
When and how to apply menthol oil

Menthol oil is a medical product with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. In some cases, the drug produces an analgesic effect, narrows the vessels. The main indications for the use of menthol oil include dermatosis, headache, rhinitis and pharyngitis, tracheitis, stenocardia.

Before using the drug alone, you should consult your doctor with the purpose of timely detection of contraindications and to avoid additional health problems.

Menthol oil can cause some side effects: allergies, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, increased pressure. Very carefully, you should use the drug in treating children. For children under three years of age, menthol oil is contraindicated.

If the respiratory tract is affected, steam inhalations should be performed using a glass of hot water with menthol oil. Migraine will help to overcome a special menthol pencil, narrowing the surface vessels. At a headache it is necessary to grease a forehead, темя, whiskey. Interestingly, lotions of menthol oil are used even in the fight against cellulite. Menthol oil for hair is very useful. In the summer, they can lubricate the exposed parts of the body to escape the heat.

Menthol oil: a treatment for the common cold

This drug is increasingly prescribed by doctors to treat nasopharyngeal colds. In order for the treatment to have a quick effect, it is necessary to apply the oil already at the first symptoms of the common cold. From the cold help and compresses, and just rubbing or inhalation. You can also rub the medicine into the bridge of the nose: this will relieve the stuffiness of the nose, but the procedure should be done once in two hours. As for inhalations, they should be administered three times a day for ten minutes. Sometimes breast compresses are prescribed.

Menthol oil for dislocations and fractures

If the bone fractures, the oil should not be rubbed into the skin, since such movements can cause pain and make it worse. A safer and less painful option is the use of an anesthetic compress based on menthol oil. To do it, you need to moisten the cotton-gauze bandage in the oil, diluted in water, and attach it to the sore spot.

Most often the drug is used for stretching ligaments, because it has an antispasmodic effect, and also performs the functions of an anesthetic. If the medicine is applied topically, it will temporarily narrow the blood vessels and deprive the nerve fibers of the nerve fibers of sensitivity . When dislocations doctors recommend taking a bath with the addition of this drug.

Thus, it is clear that menthol oil is a wonderful remedy that deserves a separate place in your medicine cabinet. It is useful for a variety of health problems and will help cope with both colds and mechanical damage to the body. Remember that before using the drug, you should carefully read the instructions for use and consult a doctor. If there are no contraindications, you can safely "save yourself" from an illness that bothers you on your own at home.

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