of milk for a handful of oats), insist five hours, strain and drink.

Another way how to cure cough with the help of traditional medicine. Grate garlic, pour it with boiling milk, insist in a thermos. Drink between meals for one tablespoon.

A well-known and simple way to treat a cough is hot milk with honey. In a glass of hot milk stir a tablespoon of honey and drink overnight.

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