Education, The science
Radioactive materials. Radioactive objects. Radioactive effects
Studies in the field of radioactive processes to date can clearly identify their potential threats. Expanding the spectrum of substances that carry radioactive danger, makes humanity think about reviewing its activities in a variety of areas. It is impossible to exclude natural natural factors, which also have a specific effect on biological tissues of organisms. At the same time, radioactive materials and their sources are different, necessitating a differentiated approach to the study of this issue.
What is a radioactive substance?
All elements containing in their structure radionuclides in a critical degree of concentration, can be considered radioactive. A dangerous level of nuclide content is determined by the standards of radiation and nuclear safety. Criteria for the qualification assessment are the potential risks of a chemical-biological threat. The presence of radioactive isotopes may also be the determining factor. Most of the materials in this group are of an artificial origin, that is, they were obtained in a synthesized way. As a result of the fission of atoms, a chain reaction is possible, as a result of which the isotopes are distributed. Therefore, reactors of nuclear stations contain radioactive water or a gas medium, which initially acted as a coolant. Also, the radiation itself is characterized by high rates of thermal activity, which is especially dangerous in the organization of transportation of radioactive substances.
Radioactive radiation
The discovery of special properties of radioactive materials was due to the fixation of specific radiation, which had a special effect on natural materials. One of the first experiments of this kind, in particular, showed the ability of radioactive salts to transfer oxygen to the state of ozone, causing darkening and the formation of small cracks in the glass. Deeper investigations have revealed and expanded the spectrum of regular processes that entail radiation: ionization of air, generation of thermal waves, luminescence, chemical effects, etc. It is important to note that not always radioactive materials were considered as an absolute source of danger. The same radiation found its place in the organization of the ionization chamber, scintillation, and also in solving specific technological problems of organic synthesis. The revision of the general attitude to radioactive phenomena occurred against the backdrop of an in-depth study of the effects of the ionizing field on biological tissues.
Sources of radiation
Radiation specialists distinguish several categories of sources of this kind. In particular, there are natural, natural and cosmic sources. And according to strict classification they can be combined into one group, because, for example, cosmic solar radiation fits into the category of natural sources. But natural radiation also implies separation into separate groups. Most often they are understood as technogenic processes, in the creation of which the person himself participated, or they were provoked by his activity. Natural radioactive sources can also be included in the category of natural radioactive sources, but in this case the objects of the environment are rather understood. Such sources have in the structure radioactive isotopes of natural origin. As for cosmic radiation, it is formed by black holes, various pulsars and other objects in which thermonuclear processes occur.
Exposure to radioactive material
The effect can be somatic and genetic. In the first case, it is expressed in the processes of complication at several biological levels. In particular, on the cellular, subcellular and tissue. However, by inheritance, residual effects of somatic radiation exposure are not transmitted, the genetic code with sex chromosomes is not affected. Such lesions can be manifested in impaired growth, weakening of immunity and premature aging. Genetic radioactive effects, on the contrary, are manifested at the molecular and gene levels, contributing to the change of hereditary material. In such cases, genetic mutations occur, which also adversely affect the development of the body.
Positive impact
Radiation studies also show favorable aspects of the effect on biological tissues. Optimized for medical needs means of radioactive radiation in minimal doses have analgesic effect for rheumatism and gout. In some cases it was possible to achieve a serious therapeutic effect in the treatment. There were also attempts of intravenous administration of radiation solutions, which contributed to a reduction in the number of leukocytes. In one way or another, most of the operations using radioactive materials are purely experimental. And the positive effects of the impact are still insufficiently studied for the possibility of widespread dissemination of such treatment techniques.
The effect of radioactive contamination
Yet the main direction of the collision of researchers with radioactive materials remains the problem of pollution. The main contribution to this process is made by large stations that work to receive nuclear fuel. Nuclear plants reprocess radioactive waste, ensuring their disposal. However, the risk of leaks and accidents that result in uncontrolled pollution of the environment is not excluded. For example, carbon dioxide radioactive gas is often used in the same reactors as a coolant. Its use justifies itself and because of its low cost, but the gas environment as such becomes very dangerous for explosions of nuclear elements. More predictable are local pollution, for the management of which there are special methods of decontamination.
What is a radioactive object?
The maintenance of radioactive materials requires the creation of a special infrastructure. It includes polygons, processing plants, complexes for utilization and storage of harmful toxic elements. This is radioactive objects, which are mainly oriented to work with hazardous waste. But nuclear power plants are also part of a group of radioactive enterprises.
Environmental organizations, together with industrial enterprises, develop special programs that allow to regulate the processes of handling radiation sources. For example, today the operating modes of full-cycle plants are relevant. This means that the company uses hazardous waste at its own facilities. At the same time, there are natural radioactive materials that constantly interact with a person. They provide radiation in permissible values and do not pose a health hazard. However, the line between normative and critical value is not always obvious. At the same industrial enterprises, radiation meters are used regularly as a preventive measure. Such measures are included in the list of health and safety rules for workers.
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